“Yes, He Was Infected In The Lab!” – New E-Mails Confirm Origin Of Chinese Lab Director’s Infection – IOTW Report

“Yes, He Was Infected In The Lab!” – New E-Mails Confirm Origin Of Chinese Lab Director’s Infection


Email exchanges between virologists in February of 2020 reveal lab-based transmission of SARS-2 – the virus that caused the COVID-19 pandemic – in a Beijing-based facility under the control of the Chinese Communist Party.

Obtained by the U.S. Right To Know Foundation under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), the email exchange is the latest piece of evidence to affirm the lab origins of COVID-19.

A February 14th, 2020 email exchange reveals Ohio State virologist Shan-Lu Liu admits the former director of a lab he previously worked at – The National Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention (NIVDC) – “has now been infected with SARS-CoV-2.”

Subsequent emails show Liu reiterating “Yes, he was infected in the lab!” when asked by another researcher if “your former colleague was infected with sars2 in the lab?”

The lab referenced by Liu is based in Beijing and operates under the control of the Chinese Communist Party’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention. It openly boasts about receiving awards from the Central Commission of China Communist Youth League and funding from the Chinese government.

Another researcher on the email thread, University of Massachusetts Professor Shan Lu, added he was “very concerned” about “lab people” getting infected with SARS-2:

“I actually am very concerned for the possibility of SARS-2 infection by lab people. It is much more contagious than SARS-1. Now every lab is interested in get[ting] a vial of virus to do drug discovery. This can potentially [be] a big issue.”


5 Comments on “Yes, He Was Infected In The Lab!” – New E-Mails Confirm Origin Of Chinese Lab Director’s Infection

  1. Bunker buster nukes 3 stories under every one of these “Gain Of Function” labs with 3 days of napalm to follow. Installed signage at every location saying “Never Again”

    (If I Had my magic wand)


  2. The actual fundamental danger the world faces is communist red china. The regime must go or we will never be out of danger. Illegitimate government everywhere must go.

  3. Kevin R. August 6, 2021 at 8:31 pm

    “… The actual fundamental danger the world faces is communist red china. The regime must go or we will never be out of danger. Illegitimate government everywhere must go…”

    You are partially correct, in that the CCP model is a deadly mutation of communism. But in order to make it work, the Democrat Communist Party must have the multinational (globalists) corporations to provide the economic engine to complete their global takeover.

    We are witnessing the corporate participation in an oligarchy takeover of the United States, and sadly 80% of the population doesn’t have a fucking clue.

  4. The U.S. needs a plan to rid itself of 1) Chinese products, 2) Chinese purchasing of U.S. debt. We also need a plan to pay off our debt. Lastly, we need a new cold-war with China to rid the world of the communist scourge.


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