¡Yeb! Bush’s America – IOTW Report

¡Yeb! Bush’s America

illegal alien criminals


The 2016 election is essentially about whether America will remain a country. You can’t be a country if you lose control of your borders, but that’s fixable. If you lose control of who is populating your lands, there’s no coming back from that mistake. The ruling class loses all of its legitimacy and the fracture society divides itself along ethnic lines with its own leaders and borders.

The public is finally coming to terms with what’s happening as stories like this become common.

Multiple buildings and vehicles in Loudon County, VA were vandalized with graffiti tags bearing the moniker of a notorious El Salvadorian street gang early Tuesday morning.

According to WUSA9, several vehicles on Gatwick Square and Wintergrove Drive were discovered with “MS-13″ spray painted on the exteriors.


8 Comments on ¡Yeb! Bush’s America

  1. “The public is finally coming to terms with what’s happening as stories like this become common.”

    Not nearly fast enough. I just saw three major polls that put outsiders Trump and Carson at one and two, respectively, and HEB at no. 3!

  2. funny that stopping illegal immigration or repeal of obamacare are so popular amongst the people but there are only one or two candidates who are actually for either one of these.

    just who do our candidates think they answer to?

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