Yale epidemiologist says hydroxychloroquine is ‘the key to defeating COVID-19’ – IOTW Report

Yale epidemiologist says hydroxychloroquine is ‘the key to defeating COVID-19’

JustTheNews: ‘Tens of thousands of patients with COVID-19 are dying unnecessarily’ without the drug, he argues.

An Ivy League epidemiology professor is claiming that hydroxychloroquine — the drug that has been at the center of a politicized medical debate for the last several months — is “the key to defeating COVID-19,” and that medical officials should be widely prescribing it to save the lives of thousands of coronavirus patients. 

Harvey Risch, a professor of epidemiology at Yale as well as the director of that school’s Molecular Cancer Epidemiology Laboratory, argues in a Newsweek op-ed this week that “the data fully support” the wide use of hydroxychloroquine as an effective treatment of COVID-19. 

“When this inexpensive oral medication is given very early in the course of illness, before the virus has had time to multiply beyond control, it has shown to be highly effective,” Risch argues in the column.  more

21 Comments on Yale epidemiologist says hydroxychloroquine is ‘the key to defeating COVID-19’

  1. I’m well into the high risk group, and I’ve asked two doctors for a prescription so I’d have it on hand if it was needed. They said I didn’t know what I was asking for in the most condescending manner they could. I have an appointment this week with a pulmonologist, I’ll see what he says.

  2. Highly effective. That’s why”they” don’t want it for a treatment.

    The governors who refuse to let doctors prescribe it should be charged with murder for everyone of their citizens who die because of their hatred of President Trump.

  3. Isn’t Yale an Ivy League school?
    Ivy Leaguers aren’t allowed to speak the truth, when it conflicts with Leftist orthodoxy.
    Oh, and he’s a white male!!!
    He’ll be canceled very soon.

  4. also, masks were not effective until after there were tons of them having been manufactured by companies that should be building F150`s and real industrial products.

    So why the Fuck can they not produce tons of hydroxychloroquine instead…

    Because it`s not Nov 3rd 2020, that`s why!

    Just drink about 15 Vodka Tonics a day folks. Can`t hurt much.

  5. We could have saved the American people alot of the nonsense of wearing mask’s, in-house arrest, lockdowns, etc.. if the FDA, Dr Fraud and the rest of the bureaucrats would have just got the hell out of the way.

    The greedy bastard’s just wanted to line their own pockets and to hell with the American people. 🤬

  6. Now with my vast medical experience, I have decided to use a different Treatment program for Malaria which seem to work just as well. I take QUININE as a prophylaxis, but I take it in the form of GIN AND TONIC! It may take several doses per day but I ain’t felt sick yet!


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