Yes, I Really Do Have A Progturd Brother – IOTW Report

Yes, I Really Do Have A Progturd Brother

The guy is a walking cliche:


Dutifully rebleats the latest phraseology, terminology and talking points that the left issues.

Zinn, Sanders, Chomsky, Debbs are his heroes.

Spittles when he argues.

Always argues.


The jerk would regularly disrupt family gatherings with his lectures on… everything. Basically it was, “you suck, I’m enlightened.” Meanwhile, he didn’t do one thing any differently than any other person in society that he looked down upon.

Global warming was a big part of his daily hysterics, but even though he didn’t have a job that required one, he bought a pickup truck.

When I asked him about it he said, “I need one.”

And that sums up the left pretty succinctly.

Let’s forget about my brother right now, he’s a pathetic loser, always will be. Let’s discuss Lena Dunham.

This was in August. In August rape victims are to be believed because women don’t lie about it.

Now it’s November and a writer of her show, Girls, has been accused of rape.

Here’s Dunham’s statement:

See how that works?

Now she says 3% of women lie about being raped, and very conveniently for her the woman accusing her friend is a 3 percenter. Amazing luck.

Anyone else whose friend is accused of rape is not afforded that same luxury because only 3 out of 100 women are lying and your friend, sorry to have to tell you, is a rapist. Smash the patriarchy!!!!!!!

The innocent 3% is reserved for people like Lena Dunham- execrable hypocrites, like pickup truck buying douchebags who say, “but I need one.”

Eradicate the left. They are a plague.





45 Comments on Yes, I Really Do Have A Progturd Brother

  1. Same here, sisters, lefty mommy and child beating/wife beating sperm donor wanna be dad. They always bug me about when im gonna visit, I respond with a question. When’s your funeral? Asshole Barry lovers.

  2. Ah, the Progtard family member. We have a nest of those in my extended family and they were absolutely insufferable during the Obongo years. Facts DO NOT MATTER to these people. I gave up trying to have “discussions” years ago. Utterly fruitless.

  3. Unfortunately, I’m married to an ultra-lib. He watches MSNBC and CNN at least two hours a day and believes all the crap they spew.
    I refuse to talk politics at all because it ends with name calling the typical labels from him.
    Luckily, my son turned out conservative like me. When they get to yelling that’s my cue to start into something on the other side of the house.

  4. I have only two, my oldest daughter and her husband. We didn’t know it about her husband but he has slowly turned her into a loon. She is intelligent, so I’m praying that over time she will come to her senses.

  5. “… for more than half a decade …” Hello? Five years?

    “… insider knowledge of Murray’s situation …” Implying that he’s either a Fag or a Eunuch.

    There’s a woman who’s lived in this community for some 30 years (that’s three decades, Ms. Dunham) who’s been accused of murdering her offspring and burning the body. “She’s such a nice lady.” is what everybody who knows her says.

    No one should ever take anyone’s word on anything without independent substantiation. That’s why the “Testimony of Two (Wo)Men” (witnesses to the same event) was required in Capital cases.

    Sorry. I don’t know if the guy’s innocent or guilty, but it should never be assumed that a witness is honest and honestly relating events.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I think lena may be jealous.

    All my siblings and spouses are conservative. 2 are active in republican party and one served as state senator and state rep. My parents raised us right. My wifes family however . . . 🙁

  7. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. At least you can enjoy the NFL games together on Thursday. Oh wait. The left has screwed that up too.

    I consider myself fortunate that I have no such family members. Except a stray niece or nephew.
    But they all live thousands of miles away.

  8. Lazlo has two brothers, Basil and Ferrante, and a half sister, Dorcas.
    Basil and Ferrante are merely evil henchman material and are harmless derelicts.
    Dorcas is the problem one.
    Militant lesbian in the Coast Guard, consumed with identity politics, and a shameless grafter, fraud and defaulter. Took on a phony marriage during deployment for Iraq so she could rake in the extra pay and defraud her own country. Haven’t spoken to her stupid ass in years.
    I wish her no ill, but if she were to need a kidney and I were the only match on earth, I would charge her for it, and get the money up front.

