Yay- A Rant Video About Bad Driving – IOTW Report

Yay- A Rant Video About Bad Driving

I sympathize with the guy, but he’s only at level one of driving annoyances, for now.

He says he will make more-

42 Comments on Yay- A Rant Video About Bad Driving

  1. “Always seems to be a Prius(Prissy)”, no shit Sherlock.
    Just as this country is divided by crummy drivers being skillfully avoided by better drivers.
    We also have crummy Progs being skillfully avoided by better people.
    LOL, yeah, better people, that’s what they think, come on, you know it.

  2. The most annoying thing? A car with Minnesota license plates. Those sumbitches have never heard of cruise control apparently. They will drive 55mph for 12 minutes, then shoot up to 78 for no reason. Give it 6 minutes, and those dipshits are back down to 55. It’s not unrealistic to pass the same Minnesotan 11 different times because the resident from the Land of 10,000 Retards can’t seem to figure out the cruise control.

  3. Goddamned pricks pacing another car preventing others from getting around them. Also people camped out off my right rear corner. Morons who sit through an entire red light cycle looking at the traffic signal and then about the time it is about to turn green they stare down at their crotch and start digging around for whatever and when the light turns green they are busy digging away for another half cycle.

  4. Getting held hostage behind a PT Cruiser, a pick up truck with a non-matching camper on the back or a Honda CRV.

    All I’ve ever learned about patience, forgiveness or coming up with excuses for being late I discovered by having to drive behind all of these vehicles.

  5. I think it was either Gallager or George Carlin used to talk about being able to shoot idiot driver cars with paintball guns. You knew immediately what level of driving stupidity you were up against by how many paint spots their car had and act accordingly.

    Oh. And anybody with Blue State license plates or from Rio Linda.

  6. I used to live in western Washington State where there are many road fascists who do the speed limit in the fast lane. Now I live in Utah where they will run you off the road if you do that. I definitely prefer the latter.

  7. I live in Western WA and there isn’t a pathology that doesn’t infect drivers here. Paying attention while operating a motor vehicle is like Kryptonite to the 90% of the stupid motherfuckers.

  8. People addicted to being on cruise control. Being behind some asshat passing a truck doing 0.75 MPH faster than the truck is maddening
    That and folk who think the onramp is for one last check of the twitterverse instead of achieving the speed of the freeway is maddening as well

  9. You’re going to make a left against oncoming traffic. There is only one guy before an absolute parade. What does this prick do? He starts slowing down, assuring that you will never get in the space between him and the parade.

  10. 1. When someone changes lane into you lane and hits the breaks and there is no need to.

    2. Texting distance – people are now using space in front of their car and the car in front of them as a buffer to text.

    2a. Because of 2, at a ramp I use EVERYDAY for 22 years,
    merging is not “one and one”. I have seen two and one, three and one, two and two, all combos a a result of asshole texting.

    2b. Apply 2, to waiting to make a left at a traffic light.
    Leave the phone in the trunk!

    3. When turning left at a light and jerkoff in front of you does not go into the intersection.

  11. I’ve noticed an odd phenomenon…there is a very strong correlation between the mentioned behaviors and drivers with their sun visors down when the sun is fully up, precluding the need. I have no idea why. I have learned to avoid getting behind one if possible though.

  12. You’re in the left lane on the highway and following at a safe distance the car ahead of you who is barely going faster than the car in the right lane. There’s a line of cars all trying to break free, and a jackass comes up in the right lane around everyone and jams his car into the space in front of you. That move is worthy of a severe beating. I WILL speed up and close the gap on MFers to prevent them from doing that.

  13. That was not a rant. A Mr. Rogers delivery may have knocked him off the crazy list and on the safe to listen to one, but he really didn’t give it his best. He used animation, which prevents one from giving erring drivers suggestions on the move. They may not heed it, but it can drop my BP a few points.

    @ Ghost, #2 on your lists is the worst for urban areas, where people are supposed to tighten thing up so the people who need to get into the new dedicated left turn lane can actually get there. They get suggestions too, after I recommend they put down their phone.

  14. My pet peeve are the squirrels. Didja ever drive down a side street and see a squirrel posing on the tree lawn about to cross the road? You know what he’s going to do and by golly right when you get close he darts across in front of you and you slam on the brakes.
    There are people driving cars who do the same thing… and ALWAYS when there is NO ONE behind you. They wait and wait, then pull out right in front of you instead of waiting 5 more lousy seconds! Those are the ones I call Squirrels Drivers (or squirrelly drivers)!!

  15. An arm hanging out the driver’s side window is the international symbol for I Don’t Have Anywhere To Be And Am In No Hurry To Ever Get There.

    Bonus points if there is a cigarette in that hand.

  16. @ Rat Fink – pet peeve?? People that do not wait in line for off ramp merging…I call them Sneaks!

    @ Rosalind – I dig your photo moniker. NUNS with GUNS.

    @ Cliche- Hilarious!

