Yang officially in NYC mayoral race, rebooting promise of universal basic income – IOTW Report

Yang officially in NYC mayoral race, rebooting promise of universal basic income

Just The News: The candidate for NYC mayor has fielded criticism this week for leaving the city with his family during the pandemic.

Former 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang this week kicked off his bid to become the next New York City mayor and began the campaig with his signature universal basic income plan.

“We can eradicate extreme poverty in New York City,” Yang said on “Good Day New York,” a program on a local Fox affiliate. “If you put just a little money in their hands it can actually be what keeps them in their home and, again, avoids them hitting city services that are incredibly expensive.” 

Yang’s proposal is a version of his staple campaign promise during the presidential competition, which was to give every American $1,000 a month. The budgetary logistics of his plan were questioned at the time, and again are being questioned now, especially with regard to the perpetually stressed budget of the city.

His revised plan could provide income for half-a-million of the New York City’s poorest residents. read more

22 Comments on Yang officially in NYC mayoral race, rebooting promise of universal basic income

  1. “If you put just a little money in their hands…”

    …they will use it to buy booze, heroin, and whores, and then come to the city for their basic needs anyway.

  2. “…it can actually be what keeps them in their home…”

    …well, since they are generally living rent-free in some form of public housing, Section 8, or in the case of homeless in 5 star hotels, probably not a factor.

  3. “…and, again, avoids them hitting city services that are incredibly expensive.”

    …left unsaid is WHY city services are incredibly expensive, what with high-paying political patronage cush jobs running them, public unions filled with political hack bosses that “negotiate” with other political hack bosses, insanely generous pensions, embezzlement, an just plain old graft, and that’s BEFORE you get to the “donations” the Unions make to the Democrats who made all of the foregoing possible…

  4. Why be held to any personal standards of accountability when the new regime will provide your every need?
    Pelosi: “You can be a photographer or writer, start your own business bla bla bla”

  5. “We can eradicate extreme poverty in New York City,”

    Not without understanding how you created it in the first place, and stopping doing what you did that created it first.

  6. Ya left out Lottery tickets Supernightshade. Folks love them some Lottery tickets.

    So does he plan to tax the people who fled NYC for other States? That should work out. Oh, but I loved him on Star Trek. Her was the queer Lieutenant Sulu, right?

  7. A family of four gets $96,000/year for existing? Why produce anything but more $24,000 money makers? Well, at least until the money and food and everything else runs out.


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