  9. Look, guys, we’re not dealing with rational people. Factually, these are some of the most irrational people on the planet. In my travels I noticed a story about a “super secret” Beyond#Resistance meeting taking place in Carlsbad (or maybe it’s already taken place) for important and wealthy contributors to the #Resist movement. Apparently someone leaked the meeting agenda “Beyond#Resistance:Reclaiming Our Progressive Future”. It’s reported that this particular initiative is being funded by Soros and he’s co-chair with Pelosi and other “top Democrats.”

    So then I Binged the meeting agenda title and found this:

    The author of this screed is a guy named Jake Fuentes. Take a close read of it. How’d you like to have that guy sitting at your Thanksgiving table?

  10. Throw s wig on it and you described my sister. I refuse to ride to her baiting. She NEVER misses an opportunity to bash Trump, mostly by fear mongering; i.e. I need to get (whatever) before it is taken away, under this administration

    If I dare to rebut her or even chuff, she says something like look what a mess we have since the election. And she idolizes HRC and obama, thinks trump voters are depicted in DELIVERANCE, and constantly asks, ‘Joe can you believe that?’ It is very hard to talk on the phone, because some who, some way, she will fear monger. And this is the 2nd intelligent of the 4 siblings.

  11. I was talking with my brother just yesterday about how no one takes responsibility for anything. Simply come out and state, “Yeah, I did that, but I don’t take responsibility for it.” Look around from businesses to personal issues to politics…. Plenty of admittance, but no takers of responsibility. It’s easy to deflect, come out and say you’re gay or you now believe the climate is affected by man and all your stress of owning any responsibility suddenly vanishes.

  12. Only 3% of rape cryers are lying? Throw an extra zero in there (30%) and I might believe you. Just ask the Mattress Girl accused and the Duke LaCross players for starts.
    As for Lena, I would believe zero percent (0%) of anything falling out of her sister molesting mouth.

  13. As for my family, we’re all fairly conservative across the spectrum.
    But my wife now….she SAYS she’s conservative/Republican, but she listens to a local talk station (KSL) and believes the left-leaning tripe that spews from their pie holes. Oh, and she adores Sen Orrin Hatch.
    But we’ve been married for too many years now. And she’s the one who put my (then young) feet on the path to conservatism. What’cha gonna do?

  14. I know Fur’s brother, and can objectively say that there’s something deeply wrong with him. I’ve seen him throw a softball as hard as he could at Fur’s head (while Fur’s back was turned) because of something completely trivial. Luckily, he couldn’t hit the side of a barn. I guess I’m trying to say that he’s the perfect progressive.

  15. Same here Fur.
    My older brother is a graphic designer who used to make racist birthday cards for me and his friends.
    He went to University of Cincinnati and absorbed total leftist indoctrination.
    He is the only liberal family member.
    He also worries about global warming and my favorite, he relishes the statistic that whites will be the minority in twenty years or so.
    What a total douche.

  16. Is Murray yet another Jewish guy ? So is there a plan Jewish men secretly live out, that even other Guys don’t hear about ?
    When in School they never got laid unless they’d had a girlfriend for 3 years or more, and then they were more than happy with that !
    I guess it really is all about the money for them !!!

  17. My brother was fairly liberal in his actions and beliefs, but he wasn’t militant. More like an Eeyore of the family. High IQ, but pessimistic, gloomy, always tried to talk you out of your hopes, dreams and plans for the future. “Why bother? You still have hope? AaHahahahaha!” <- verbatim quote. Complete opposite as far as being a Dad goes. Rejected every opportunity to raise his own kids. Weird how God works. He had one son and one daughter as a teenager. The son was given up for adoption and I met him two years after my brother died. My brother had 3 grandsons he never even got to know existed. He wasted so much in this area.

    The rest of the family is fine. My Mother and Father were no-nonsense people that taught me self-reliance and responsibility for my own life. My sister was conservative. My sons are all conservative. My wife always voted Dem because she's a taker at heart and a professional victim. About 4 years of Obama was all it took for her to jump on the Trump train with both feet.

    She taught photography at a community college and the SJWs started pointing their crazy shit at her over stupid stuff. One time was a black girl feeling triggered by one of the photos in her lesson plan being of a black man – that's it! Just that a black man was in one of the pictures! Pretty soon after the attacks started, she saw how batshit crazy the Dem party had become because it was all so senseless – even to her, the woman that fought listening to any common sense for the 20 years I was married to her.She's still a taker and a victim in every story she tells, though. Still not responsible for her own life and how it turns out.