    @ Bman – rule number two never drive behind someone that is BELOW the headrest…

    I wants a bumper sticker:

    Eff off AND get off the DEVICE OR GET OUT OF MY WAY.

    I have to get to work!

  17. When you’re in the left lane, and there are ten cars ahead of you, and they’re stuck behind the Preenus who is pacing the 18-wheeler who’s in the right lane, and along comes Johnny Asshole in his Charger roaring down the right lane to wedge himself into the left lane as close to the 18-wheeler as he can get. And forget about tailgating to close the gap if he’s trying to break in front of your car. It’s not safe, and it doesnt deter Buford Andretti. I’ve seen a man who drove like that when I was a kid and watched him wreck and die before my very eyes on the pavement. Best you can do is stay out of their way.

  18. You people will never achieve enlightenment. Look at all this angst. Why if I didn’t know any better I’d say I was reading a script for a DeGrassi high episode.

    First, calm down. You don’t know these other drivers and can’t be responsible for them, just control yourself.

    Second, you don’t know the mental state of these other drivers. About 1/2 of drivers are on something. Alcohol, pot, prescription meds… hell, that person pissing you off may have had their mother die that day.

    Third, no one gives a fudge about your needs and desires on the road. Why? Look in the mirror. No one gives a fudge about anybody else.

    Your best bet is to treat cars like cows. Cows are slow. Cows are big. Cows are stupid. Would you expect rational behavior from a cow? Just ride your pony around them.

    Or not. It is kinda’ fun reading how pissed people get…..

  19. @ Aaron Burr –

    1. I should calm down? I DO control myself. I don’t road rage but an asshole IS an asshole. Driving brings out the worst in assholes.

    2. I agree.

    3. THIS is a selfish attitude to begin with. No one? We all have to share the same ‘safe’ space, the open road, to get where ever we have to go.

    Cows are not free will thinking selfish people. Though, one could argue a cow is smarter than some drivers.

    Being pissed off comes with good reason. Look around, not in the rear view mirror…

  20. Colonel, this is not the path to oneness. Let go of your emotions as you drive. Your journey to the store shouldn’t strip years off of your life due to stress.

    People have a misconception about driving due to popular culture. You don’t get behind the wheel for fun, adventure and the open road. You drive to get somewhere….along with everyone else.

    So on the face of it, the reality of the driving experience is at variance with the expected driving experience. This creates mental discord. Whereas mental calmness is required for safe operation of a vehicle.

    You can’t drive calmly when some assh…. I mean some other driver comes to a complete stop on the roundabout with no traffic approaching…. it’s infuriating when you honk and they get offended and stick their hand out the window to FLIP ME OFF WHICH RESULTS IN ME GETTING OUT OF MY VEHICLE AND SMASHING THE SHIT OUT OF THE ASSHOLE IN FRONT OF ME BEFORE SPITTING IN HIS FACE AND THEN DRIVING AROUND HIM WITH A LOADED GUN ON MY LAP….

    But I digress….

    True oneness requires mental discipline.

  21. Pish tosh Rosalind, everyone knows I’m a paragon of virtue behind the wheel.

    I’m simply advocating for a different mental approach when sharing the road with barbarians AND HUNS WHO DRIVE LIKE THEIR GAY LOVERS SLAMMED THEIR EGG SHAPED HEADS AGAINST THE HEADBOARD ONE TOO MANY TIMES…

    I admit, the path to oneness has many stumbling blocks along the path of enlightenment.

  22. People who are afraid of trucks. They attempt to pass and as soon as they get along side the truck, panic sets in and they slow down and are too scared to pass. If you are afraid of the big, bad semi- truck, then get around it as fast as you can! Or better yet, stay home!

  23. Ted, If I’m by myself, I will close that gap like a steel trap. I just can’t do it when the family is with me. There are just some things a guy has to do when he has free rein.

    And have you ever had somebody blow past you doing 95, and ten minutes later you pass them as they are getting a ticket? I had that happen a few times in my life. Very satisfying to womp womp the horn at them as I sail by.

  24. @ Aaron Burr – there are many modes of driving.

    a) Am I in a rush?
    b) do I have to get to work or dropping or picking up troops?
    c) if I am in traffic jam, but on vacation, should I care?
    d) I should have left earlier to avoid the above.
    e) The best one of them all…Open road fun.


  25. The worst are these deliberate assholes. More than once I’ve encountered people who will pull up beside you on a side road feeding into a one way artery. You’re trying to turn with traffic. They’re trying to cross and get onto the opposite road. They know you’re watching for an oncoming break to get in.

    What do they do?

    The inch up towards traffic just far enough to block your visibility and make you sit there, unable to see clearly enough to get into traffic.

    Usually they’re driving large trucks or SUVs. They are being assholes on purpose and they know it.

  26. There was one old guy in Hemet who had a bumper sticker that said “I’m not in your hurry.” That was so clever, and I appreciated it so much every time I got stuck behind him while he went 15 MPH under the speed limit with no traffic ahead of him.

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