Yahoo Publishes, Yet Again, An Article By An Abject Moron – IOTW Report

Yahoo Publishes, Yet Again, An Article By An Abject Moron

Yes, I’m talking to you EUGENE S. ROBINSON. You’re a friggin idiot.51gp+6B7OSL._UX250_


Here are two excerpts from a piece YAHOO published by this simpleton –

The headlines stumble on and wearyingly on, and the episodes they mark hew to a similar narrative line: Someone, very possibly someone Black or Latino, crosses paths with a police officer, and that someone, very possibly Black or Latino, comes out much the worse for wear. In the almost-year since Michael Brown’s shooting in Ferguson, Missouri — not the first such shooting but the first of this most recent string, and also sadly not the last — solutions to police shootings of people who didn’t need to be shot have gone from sputter to nonexistent.

But our fix is so simple that we’re kicking ourselves for not having thought of it before: policing made-to-order. Citizens of color should have the choice to interact with cops of the same racial or cultural background. In practical terms, it would look like this: An African-American driver is pulled over for, say, not signaling a lane change. The attending officer will, in the spirit of good public service, ask the driver if she’d be more comfortable with an African-American police officer. If so? Then the attending police officer calls it in and sits with the citizen until an African-American officer shows up.

Citizens of color should have the choice? Not EVERYONE? (That’s racist.) Putting aside the idiocy of giving only “people of color” this choice (can Elizabeth Warren request an Indian?), in the case of Michael Brown, which you cite in your opening paragraph, could he have called a timeout and requested a “cop of color” to assault?

Question: Can blacks request that only blacks shoot and kill them? Oh, that’s right, that’s not a problem, is it?

Maybe white women can request that their rapists be white? (Have I gone too far?)

…in the face of 400 fatal police shootings (some for missing a front license plate) so far in a year not nearly over, our solution seems as good as any. Well, we can dream, can’t we?

Listen, stupid, I am sick of event analysis from people who lack basic logic skills.

Sam Dubose was not shot because he had a missing front license plate. If he was, the cop would have shot him the moment he saw a missing plate, right? Can you follow that reasoning, jackass?

I’ve lost patience with your ilk. There is no debating with an a-hole who can’t grasp these fundamentals. #LogicMatters

ht/ Mel






34 Comments on Yahoo Publishes, Yet Again, An Article By An Abject Moron

  1. Wasn’t it Yahoo News who recently had an article suggesting that police should be more like firemen?
    That author thought that police should just sit around the station and wait for someone to call them, like firemen do.
    No patrols, no traffic stops.

  2. So basically it is back to the segregation of the ’50’s? Might as well. When was the last time you heard of a congressional white caucus? Or the NAAWP? That’s right! NEVER because that would be racist / white privilege / blah blah blah…

  3. A few years ago Yahoo decided that they were going to dominate the internet news services and created the lefty monster you see today. You have to remember that the majority of the web news sites are run by liberals (or the MSM, same thing really) and as a result what you see is generally shaped to present a liberal good, conservative bad point of view or in this case the white cop killers knocking of those poorly armed minority groups.

  4. From the first link:

    “Among every 100,000 black people who are arrested, 5.6 die,…”

    That means that the other 99,994.4 blacks don’t die when arrested. Put another way, 99.99% of blacks cops deal with live. Now let the MSM scream that from the rooftops!

  5. Math is fun!

    If you are white, you have a 99.997% chance of living through an arrest.

    If you are black you have a 99..994% chance of living through an arrest.

    That’s a difference of .003%.

    Is it worth burning down you local CVS over 3/1000th’s of a percent? Really?

  6. Try it a step further: White woman stopped by black cop; White woman says she’d prefer he call in A) a white male cop, or B) a female cop of any race. How does black cop react? She can’t be raacist! due to B, and she can’t be sexist! due to A.

  7. I’m on board with this guy. I should have the right to wait long enough for a person of authority to address my situation personally who agrees with me. Anyone who disagrees with me can go find someone else who will agree with me. When it’s all over with, I can go home and sip on my scotch.

  8. Oh, and what about his half white driving-age children? Do they choose a cop who is half white/half black? If there isn’t one available, do they get one of each race? Iran, they should be comfortable with either one! 😉

  9. Conversely, white Officers should have the option of not having to deal with blacks. Just ask the two or three Offficers that lost their lives in the past two weeks to murdering black thugs.

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