Y’All Want to Discuss the Show “Yellowstone”? – IOTW Report

Y’All Want to Discuss the Show “Yellowstone”?

I know nothing about it, but I understand it is very popular.

So, like-minded fans can have at it in this thread.

Ht/ Rich Taylor and Brad

62 Comments on Y’All Want to Discuss the Show “Yellowstone”?

  1. I’ve only watched the first three seasons (it’s in its 4th and I don’t have the paid network to get it), but no soy boys are allowed on this show. It is very entertaining and highly recommended to those who can find it on DVD or watch on tv.

  2. Cherl, there have been rumblings online that the current season added some woke/antifa types.
    I wouldn’t doubt them fucking up a good thing.
    The Walking Dead was great for 6 or 7 seasons then BAM!
    Turned to unwatchable shit and killing off the best characters.

  3. Love it! Kevin Costner is brilliantly cast. As cheryl said, no soy boys allowed. Real men with real men jobs, take no prisoners, do whatever needs to be done to get the job done.

    It a thumb way way up from me!

  4. Loco, they did add an environmentalist character that has interactions with three of the main characters, but fortunately they did not contaminate the series!

    The train station: would it impugn my
    character if I said I’d like some politicians to visit ???

    Great show, well written, highly entertaining and definitely worth the time to watch!

  5. Filmed in Montana, about Montana. Woke, not really & not yet. Antifa, in Montana,thats funny but Fock no. That “right” there is a right-wing state, hard-core. No pussy BLM or antifa types allowed in Montana.

  6. Best show on TV, entertainment wise. Surprised something like this could actually come out of the industry. Pro individualism, reason, capitalism and enough toxic masculinity to turn an antifa riot into a quivering pile of soy pudding. Even the daughter is more of a man than any XY chromosome life form that the progressives could produce. Love it!

  7. I’ve watched all four seasons and the latest I found pretty disappointing. Very little action. Far too much “cowboy” stuff. Ridin’, ropin’ and competition ridin’ and ropin’ I didn’t find it entertaining after the first round of it and it carried through on multiple episodes.

    Kayce out in the wilderness seeking visions that entailed no eating or drinking for 48 hours didn’t border on the ridiculous, it was ridiculous. I could look at Kelsey AsBille who plays Monica, Kayce’s wife all day, every day for the rest of my life though. She’s dang purty.

  8. FYI: The live season is on Paramount Plus but not the first three seasons. The first three seasons are on Peacock channel but not the current season. You can get all three seasons of it on DVD.

  9. The new spin-off from Yellowstone, 1883 is a prequel to it, it’s damn good too. If you like westerns, you’ll like this. But it’s not your daddy’s western, not PG, closer to a “R” rating because of the violence. Right now it’s like the old Wagon train, but with the R, lotsa killin. Those were ruff times, a lot people died, just weren’t cut out for that life.

  10. Was turned off by using the Lord’s name in vain, other than that it really could have had good possibilities.

    Don’t know why Hollywood has to go down that road with everything they produce.

    Been known in my younger years to curse up a storm, but I just can’t stomach cursing against the Lord anymore.

  11. I became invested in this show from the beginning, for a number of reasons.

    First off the scenery is just stunning. This is Montana, clean, pristine, wild, and unforgiving. It is a Red State, people are genuine, unabashed, and no nonsense.

    And the cowboy lifestyle is so authentic and romantic. The Duttons own a large cattle ranch, family run for generations, and they are getting squeezed from all directions. But they are fighters, give more than they take but too often they fight amongst themselves. The patriarch, John, rarely has a days peace, fighting for family, doing right as he sees right, but mostly just to be left alone.

    Early on I was worried that the creators would go all G.O.T.’s, killing off characters that the audience was invested in. So far they have not done this.

    Things I liked about season 4; The Indian community has turned asset and not adversary. The Indian culture got it’s just due this season. Their interests and John’s are more similar, he is beginning to understand this. A new character was introduced, a young boy that Beth kind of adopted. Some of the most heartwarming scenes have been John taking him under his wing, teaching him the cowboy ethic.In past seasons John lived for the moments he had with Tate, his only grandson. Now he can mentor this boy. Beth and Rip got hitched, hopefully he can put the spurs to her, calm her down a bit.

