“yeah, you blend” – IOTW Report

“yeah, you blend”


An Arizona state legislator with a history of anti-immigrant commentary is facing calls to resign after he told university students that black people “don’t blend in” to society like European immigrants and “always look different.”

The legislator, Representative David Stringer, who represents the Yavapai County area, made the comments after a public lecture at Arizona State University on Nov. 19, during which history professor Donald Critchlow discussed the 2018 midterm elections.

Mr. Critchlow said students recorded a “private conversation” they had with Mr. Stringer after the lecture. The recording was sent to local news outlets last week.

Mr. Stringer can be heard saying that he doesn’t think America is a “successful nation.” He follows up by saying “diversity is relatively new” in the country, and that while European immigrants assimilated to society, “that’s not the case with African-Americans or other racial groups because they don’t melt in.”

Az Central-

State Rep. David Stringer says he doesn’t intend to resign for saying that African-Americans  “don’t blend in.”

Or for explaining that the demise of America’s middle class is the work of immigrants.

Or for generally blaming all of our nation’s ills on people of color.

That’s because it’s all true, he explained to the Prescott Valley Town Council on Thursday evening.

“I believe that everything I‘ve said, if you look at what I actually said, is defensible, that it is truthful, that it is factually accurate, that it can be supported by academic research,” the Prescott Republican said.

16 Comments on “yeah, you blend”

  1. “I believe that everything I‘ve said, if you look at what I actually said, is defensible, that it is truthful, that it is factually accurate, that it can be supported by academic research,” the Prescott Republican said.

    Good luck with trying to overcome emotion with logic.

  2. How’d this guy get off campus alive? I hope his family is in hiding until they assume new identities and move to Siberia. That’s the only chance they have for survival.

  3. “State Rep. David Stringer says he doesn’t intend to resign for saying that African-Americans “don’t blend in.”

    That’s some bullshit right there.

  4. He’s got it ass-backwards. It’s not race, it’s ideology. We talk about white asshole progressives from all over Europe and latino progs, and african black muslims who don’t and won’t blend in here culturally all day long.
    And an illegal alien in any race or sex doesn’t belong in the US, period.

  5. “He calls ’em like he sees ’em” wuz never a more accurate statement.
    The United States is a melting pot where everyone can come to assimilate into a common culture and this Yutz thinks that Black people are like bad fudge that don’t belong in the mix! Tell that to the Black military men and veterans who fight for our Freedom and our way of life that includes all races!

  6. He’s getting support from some Repubs, ONLY because they hold a slim 31-29 edge in the legislature.

    How could it be that slim in AZ?
    Oh yeah, CalExit. Same shit happened in once conservative VT, NH, ME.

  7. That “diversity” and “we are the world” bullshit is just that – bullshit.
    Don’t believe me? Pack up your shit and move to Abu Dhabi, or Ouagadougou, or Luanda, or N’Djamena, or Brazzaville, or Harare, or Tashkent, or Ashgabat, or Dushanbe, or Bishkek, or Peking, or Lhasa and demand respect for your culture and your “special” (and “racial”) characteristics.

    Think you won’t “stand out?” Think you’ll “assimilate?”
    Yeah, good luck with that.

    The beauty of America (the United States) is that, while we don’t fail to notice your “characteristics,” we try not to give a fuck as long as you subscribe to our Constitution and the “American way of life” (which is “dog whistle” for working, living within the “legal” framework, and minding your own business).

    When you demand money, time, and excuses because of your particular “characteristics” you strain the welcome.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. At the very top of this article – NYTs.
    ‘Nuff said.
    I watched the vid, Rep. Campbell says “Read the transcript. Are you going to trust the media or the transcript?”

    I voted for Stringer and I’ll do it again.
    Roast me now.

  9. Soon he will have to sleep. The pod will slowly extend its tendrils into him, extracting nourishment from his corpse producing a perfect replicant that neither thinks nor speaks any more Forbidden Thoughts.


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