Double Standard: German Police Aggressively Enforce Social Distancing Rules on all but Muslims – IOTW Report

Double Standard: German Police Aggressively Enforce Social Distancing Rules on all but Muslims

19 Comments on Double Standard: German Police Aggressively Enforce Social Distancing Rules on all but Muslims

  1. Why do you think they have us wearing masks now?? It’s part of an overall ‘conversion’, maybe not to be an Islamist, but certainly to convert to ‘their’ way of thinking. Statist if anything.

    You can interpret the their’ the way you want.

    This is about the ceasing of the interaction of people in the public.

    Man it sucks to be cynical.

  2. Speaking of religious freedom, on Easter Sunday morning I drove by every church in town. All were abandoned except one which had a full parking lot of cars with people in the cars and the pastor on the church lawn. Even the Mennonite churches were abandoned which really surprised me.


    People learn, slowly, but if you get your mob together and cause discomfort, firings, and PAIN, they learn not to screw around with your mob. It’s like dog training, and after enough pain, people generally figure it out.

    πŸ‘Š 1. Get your mob
    πŸ‘Š 2. Train them to be obstinate
    πŸ‘Š 3. Find the correct levers of power to harass
    πŸ‘Š 4. Focus on your target, freeze it, isolate it (Alinsky)
    πŸ‘Š 5. Punish that target until they relent, and will warn others of their suffering.
    πŸ‘Š 6. The next time you raise your voice, people in power will back down knowing your mob will come for them, their house, their kids, their family, their livelihood, drag them through the courts with your group funding…

    Government and politicians only understand PAIN delivered by the largest mob.


  4. Every one of those filthy, uncivilized, inbred, Satan worshiping pieces of shit needs to be social-distanced back to their 7th century, third world shit holes. Those barbaric savages offer nothing to the civilized world. Human garbage, social leeches.


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