YAYYYYYYY- Hillary Can Walk Up Stairs! – IOTW Report

YAYYYYYYY- Hillary Can Walk Up Stairs!

Or can she? There was a glitch at the beginning of the “live” shot. Did the cut away for take 2 after she collapsed?

No, seriously. How bad is it that the Clinton Network News cuts to her ascending stairs in the middle of the day? It’s obviously been coordinated.

They coordinated the B-12 shot and then the “live” shot of her doing absolutely nothing.

HT/ Riverlife Callie

48 Comments on YAYYYYYYY- Hillary Can Walk Up Stairs!

  1. New rule: you have to be able to do 100 push ups in order to run for president.

    OMG HRC just walked up steps without assistance.

    My mother is 90 years old and
    she can also walk up steps without assistance and shop at a grocery store and drive to and from her home.

  2. Look at her right when she gets to the top. She is immediately looking to the rail by the aircraft door to grab hold of it. She probably got inside and collapsed..

    Stronger together as long as someone is carrying you around.

  3. Illustr8r yes, she looks very frail and feeble and elderly.
    I know plenty of people who are 70.
    None of them look or act like Hilary.

    Trump looks, walks and acts like he’s in his mid 50s at most.

    HRC frequently looks like a seriously ill 80, whose next fall means a broken hip and a nursing home.

    I agree with a lot of posters, here and elsewhere:
    Everything in her known medical history can also be explained as the end results of decades of uncontrolled alcoholism.
    The falls and the fall related injuries, the neurological problems, the memory and dementia and poor judgement, the extreme swings in appearance, the lengthy disappearances in hiding, the overall
    premature elderly appearance.
    Decades of heavy alcoholic abuse can do all these.

    It may all be as simple as that she’s a mean drunk, surrounded by paid enablers, and she’s literally drunk herself into a richly deserved early grave.

  4. A commentor over at American Mirror thought they edited out a stumble at the 30 second mark. I certainly wouldn’t put it past them. And Wolfie, breathlessly – “She’s smiling, she’s waving”

  5. This is news only because there is now a high probability that she could face-plant at any moment, and CNN is FINALLY getting sick n’ tired of credit for that sort of “video gold” going to some no-name citizen with an iPhone.

  6. @Valerie Miller – I think her frailty and infirmity are very relevant, and should be mentioned at every opportunity. Low-info voters might not give a hoot about her policies or understand them, but everyone knows someone who’s sick and feeble. This is something they can relate to and not want as president. Besides, pushing this story just adds to the pressure on Hillary, and that is a good thing. I don’t want her to relax for a minute.

  7. You can float a rose in the outhouse…you can feather a fluffy in the guest room with a towel, maybe hide a belch among favored company with a napkin, but a shithead will always be a shithead….

  8. … so, by the first of November we will see … CNN Breaking News: ‘This is Wolf Blitzkrieg with Breaking News … CNN reports that Hillary Clinton has just had a bowel movement & has reportedly wiped herself without assistance … that’s right, without, repeat, without assistance … we hope to bring you live video as soon as it’s available … stay tuned …. this may be a game-changer in the presidential race …’

  9. So what’s the message here? OK Shrillary, you are recovered. Good. Now saying you cannot do the debates should not happen. If you come up with another excuse, blah blah blah, the world will say you are a cheap con artist and should serve time in Leavenworth, not the satellite, and not Chappaqua. If you come up with some abbreviated short session to allow you escape time, that will be tantamount to not showing up at all. We are on to you, Shrillary. Man up or drop out. And tell Dickinbimbos Willie to stop covering for you, as he only makes things worse.

  10. Idiots on the Left sure have some low expectations. How could anybody be impressed with Hillary by watching that edited propaganda clip? Fck’n idiot got out the wrong side of the van. That’s dope working, not good health.

  11. There’s no fans anywhere other than her handlers – can’t risk it and they know it. Totally staged. What is out about dictators and their admirers that love them a good unicolor pantsuit? Mao, Kim Jong Il, Hillary – same designer.

  12. I enlarged the screen and studied her face very carefully.

    She looks the most presentable she’s looked in a while. However, I could also see that her hair and makeup people must have given her the Extra Special Super Deluxe treatment before she left the house.

  13. And I agree with Anonymous. After Sunday her every appearance, her every movement are going to be scrutinized to death. She puts one foot wrong and it’ll be O-V-E-R.

  14. did you notice they had her get out of the Scooby van on the side opposite the cameras?


    because it took several ss agents to help haul her fat ass out of the van to a standing position.

    still covering for her thighness!

  15. Most difficult for Parkinson patients to start moving from stillness. It’s very obvious.
    Once she’s in motion it’s less difficult to keep moving–explains the hidden start out of the van.

    Also the reason for the gap in the film: her start to climbing steps was probably very obviously awkward. $100 says the drone view (unedited) confirms my points.

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