Wyoming Rancher Wins Local Battle With EPA – IOTW Report

Wyoming Rancher Wins Local Battle With EPA

The Environmental Protection Agency was forced to drop its demand that Wyoming rancher Andy Johnson pay millions in fines and dismantle the stock pond he built to water his live stock.


The Agency had to settle with Mr. Johnson planting some willow trees around the pond and building a temporary fence to protect part of the pond.

Though a battle won on behalf of common sense, the war continues against the Agency’s determination lay regulatory control over most surface water through expansion of the definition of the Clean Water Act.


Expect the EPA to continue spending taxpayer money in their attempt to subjugate land owners, businesses and citizens.

13 Comments on Wyoming Rancher Wins Local Battle With EPA

  1. How did he win? The government put him through hell and back only for him to end up right back where he started and never should have been forced to leave. He can only win now if he sues, and wins, for all the time, effort, discouragement, money, blood sweat and tears caused by the illegal action perpetrated against him and his family by Obama minions!!

  2. “…sprawling nine-acre ranch.” I had to re-read that several times thinking I missed a zero somewhere. $16 million proposed fine for a 12,000 sq ft pond? Yeah that would be classified as “overreach”.

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