Ya, Well, If These Two Say So I Guess We Have No Alternative – NO MORE PETS! – IOTW Report

Ya, Well, If These Two Say So I Guess We Have No Alternative – NO MORE PETS!

NEWSER) – It’s time to abolish the ownership of pets, or “animal slaves” as two Rutgers law professors call them. “They do not belong in our world, irrespective of how well we treat them,” Gary Francione and Anna Charlton write in Aeon. “We control their lives for ever.” Charlton and Francione,

images images-1who own six rescue dogs themselves, argue that pet ownership, animal domestication, zoos, aquariums, and the eating of animal products must be done away with because “these violate the fundamental rights of animals.” And they don’t mean “animal rights” as it’s usually thought of but something much closer to human rights, comparing humanity’s use of animals to slavery, in which animals are property and as such can never truly have rights.


*Cartoon by our own LAZLO

“Animals have a moral right not to be used exclusively as human resources,” Francione and Charlton write. “Substantially all of our uses of animals must be abolished.” They saw we must stop breeding pets as even the most well-treated poodle is still property and therefore has no rights. The killing of animals for meat is also no different than reviled “sports” like dog fighting. In both cases, animals are harmed simply for human enjoyment (Francione and Charlton note a vegan diet is perfectly healthy for humans). Even if laws were created and enforced to require pets be treated as close to humans as possible, that then takes away the right of people to breed more of them. As it is, the current treatment of pets would be considered “torture” were they humans. Read the full piece here.

31 Comments on Ya, Well, If These Two Say So I Guess We Have No Alternative – NO MORE PETS!

  1. The people are the slaves of the pets they own! They must be tired of the “rescue” business because there is nothing that alters your life more (excluding children) than a pet. You feed them , water them, play with them, walk them, house train them, buy toys for them, pick up waste for them & hire pet sitters for them. LOVE them! And I wouldn’t have it any other way. .

  2. ‘S what happens when people stop reading the bible. I haven’t perused it myself for a while, but even I remember the part about “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” (had to look up the exact quote), the concept neatly bracketed by Genesis 2; “Then the LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it.”

    These two (and their fans) seek to disposit the concepts of responsibility of property and stewardship with one of simple ownership that implies an expectation of abuse because people are horrible, and we need experts like this to tell us how to live. You don’t need to read the Bible to know that’s wrong.And not just tomato-is-a-fruit wrong.

  3. Progs run in a circle eventually running backwards. (i.e. Take the current voluntary segregation on college campus dorms). And now this. Vegans lack the appropriate fats in their diet and hence have underdeveloped brains. Their brain development is retarded. So Vegans are retarded. Just sayn’.

  4. I’m just amazed that two obvious idiots are occupying high paying slots at a university. 100 years ago. morons like these two would have been put into a mental institution to prevent them from causing harm to society.

  5. I’ve only read what is on this page, but this is exactly why PeTA was founded.

    What original thinkers.

    “Charlton and Francione, who own six rescue dogs themselves,..”

    Hypocrites, too. “You guys have to stop having animals! BRB gotta go get some kibble and chew toys.”

  6. “A human slave is a thing that exists completely outside the moral community. All the interests that the human slave has can be valued by someone else – the owner – who might choose to value the slave as a member of the family, or could provide the slave with minimal sustenance but otherwise treat the slave horribly. The slave’s fundamental interests might be valued at zero.”

    I am a US Taxpayer living in an immoral society where my interests are ignored by the Government. The only time my values and interests are considered is election time, right after the election I return to being ignored and a slave to the state.

    Big Socialist Government won’t be happy until the populace are all welfare pets, dependent upon government to survive.

    I could have a better life, almost as good as my pets, if government stopped treating me as a slave and got out of my pocket.

  7. Well, we can’t just let all these pets loose on the street. Maybe every pet everywhere should be euthanized for their best interest? Oh that’s going to make things so much better for them.

  8. Maybe these toads should watch videos of pets who mourn when their owners die. Or the videos of when vets come home from overseas after a couple of years and how the pets go nuts with love when they see them in the front door. Better yet, send them to live in ISIS controlled areas where I’m pretty sure pets are not allowed. Then they can live with like minded folks.

    You want to close down Puppy Mills and disgusting breeding operations, I’m all for it. Try to take my dog away and see what happens.

  9. One highlight of my miserable days is to come home to my two adoring “slaves,” Sasha and Yong. They’re so happy to see Mommy, they want hugs, kisses and cuddles before even their dinner!

    Their compay is a joy. They are affectionate, loyal, and amusing. Leave it to the libs to take away anything that makes people happy.

    BTW, Yong was never declawed. I’ve half a mind to ship him to New Brunswick so he can slice these two to ribbons with his razor-sharp talons.

  10. Interviewer: “Well young man, very impressive resume you have here. I’m sorry, I can’t seem to find your University”.
    Applicant: “Rutgers Ma’am”
    Interviewer: “Thanks for your time, we’ll be in touch”.

  11. BTW, other “experts” claim Slinky my cat (pictured above) wants to kill me. Heh! How is she gonna git that special super expensive delicate delicious prescription bag 0 food without me? Slinky can think ahead, smart kitty, she loves me, she really does.

  12. Came home after surgery. Dog knew right away something not right. Climbed up, sniffed until she found stitched area. Shifted in a circle several times before curling up right on top of bandages. Her 6 pounds of warmth did wonders. A gift from God.

  13. So between the PITAs, the ELF, other Nanny Statists, etc, we’re going to be reduced to the status of cavemen, no machines, no animals, no fire.
    F##k’em. With a pineapple. Extra large. Fronds first.

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