Yellow Vests Attack Police With “Sh*t Bombs” In Latest Wave Of Protests – IOTW Report

Yellow Vests Attack Police With “Sh*t Bombs” In Latest Wave Of Protests

When I heard they were attacking with shit bombs I figured they were mounting a surge with Peugeots and Renaults.

Turns out they are actual shit bombs.

zero hedge-

According to French police, Yellow Vest protesters are now using an ancient form of biological warfare in the newest wave of protests. This weekend, authorities reported that Yellow Vest protesters hurled bags of fecal matter at the police. The rudimentary poop-filled mini bombs were made using thin bags and balloons with the intent that they would easily burst on impact.


ht/ js

19 Comments on Yellow Vests Attack Police With “Sh*t Bombs” In Latest Wave Of Protests

  1. In ancient times, clay pots filled with hornets were often hurled into enemy ranks as a rather effective weapon to use against them.

    Maybe that practice could be revived.

  2. Are we sure that Antifa didn’t export some of their shitheads to infiltrate the Yellow Vest movement?(no puns intended)

    The quickest way for the Yellows to lose their credibility and their nobility in purpose is to go into this with street warfare of this variety, which is a hallmark of the Antifa fascists.

  3. A symbol of the ‘new’ zoo that is the ‘Rat Party. See how many times you can throw your antithefeces before the old guard gives up. Tlaib it to the wall; Ilhan it in a ball. Cortez it in a sling; Bernie it all over as you sit in a swing.

  4. With regards to Peugeots, I once asked a foreign car mechanic (Eastern European immigrant) what was the best foreign car in terms of engineering and reliability. Number one (no surprise) Mercedes Benz. Number two…Peugeot.

  5. Sacre bleu. Or should I say, sacre brune. But I shouldn’t talk. I’ve had a few incidents that involved a hot guy, a bed and me letting loose with the boo boo.

  6. @Tony R – French cake decoration tools are no doubt used to fill the balloons thusly:

    (1) Poop it.
    (2) Scoop it into the bag.
    (3) Insert small end of funnel tool into the balloon.
    (4) Squeeze the bag.
    (5) Tie a knot in the balloon.
    (6) Voila! (Plus appropriate French snort.)

    Then, they throw ’em at French fruitcakes.

  7. When protests started there were French police asking rioters to chill. Turns out the cops agreed with why yellow vests were protesting. So cops are hated by worthless Muslims, hated by yellow vests, who hate shit-pile Muslims who are in France because of leftist government, and then cops are back stabbed by their own government. Kinda wonder how many cops deal with protesters all day long then join protesters at night.


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