    Stuff I didn’t; Beth needs to modulate her hatred of Jamie. Yes, she has good reason to want to murder him, but John still loves him and considers him family, she needs to respect that. I’m not sure what Summer brings to the table. By all accounts this is not the type John would appeal to (an ANTIA vegan hippy type), we’ll see how this plays out. My 2 biggest complaints; girls allowed in the bunkhouse, so unrealistic, this can never work. And, the degree of “F” bombs. All Hollywood does this and it is so stupid. I’ve been in the military, in LE and lived in Godless California, nobody that I know talks like this.

    There are streaming services that has Yellowstone. You can watch season 4 on the Paramount website;


    And most library’s carry the first 3 seasons.

  12. I quit watching “The walking dead” when they killed off Glen. I love “Yellowstone” the first three seasons but I got tired of chasing it around so I have it up. Love Kevin Cosner though.

  13. Anyone else have issues with the volume on the series? I had to turn the volume up higher than I ever have and I still didn’t catch much of the dialog. The closed captioning was really messed up this season to the point of being unusable although I never did turn it on for any of the prior seasons so I don’t know if it was a series issue or a season issue.

    Hmm, nice to talk about something other than politics…

  14. I watched it for 15 minutes to see what it was like, hit appeared to ing else sucked.be a contest to see which character could throw more F bombs. It was a real crock. The scenery was good, everything else sucked.

  15. I’m happy that so many are enjoying with what sounds like good entertainment. I killed my TV about 1990 and never have enough time in the day as it is. I have 4 books going and that’s my laying around entertainment at the end of the day.

  16. Screw 1883 and Tim McGraw and Faith Hill. If you like your guns and hate left wing idiots who openly supported Obama and Hillary and advocate to take away your guns including free concerts for gun grabbers, you wouldn’t watch one minute of this show.

  17. It’s interesting to me so I DVR it because the number of commercials are stifling. Also the commercials all feature queers or tannie competitions. Even on fast forward its a jarring juxtaposition that hard to take. Macho, macho, macho, then fag, trannie, trannie.

    I just can’t figure out why such a masculine hit shiw is on such a rainbow network. I guess queers love themselves some cowboy.

  18. Gay Advertising?

    Tractor Supply Co, Ariat Western Wear, Coors Beer, Yellowstone Whisky. That’s what we see. Quite frankly the advertising in itself is fairly UN woke. You’ve never watched the show have you?

  19. I installed a little piece of free software called Sonarr, tell it what shows I want to watch and bam, there they are all commercial free with captioning in full HD quality, usually within just a few hours of airing. Radarr for movies. Just be sure to have a VPN running because the downloads aren’t exactly “legal.” Screw commercials and pay-for TV, I’m done with paying broadcast fees, sports fees, and ridiculous taxes. And streaming services want like 50-60 bucks a month, that’s insane. Then they all reward you with commercials to skip or watch.
    $4.99 a month for VPN with nothing woke to sell me is reasonable.

    But anyhoo, I picked up on Yellowstone at the pilot and watched it ever since. Good show. My wife was slow on the pickup and now she won’t shutup about it.

  20. I agree with Anonymous above (pretty sure I know who that is).

    I’ve never seen a woke commercial on Yellowstone. What I think is pretty cool though is seeing some of the characters in the commercials. Beer, whiskey, boots and outdoor gear, not much woke about that.

  21. If the “gay advertising” comment was meant for me, I was referring to Old Racist White Woman when it came to 1883 Yellowstone series. Screw the McGraw’s and their liberal mindset.

  22. I can’t watch this type of stuff especially since Biden.

    90% of the world wants it up the ass. Your election was definitely stolen, the Canuckistan one WAS NOT.

    The world loves wimps. I don’t do Fantasy anymore.

    Too painful/ disappointing

    Cheers, I just got off a Fuckin Icy Roof and modern men shiver when they clear the ice off their car for the 10 min they are out doors in winter.

    We are Done!

  23. Anonymous

    In some cases advertising is targeted to the demographic in your area.
    You really have to see Canuckistan advertising if you want to mini barf in your own mouth.

    In Toronto the Cocksuckery has gone mainstream on TV Commercials.

