Yale Students Go On Hunger Strike Which Includes Taking Breaks From Strike To Go Eat If They Get Hungry – IOTW Report

Yale Students Go On Hunger Strike Which Includes Taking Breaks From Strike To Go Eat If They Get Hungry

Naaaa, they aren’t snowflakes.

They’re a bunch of regular Bobby Sands-like warriors.


15 Comments on Yale Students Go On Hunger Strike Which Includes Taking Breaks From Strike To Go Eat If They Get Hungry

  1. Oh, if that’s how it works I’d like to declare that I have been on a hunger strike for the past, what day is it? Oh, let’s call it 48 years.

    I’d paddle on about my issue but it seems rather pointless now.

  2. @ Thirdtwin, you have an excellent suggestion, were they really going to go hungry for the cause du jour.

    They get their 40K a year tuition free. Plus free healthcare. Plus a 30K a year stipend. Before they are hired for an actual job outside of the hothouse. And now faux vanity hunger strike PR.

    Can I get that gig? Except for the hunger strike bit. Screw that.

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