Patriot Retort: I think that’s the perfect name for the CCP’s American Propaganda Arm. Their insistence on parroting the Chinese Communist Party’s propaganda is frightening from a cable news network that claims it pursues “facts first.”
On Sunday, XiNN posted an article at their website whose source was the Chinese State-run paper Global Times. Great source, guys!
They initially gave the article this title: “China’s PLA Navy is controlling coronavirus and aircraft carrier’s deployment proves it, report says.”
They have since “updated” the article title to “Chinese state media claims country’s navy not affected by coronavirus.”
Imagine if President Trump said something similar. Here’s how XiNN would’ve titled the article: “Trump claims, without evidence, country’s navy not affected by coronavirus.”
But since the claim comes from China’s state-run media, XiNN doesn’t bother with the “without evidence” caveat. Because XiNN is America’s Source for Chinese Propaganda.
Let me sum up the article for you:
China says they’ve controlled the spread of coronavirus in their navy, unlike those dummies in the United States Navy. read more
XiiNN – Classic, Dianny!!! Very clever, good one. By extension, that applies to NBXii, XiiBS, ABXii and MSNBXii.
Canada: XiBXi
You guys are Brilliant!
Sum ting wong. Xi no have two “ii’s.” He wear patch over bad ‘i.’
So solly, “XiNN.”
… DNXi, BBXi, WHXi, XiN, Nancy PelosXi
feel free to add …
@stirrin ~ one ‘i’ … it’s a logo thing
And have the U.S. leftist equivalent to KCNA from Kimland read it. Nobody cries like Ri- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gewq-TxP8QE
… governor of New JerXi, illarXi, KaliphornXia, Xiattle, PhiladelphXia, New Xiork, Pope FranXis, ItalXi, Mother WhitXi
… I could do this all night ……….. ok, I’ll stop
@Molon Labe – you’re right, the XiiNN logo had two ii’s. I didn’t bother to confirm the correct spelling. Oh well, so it goes. I’ve made worse mistakes.
Don’t forget the meditative mind, body, spirit exercise, Tai Xi
@stirrin ~ no sweat … it’s just my inner correction-Nazi kicking in
I knew what you meant & that’s what counted … I picked up on your theme & promptly ran it into the ground
we’re all in this together … if the women can’t find you handsome at least they can find you handy! 😉
That BRILLIANT logo has only one “i” and not two. It’s the typeface: the letters are made with double lines.
@Molon Labe- I always thought the saying was if the women can’t find you handsome at least they can find you handsy. Guess I’ve seen too much Biden footage.
@Sapper ~ it’s an old ‘Red Green’ saying … keep yer stick on the ice!
It’s called: TREASON.
Since the early ’90s CNN has been known as Communist News Network. They have always pushed the far-left, statist perspective on everything. I remember years ago I was sitting in my hotel with XiNN on, and they were running adds for the global Children’s Bill of Rights. One of those “rights” was: “Children have the right to appropriate information”. Not honest information; not truthful information nor accurate information. “Appropriate” information. No doubt as defined by their governments.