    Cheers, its coming to a city near you…

  24. Kcir – Not trying to derail the topic, but ever watch the show Mr. Inbetween? About an Aussie hitman and he doesn’t take shit from anyone…loves his daughter, his dog, his brother and his only buddy. Everyone else is on their own. I just finished watching it about a week ago. I thought it was fantastic. Ran for three seasons and seemed to fly under the radar even though it was on FX channel. You might like it.

    Season 2 trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKEPKKk7HdA

  25. The Important take away about Yellowstone is last episode had 11.8 plus million viewers. And growing due to streaming services, etc. That’s a record. Libtard media can’t figure out why such an un woke show could possibly be that popular. It’s not exceptable. It’s a no shit show that true conservatives will love. Sheldon and Costner are looking like the Elon Musk of TV land.
    If you’re a conservative and want to get hooked, watch the last episode of season 3 and the first of season 4.
    On a side note, Bozeman real estate has exploded. They attribute partly due to this show.
    To our own little posers here that don’t no shit about the show or have never watched it. Why do you think it’s your duty to comment, negatively, on something you know nothing about. I think this place deserves better. Thanks for being our own “Woke Police”. Don’t know shit about it, but I hate it.

  26. The open pit mining rig in the intro is running backwards.

    I’m pretty sure I’m married to one of character development influences for Beth, but I’m too scared to ask questions to confirm. 🙂

  27. A similar rant to what Brad mentioned; If you do not watch TV because you gave it up to achieve some higher plane, good for you, but don’t look down on those that did not make a similar commitment, otherwise it’s just virtue signalling.

    Yeah, there is a lot of crap on the tube and Hollywood in general is a cesspool. But I don’t need to give up the things I like (old movies, sports, Yellowstone) to make a statement.

    We all have our own interests and they should be respected. [rant off]

  28. Keystone XL was prevented from running through Montana.
    Lot of welders not welding.
    Lot of “Shit-hole” Countries not paying US Dollars for Oil upgraded in Texas & shipped out.
    Lot Higher US Dollar would save on import costs & curb inflation.
    Lot of Oil dependency in what was a NET Oil Exporting Country.
    Lot of $$$ flowing To USSR (they still exist) & the house of Saud who you/we will have to deal with eventually.



  29. Costner campaigned for Barack Obama, & endorsed Pete Buttigieg & voiced a commercial for Democrat J.D. Scholten.

    ..and he still owes me $8.50 for Waterworld. NY city is still not under water. Mad max in sailboats

  30. Brad and rich taylor are butt hurt because only 98% of the commentators said that “Yellowstone” was a terrific TV series. Get grip fellas and reread the rant you posted

  31. A note to the commenter who said Montana is a deep red state. They obviously have not been there in quite a while. I grew up in Bozeman left in the early nineties and it has been californicated beyond belief. I hate to go back there and visit family now. Same has happened up in the Flathead Valley. Nothing but ex californians who fled that disaster only to vote for the same stupid stuff in their new towns. It’s happening in Idaho now too. I think CDA might have 5 good years left

  32. Steven tease

    Montana, home of John Tester. They’ve had a communist Gov until just recently. Here’s a news flash, Cattle Ranchers vote Democrat. Cattle Subsidies. Old Joes trying to Nationalize the entire industry right now. Nazis love controlling your food. On the Res, Democrat. If you’re on welfare, Dem. Unfortunately Montana is far from red. OPs on crack.

  33. Jennifer bought the series (3 seasons) on DVD, on the recommendation of a friend. I enjoyed the series. There was some whiny Native American shit, but other than that it was fine.

    We see some “Yellowstone” stickers, and t-shirts, and ball-caps around here.

  34. Way too much drama, pauses, and characters just standing there staring at things for minutes on end just to pad filming time…. Looks more like Days Of Our Lives or As The World Turns 1883 Edition. Hopefully Paramount paid Take Two- Interactive for all of the blatant plagiarism throughout its series.

  35. I like Yellowstone and 1883.
    Don’t watch for the actors politics, as long as they keep them off the screen.
    Don’t watch commercials, that’s what DVR is for.
    Was in Montana few years ago, getting overrun by Progs escaping reality and the cold in Jackson Hole.

  36. @Brad,

    “Regardless” of when people pile on YOU for nothing.
    I like a lot of your opinions.

    This is why i talk to my customers & have in person meeting since tone is not always discernible in type.

