Yahoo seems to only hire morons like Jason Owens – IOTW Report

Yahoo seems to only hire morons like Jason Owens

Owens wrote a piece about Mariano Rivera, for Yahoo Sports, on Rivera’s support of president Trump.


Rivera talked about his devout Christianity that was strengthened by his belief that prayer saved his unborn son who was expected to die after his pregnant wife contracted chicken pox before answering questions about his support of Trump.

He told the “Fox & Friends” panel that he was friends with Trump before he became president and continues to maintain that friendship.

“Mr. President Trump — he was a friend of mine before he became president,” Rivera said. “So, because he’s president I will turn my back on him? No.”

Rivera also said that he believes that Trump’s presidency is good for the United States.

“I respect him,” Rivera said. “I respect what he does. I believe that he’s doing the best for the United States of America.”

Rivera directly addressed the criticism from The Daily Beast over his relationships with certain pro-Israel groups.

“My savior Jesus Christ — he’s a Jew,” Rivera said. “How am I gonna turn my back and say I won’t support Israel?”

Appearing on a network that openly aligns itself with Trump and his policies, Rivera did not face any critical questioning of his viewpoints.


LOL. If only you were to question Rivera, right Jason? You’d make mincemeat of that idiot Rivera.

Question, shithead. When has the face of the democrats, AOC, ever appeared on a show critical of her policies? And she’s a politician! Rivera is just a private citizen. [He’s also brown. So your criticism makes you a racist!!]

12 Comments on Yahoo seems to only hire morons like Jason Owens

  1. Consider the source. Yahoo has always been for yahoos. I think I’ve read 2 articles there this year and both were way left. You can’t believe anything they post. Isn’t there CEO a woman from oprahland?

  2. I have always liked Rivera. Now I like him even more.

    Can you imagine throwing one pitch for almost 20 years and no one figures out how to hit it? I always wanted the Yankees to get beat, but I couldn’t help but like him.

  3. Yahoo articles, never news, are 100 percent fake, biased , twisted etc…I read Yahoo everyday just to be amazed at the lies and hatred spewed out regarding Trump and his followers. It is often funny it is so strange but most often this is the place to go to discover a vision of reality for the insane..

  4. You might be able to get baseball players to renounce God, but I’ll tell ya’ straight up – ain’t going to happen with any sprint car drivers, rough stock competitors in any rodeo I have been around or Omak Suicide Race jockey I know. In the first place they might just die in the next five minutes, but maybe more importantly – if their mother were to find out about it there would be hell to pay.

  5. These people aren’t going to know what hit them next November. They pulled every card they had and Trump will win well beyond the margin of cheating. Trust me. Democrats will ramp up the cheating to eleventy!!!|!!

  6. ME AGAIN,, “DITTO” on every commie lib liar
    site on the frickin’ web…


  7. Newly inducted and now fellow MLB Hall of famer Edgar Martinez of the Seattle Mariners was one of very few baseball players who could hit Mariano Rivera on a consistent basis. They are both very classy gentlemen who are now among baseball’s greatest players in Cooperstown.


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