Ya, so far not so good – IOTW Report

Ya, so far not so good

ht/ fdr in hell

28 Comments on Ya, so far not so good

  1. We’re sorry. The number you have reached (2021) has been disconnected or is no longer in service. If you’ve reached this number in error, please dial: Biden 30330 at the National Democrat Party. Please make a note of it.

    If you’d like to unsubscribe from the current Digital Civil War, please dial ‘0’ and a totalitarian operator will ASSist you. Thank you and have a nice day.

  2. I’ll Bide(N) my time, try to get healthier physically and spiritually. Maybe actually attend art school. Lay low politically and wait for a sign.
    I’m 27- I have a lot left to live for and to give. I’m not gonna let this consume me with grief. Just gonna pray and support others.

  3. …BTW, The “Unity” pedophile is showing his interest in healing by saying the quickest way to remove the legitimate President of the United States is with the 25th Amendment.

    …so much for healing, eh, Fraud?

    …I will never accept or obey a pedophile.

    And thats all I’m going to say about that.

  4. If someone would’ve told me 50 years ago when I graduated from HS in 1971 that 2020 and now 2021 would be like this I would’ve never believed them. I want the old real America back, I’ve lived all my life with freedom of every kind, now at least half of the people in this country think that freedom and all its benefits (emphasis on benefits) comes from the govt. on their terms to tell us what we can and can not do. The hell with that. I fear for my 4 little granddaughters who are all under 5 who may not ever know what real freedom is. Our only hope is in God and not the govt.

  5. Hurt by a bombshell? Experiencing electoral pain not due to an overactive imagination? You may be entitled to overcompensation! Call now and one of our incompetent but well meaning interns will take your credit card information and enroll you in our non refundable, non cancellable Unity program. You’ll have the time of your life…or else!

  6. The Biden effect is happening already. The hubby spoke to a truck driver last night who told him he was fired after Biden got elected. He worked in the oil fields and the boss said see-ya to 150 employees…now he’s trying to make ends meet making deliveries. Buckle your seat belts.

  7. This is on Gab. Take it or leave it, they’re not my words.

    I want you to understand something:

    Twitter didn’t just nuke @realdonaldtrump today.

    They nuked the top 35% of his most influential users/followers/thought-leaders.

    Why did they take the dramatic and unprecedented step of doing this so suddenly, to perfectly rule-abiding users?

    Because of what you could do, when working together.

    Your power to circulate information is unsurpassed in the world. You break media narratives with just a few clicks. Collectively, you are a MASSIVE threat to their panopticon system of control.

    But they didn’t do this just to twist the proverbial knife. No, Trump is readying something – something devastating. Something they don’t want the average person to understand, or have swirling about in their faces.

    Trump is preparing to unilaterally declassify swathes of intelligence that will be so damning, it will expose the core of the Uniparty’s charade, and prove what traitors they really all are.

    They nuked you all today to try and contain what they know is coming. It’s the same reason they’re suddenly panicking and trying to impeach/invoke the 25th.

    They know what kind of damage he can wreak on their little plans.

    But here’s the thing now. Trump has a duty to defend the country against enemies both foreign and domestic. I’m convinced that, in order to do so, Trump will hand off the presidency to a Military Tribunal, as a result of what has now emerged. When the Tribunals are over, they will hand the presidency back to Trump, as we all know he was the rightful, truthful winner.

    They’re terrified, and this is why they’re rushing to cross red line after red line, after committing to the fraud they all knew was fraud on the night and into the wee hours of the morning on the 6th and 7th. They sealed their fate with that certification.

    Nothing else explains everything we’re seeing so far; the panic, the scramble, the utter fear in their eyes.

    Because nothing can stop what is coming. NOTHING.

    And they’re all about to learn that the hard way.

  8. Andrew Torba, CEO of Gab, putting out a good message for 2021. It’s obviously a promotion for Gab, but his might be the alternative to choose:


    POTUS DJT’s response to Titter’s bann of his account. He’s in discussions with alternative platforms:

    President Donald Trump responded to Twitter’s move to permanently suspend his account from its platform late Friday, condemning the big tech giant and saying that it does not stand for free speech.

    “…The president also said he anticipates a “big announcement” soon and that his team is negotiating with other sites and is also looking at building a separate platform…”


  9. @geoff the aardvark: Hate to be a downer here, but America isn’t coming back to what it use to be. I have no grandchildren like yourself, and everyday DH and I are grateful for that. Many are sad for us, but when I read how fearful grandparents are these days, I think we’re in a better place. I do not like what this world has become, and I know you don’t either.

  10. @flip, I know you didn’t write it but if I had a nickel for every time I have heard that “something big is coming” I’d be a rich man. Release the Kraken!, Subpoenas are coming, Trump’s gonna drop the bomb on them now!, etc, etc, etc. and pfffftt. Nothing. It’s time. If there is a treasure trove of damning evidence that will actually make any difference at all, then show it. Shit or get off the pot.

  11. @Tracy

    My two cents: The Repubs did not take appropriate action to correct the fraud on Wednesday, so it is very doubtful they’ll do anything in the future. They had their chance and did nothing. There is mountains of evidence of fraud, yet they ignored it. Too much hate for Trump and what he tried to do.

    Once Biden/Harris is established in office, nothing will happen, unless it’s through impeachment, which is unlikely. The Repubs haven’t the guts for that.


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