Yeah, Why is That? – IOTW Report

Yeah, Why is That?


11 Comments on Yeah, Why is That?

  1. My do nothing neighbor pulled up the other day in a pretty nice older used car. I asked him how he could afford that on what I was paying him.(he doesn’t work) I think I upset his fragile ego.

  2. Could it be that politicians have used SS to buy votes from people who never paid into it? Or how about getting those votes by giving out SS disability to even more people who have never paid into to SS and are most likely not disabled. If SS goes broke, the blame lays squarely on the shoulders of criminal, corrupt politicians. The worst part of this is they get away with it, over and over again. Despicable.

  3. If I get to pay for folks to go to Jack in the Box on the EBT card, shouldn’t there be a bell that goes off every time a purchase is made on the EBT card?
    That way those of us who had to dig in the console to make lunch can shout: “You’re Welcome!”

  4. I could tell you guys a story about a sibling, married to cow #3, six kids in all and doesn’t work but you can already see where it’s going. Welfare is worse than heroin when it comes to dependency.


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