Xavier Musk is Now “Vivian” – IOTW Report

Xavier Musk is Now “Vivian”


One of Elon Musk‘s children wants nothing to do with him, and has filed legal docs to drop his famous last name — in fact, she’s changing her full name, and legally declaring her gender identity.

The documents were filed in L.A. County by Xavier Musk … at least that was the name she was given at birth, but now — having turned 18 in April — she says she wants her name to be Vivian Jenna Wilson.

In the docs, she says she wants to be recognized as female — but the name change isn’t just about her transitioning, there’s clearly a rift with dear ol’ Dad. Vivian lists her reason for the name change as … “Gender Identity and the fact that I no longer live with or wish to be related to my biological father in any way, shape or form.”

Neither Elon or Vivian has previously said anything publicly about their relationship or her transition. Interestingly though, back in December 2020, Elon tweeted he supports the transgender community, but added … “All these pronouns are an esthetic nightmare.”

Vivian has a twin brother, Griffin, and the last name Wilson comes from their mother, Canadian author Justine Wilson … who was married to Elon from 2000 to 2008.

Vivian’s hearing on the name change is set for Friday.

31 Comments on Xavier Musk is Now “Vivian”

  1. Poor little Richie Rich is gender confused.
    I would be a hard ass and treat him like the little bitch that he is.

    Side note: I was grocery shopping earlier today and there was an obvious trans thing restocking shelves. Why do these freaks dress like old women and paste on the makeup like old women? Heavy rouge, over done blue eye sockets, freaking hoop earrings. Extended fingernails on sausage like fingers and stretch pants.
    Mommy Dearest must of been a real witch to this guy.

  2. This is how rich children throw fits now? lol
    The funny thing is:

    1. Elon will always be his father.
    2. He’s clowning himself.
    3. He’s mocking actual tranny people by ‘switching’ sex simply because he’s throwing a fit and wants to punish his daddy.

    Poor Elon. lol

  3. Doesn’t the fact that s/he has a twin brother prove trannies aren’t “born this way”? If they’re identical twins, wouldn’t they both transition if that were true?

  4. mickey moussaoui June 21, 2022 at 4:01 pm – “Why do these freaks dress like old women and paste on the makeup like old women?”

    We had one at work about 15 years age. It was coming to work in mini skirts or hot pants and halter tops. HR had to pull it aside to inform shim about dress codes. Not to mention those brand new boobs were already starting to sag. :/

  5. This may not be the weirdest aspect of Elon’s kid’s


    “Musk has two other children with singer Grimes, X Æ A-Xii and Exa Dark Sideræl, who goes by Y. Grimes and Musk broke up earlier this year, and now she is reportedly dating transgender ex-Army soldier Chelsea Manning, who served time for giving confidential documents to WikiLeaks, before the sentence was commuted by then-President Obama.”

  6. Listen up loser, here are the cold hard facts
    1. You are a male, always have been, always will be
    2. Your father is Elon Musk, always has been, always will be

  7. When the reading of Elon’s Will comes about, and her name has been eliminated from receiving millions in inheritance, she’ll change her tune but it will be too late. She’s only 18 – what does an 18 yo know about life experiences?

  8. One more thing, we’ll be reading its obituary in the news down the road. The kid will realize “it” screwed up royally. If I’m reading right about Elon’s kid, as a parent, he can do nothing. Access to mental health? How does a mental health provider screw a kids head back on the right way? The streets of full of mentally ill people.

    One of the most startling statistics: 50 percent of LGBTQ teens (ages 13–17) seriously considered attempting suicide in the past year. And 18 percent actually made a suicide attempt. That’s more than twice the rate of suicide attempts among all US teens, which is 9 percent. The new research sheds light on the critical importance of suicide prevention in LGBTQ youth. Parents, teachers, mentors, and policymakers must help ensure that LGBTQ teens receive ongoing support and access to mental healthcare resources.

  9. This is great, a bunch of losers trying to give advice. Fucked up nine ways to Sunday, take your meds, then take your own advice & toss it in the toilet. 18 legal age, Viv sends her best regards, now buzz off.

  10. If I were Elon I would consider myself a complete failure as a father!

    As much as I like what Elon has said and done recently, this is one hellofva happy Father’s Day presesent!
    Elon’s beedn trotting down the Liberal Yellow Brick Road instead of spending quality time with his son!

  11. Musk wants to go to Mars where there’s no magnetic field and the planet is bathed in solar and cosmic radiation 24/7. He thinks people can live there.

    On the other hand, Bezos wants to live in space (presumably in Earth orbit) where there is MUCH more radiation than on the surface and growing sufficient food has not been demonstrated yet.

    Then there’s Gates. He just wants to simply kill us all off and hog farmland and wave his arms around lecturing people with his sickly voice.

    What’s up with our crazy billionaires?

    I hate to say it, but Gates seems more sensible about things, wanting to stay here and decrease the surplus population – as much as I’d like to pie the guy into orbit (and then boost him to the Sun).

    Oh, and grayjohn. I have zero also.

  12. Just be sure to remove HIM, aka XAVIER, from the Musk Family Trust & Will. No same last name, no money or inheritance of any kind. And that should include no spending money either. Go get a job now and work for a living, XAVIER.

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