Wyoming passes transgender athlete ban – IOTW Report

Wyoming passes transgender athlete ban


Wyoming Republican Gov. Mark Gordon decided not to veto a statewide ban on transgender participation in women’s sports, which will take effect July 1.

Gordon expressed concerns that such a ban was unnecessary and wrote to state Attorney General Chuck Gray, according to The Hill. The governor opined that “the ban included in this legislation is overly draconian, is discriminatory without attention to individual circumstances or mitigating factors, and pays little attention to fundamental principles of equality.”

Despite his reservations, however, Gordon ultimately allowed the legislation to pass into law unchallenged on Friday. Accordingly, 7th-12th grade transgender individuals will be barred from competing on women’s sports teams. An existing state policy from 2014 already requires students to participate in sports consistent with their biological sex, though it allows for some exceptions.

Of particular concern to Gordon is the possibility that the law will face legal challenge for possible Title IX violations. Writing to Gray, he said “[i]t is difficult for me to sign legislation into law that knowingly will cost the taxpayers money to litigate and may be challenged under Title IX and the Equal Protection Clause of the United States Constitution.” MORE

12 Comments on Wyoming passes transgender athlete ban

  1. 4th of July Celebrations
    Come One, Come All
    Best High Dives Competition
    Battles of the Bands
    Three-Legged Races
    Cake Bakes
    Fireworks After Dark
    Family Fun
    Remember, it’s the Fourth of July

  2. Couldn’t it be argued that transgenderism IS sex-based discrimination? If I’m a man pretending to be a woman and competing against “real” women in say “sports” couldn’t that be considered an unfair or prejudicial treatment of real women?

  3. “the ban included in this legislation is overly draconian, is discriminatory without attention to individual circumstances or mitigating factors, and pays little attention to fundamental principles of equality.”

    This coming from a Rhino governor. There shouldn’t have been one iota of pause to not sign it into law. I keep telling those that move to these so-called “conservative” States, that politics change every 4 years and many for the worse.

  4. Gordon is too worried about legal expenditure feelings.
    Never forget
    It’s the Judiciary that they PAY TO.
    Carolina Capitol Punishment Judges
    They got FEES like You wouldn’t believe.
    Cross-Country State and Federal
    Lawyers and Money
    Capitol Style

    Never Forget, Those Judges kill for Money
    It’s what They live on
    Sprouted from Lawyer Seeds
    The Root of Evil
    Money Trees
    Legal Fees
    Law Fares

  5. Part of the real problem with this is they keep using the word “transgender” like there was such thing. There are no trans anything. When you keep using the word some people believe they could be one (or two). It is a mental delusion and illness


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