X is Flooded With Racist Black People Over the Claudia Gay Plagiarism – IOTW Report

X is Flooded With Racist Black People Over the Claudia Gay Plagiarism

Mostly these black racists are denying the plagiarism existed, saying it was a hoax perpetrated by whitey. Those that admit there was plagiarism say it’s no big deal “everyone does it,” but they singled out Gay because she’s black.

There is no mention, at all, that the idiot flew under the radar until she defended antisemitism, saying calling for genocide against Jews was not a suspendable offense unless they did something physical. So if you committed genocide, that was a step too far for Harvard. Prior to that, harass, intimidate, and assault all you want.

But one guy triggered the mob in a different way. He said Caitlin Clark was the best female basketball player. For some reason, this made them go nuts.

I looked up Caitlin Clark. She may be the GOAT-

15 Comments on X is Flooded With Racist Black People Over the Claudia Gay Plagiarism

  1. In case you haven’t seen the statement from billionaire Dem donor (and Harvard donor) Bill Ackman it’s worth noting.
    Very long, but he really does nail not only how destructive DEI is, but also how for the last few years anybody dissenting from or even questioning it was labeled racist and subject to cancellation. Refreshing that he said it – and great ammo to use against libs.

  2. No mercy – In other words, they’re saying that Blacks have no skills.
    So it’s OK to borrow someone else’s thoughts!
    The Boomerang ranting of the Left!
    Hey Boomer!

  3. Of course EVERYONE THEY KNOW does it. Sub-average IQs, grade inflation, promotion without learning, etc. make plagiarism nearly ESSENTIAL for getting through college assignments…while everyone else actually learned something in K-12.

  4. I saw a meme a few weeks ago. I tried to download it but was not successful. It was a photo of a very pensive MLK Jr. with the caption “The look you get when you realize that your people are judged by the content of their character.”

  5. The problem with the whole show is that people are being evaluated unequally. If we want the blackest skin we can’t be handicapping… me… we just need to get the blackest skin available. If we want the best mathematician we can’t be handicapping… me… we just need the best mathematician. If we want the finest writer of prose we can’t be handicapping… me… we just need to find that writer.

    As long as any irrelevant characteristics are included in evaluating a person in a circumstance the evaluation will be suboptimal in favor of those irrelevant characteristics and at that point the whole evaluation process is destroyed.

    Bill Clinton didn’t want character to be included in the evaluation for leadership (in his case only, due to his very low quality character). Look at those results brought forward to today. Clearly personal character is a relevant characteristic in evaluating a potential leader.

  6. “That girl is a baller.”, according to Omari Hardy, a probable Ghetto Blaster.

    I never read or heard that word “baller” before. I guess it’s easier to say than basketballer, athlete, sportsperson, etc.

    It’s like calling a hockey player a pucker.

    I call basketball players Ball Dribblers.

  7. Holy shit. She’s like Jerry West’s and Larry Birds love child.
    Can’t be having these superior white athletes. It doesn’t fit the narrative.

    Jemele Hill should start watching free style wrestling and some swim matches. Maybe a chess tournament. LOL
    Beach Volley ball maybe.

  8. I read this recently:

    Most NBA fans credit Larry Bird for beating the stereotype that white guys were soft and frail. While that was undeniably true, Larry Legend believes black athletes are naturally more athletic than white guys.

    I don’t know who said it and I didn’t record where I read it, but it’s dumb.

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