    What exactly does regardless mean to you?

    It is a TV show, Which has put me to sleep the few times I have watched it.

    You are normally a solid guy.

    I believe, like TSUNAMI said, that it is a distraction and myth.

    I can’t stand actors that regale stories about American independence & heroism and then support the very PARTY & POLICIES that destroy those concepts.
    Every one of them earned a living waving a gun around a screen and then want to repeal 2a.
    [except Alec Baldwin- cough – Hammerblock Safety – cough – cough]

    Friday evening I watched a documentary about RUBY RIDGE.
    it reminds me of Alberta RCMP going after churches & pastors.
    Believe me I DID NOT SLEEP.

    Have a good workout.

  37. @Kcir

    Your comment about tone not being discernible in type is so spot on, but how we can get around this is recognize that we are for the most part of like mind and if someone types something that sounds off putting, attribute it as inadvertent. The benefit of the doubt goes a long way.

    As for actors all being libs, what are you going to do? A deeper dive would probably reveal that all those Yellowstone actors are stone-cold libs. I can separate their work from their politics. I can enjoy listening to Pat Methany, work on a Windows 10 machine, watch Aaron Rogers throw a pass, get on my Peloton bike, or use my Apple watch without getting bogged down in the politics of the creator.

    As for Ruby Ridge, what keeps me up at night is knowing that my government still has good people locked up without bail, all for the crime of taking a stroll through the Capitol Building a year ago last Jan 6th.

  38. Love it. Superb writing, awesome cinematography, clever plots, interesting characters, and totally perfect for the wife and my binge necessities.

    1. Someone above talked about “whiny Indians.” The schlock that comes out of the mouth of Chief Rainwater is predicable but on closer examination is power grabbing disguised as “Indian Rights.” And they take great pains to show the depravation of the Rez.
    2. Monica (Kayce Dutton’s Indian wife) is a “college instructor of Native American Studies” and as such spews the typical horseshit about Columbus committing genocide and forcing young skulls full of mush to lap it up.
    3. The “White Militia” is stereotypical horseshit, not that I am an admirer of militias but it’s low hanging fruit for the producers who must be trying to win over some hearts of Hollywood.
    4. I believe they’ll take Dutton down with the EPA. They almost got him for the justified killing of a bear.

    John Dutton voices the truth: “Everybody’s been fighting for this land for thousands of years. One tribe took it away from another. We just are the latest Kings of the Mountain. Soon someone will take it from us.” (paraphrased)

    Don’t ever forget that this is basically Cowboys & Indians, 2022. Ya know, entertainment (see Hopalong Cassidy, Stagecoach and Little Big Man.) I can stomach the bs enough to enjoy the greatness of the show. I did notice that the Golden Globes shut it out again this year. The bias so apparent.

    “Going to the train station” is now part of the language, like “Blue-pilled.” BFH, you need to watch this just to understand that concept.

    On an unrelated topic, why do all you fine conservatives employ pseudonyms? Whaddya ‘fraid of?

  39. @Chris Cassone

    “why do all you fine conservatives employ pseudonyms? Whaddya ‘fraid of?”

    Not all of us. Pseudonyms are fine, better than the lazy Anonymous’s.

    Monica was annoying in season 1 for the reasons you mentioned but she has grown on me. She stayed with Kasie, is a good mother, and is beginning to see that not all things are black and white. As for the “deprivation on the rez”, the show has struck the proper tone, acknowledging it without dwelling on it.

    “The “White Militia” is stereotypical horseshit”

    Yeah, this is pretty blatant, as evidenced by the fact that they went after the whole Dutton family and couldn’t kill any of them, incompetent boobs.

    Another show that captures the beauty and mystique of Montana was “Longmire”;


    Another great show, about a county sheriff who also finds that doing the right thing has it’s share of problems. And I’ve always had a thing for Katie Sackoff, so there’s that.

  40. I binge-watched Longmire a few years ago – great series. I recognized the Valle Caldera that was prominent in the series. Visited northern New Mexico back in the 80’s = have always had an interest in geology & archaeology – so the volcanics & ancient ruins were well worth the trip. The Malpais down near Grants and Chaco Canyon over on the west side of New Mexico. I stayed away from Santa Fe – too weird.

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