YeeeeeAghhhhhhhhh! Howard Dean’s moment of honesty and lucidity. – IOTW Report

YeeeeeAghhhhhhhhh! Howard Dean’s moment of honesty and lucidity.


The Hill

Former Gov. Howard Dean (D-Vt.) said Friday that Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) should not boast about his freedom from super-PACs given his ties with organized labor.

“For Bernie to say he doesn’t have a super-PAC…labor unions are super-PACs. Labor unions are super-PACs Democrats like so we don’t go after labor unions.”

Dean then criticized Sanders for implying Clinton is in the pocket of Wall Street after giving paid speeches for major financial firms in the past.

“This is a double standard,” said Dean, the former chairman of the Democratic National Committee. “Why should Hillary Clinton have to put up with a double standard? I am tired of the attacks on her personal integrity.


I am shocked Dean was not hit with a tranquilizer dart in the middle of his rant.


5 Comments on YeeeeeAghhhhhhhhh! Howard Dean’s moment of honesty and lucidity.

  1. A Democrat tells the truth? I almost don’t believe it. Except he’s doing it to protect a more favored Democrat. That makes it permissible for a Democrat to tell an ugly, critical truth about a Democrat.

  2. Thanks Viet Vet.
    My cousins boyfriend came home in a body bag. He was a gunner
    on a Helicopter he was in country 6 weeks.
    We can never do too much for the Vietnam veteran.

    What a surprise BJ didn’t serve.

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