Yemen Sets New World Record With Cholera – IOTW Report

Yemen Sets New World Record With Cholera

In setting a new world record, the Muslim nation of Yemen has outdistanced Haiti for having the most Cholera cases in one year- and it’s only July. Save the Children estimate that Yemeni children are contracting the disease at a rate of one every 35 seconds. Then there’s the threat of famine in the nation torn by war between different Muslim factions.


Save the Children have been operating in Yemen since 1963, nearly 55 years and this is what a half century of humanitarian aid has wrought? Maybe it’s time to turn the job over to the Clinton Foundation.

7 Comments on Yemen Sets New World Record With Cholera

  1. More cholera and ebola and flesh eating
    Bac. and super aids and staph and diptheria
    and diaherraea and man made dee-zesess is coming
    with super TB and God knows whats next!

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