    Now my ex-GF has about 7 progturd family members – out of 17. But they all have some degree of bi-polar/para-schiz going on. Three of them can't even function in public or hold a job. SO, yeah, they're crazy. And they're Lib. Seems to be a common trait with Libs. And all of them would think the regulars here were crazy.

    Fur, I don't know how you keep from punching him out. It would get mighty tiresome to have a hypocrite go on and on and not take any feedback seriously.

  18. Mark Zist November 18, 2017 at 7:47 am

    … Their behavior is very conservative’and I love to point this out….

    I have a customer that wants to talk politics from time time, but really, all he has is talking points. He doesn’t do any homework to know what the real situation or consequences are.

    Him: “What do you think about preppers? Implying that something’s wrong with these people.

    Me, knowing his 2 car garage is stacked with long term food stuffs and necessities: ‘How long do you think you could go without shopping for any supplies?’

    Him: “About a year.”

    Me: ‘You’re a prepper.’

    Him: “What about Climate Change?”

    Me: ‘Totally about bringing world-wide Marxism and you don’t really believe in it either.”

    Him: “What? Of course I do! It’s true! The water on the East coast by South Carolina is already up around 6 feet over normal!”

    Me:’Two things about that. One, You’re crazy if you think only ONE part of the world’s coastline can have the water rise like that. Two, you completely live off your investments in oil companies. You’d divest yourself of oil stocks if you really believed it was a problem – when you do that, I’ll start to believe you believe it’s real. You’re really bad at this.”

    Subject of Dems wanting BIG government and conservatives wanting smaller govt:

    He’ll tell me about how he fights the city and other entities “intruding on his property and life:

    A: The city wants to tow his derelict car from the driveway.
    B: The city is constantly trying to give him citations over his dilapidated fence. It needs replacing – badly. He has ratchet straps holding it up in several places.
    C: Did everything he could to stop the electric company from installing a Smart Meter on his house because “It’s none of their business how I use my electricity”.

    Me: You hate the Govt telling you what to do and forcing their will on you – You’re conservative by nature. You just haven’t realized it yet.

  19. Dadof4:

    She’s still a taker and a victim in every story she tells, though. Still not responsible for her own life and how it turns out.

    Sounds familiar. I have a friend like this. Victim of circumstances beyond her control. Always tight finances. And this characterization is applied to her outlook of society as a whole, which means that we need lots of government programs, especially free healthcare. And to think otherwise is uncharitable, evil, unthinkable, because the US government has lots of money and can afford it.

    I see how such “victims” spend their dollars, and it isn’t wisely (IMHO) or with any care about their future financial needs.

  20. No one in my family is a liberal
    My brother is the republican Sheriff in a Republican county.
    Once Brad convinced me to carry my gun again. My brother helped me get back in shape again.
    My favorite targets are the pop ups. 2 seconds to either shoot a bad guy or don’t shoot it’s a good guy.
    At Thanksgiving all day and night LEO will stop at his house for a meal.

  21. Hippie’s story is true.

    The part he left out is that I was sitting right next to a girl, who could have just easily taken the ball to the head.
    That’s how much anger is in this guy.
    And that anger fuels his ideology.
    He did not start out a rabid lefty.

  22. @KMM

    The experience of being in relationship with someone like that has fine tuned my radar for others like that. Had potential dating material in front of me a couple of years ago. She expressed an interest in having a relationship with me. Two stories of how she was a total victim in her last relationship, and wanted me to hate him too, sealed the deal for me. They’ll suck the life energy out of you if you sign up for that.

    They truly depend on having problems and will even describe a windfall as something bad to keep that up. It’s how they relate to the world.

    A now famous story in the family, of my ex, includes her being bumped from a flight home from her trip to Portugal with her students – the trip was paid-for by the students taking up a collection. The “poor me” worked on them.

    She got bumped from the return flight, given $500 cash, and 3 extra days at the hotel no charge. Listening to her whine about all she was given so she could catch the next flight was too much. It was just way too hard to buy her “poor me” slant on the story. No one in the living room took it the way she wanted. You’re complaining about this?

    I turned to my then GF: ‘Any wonder why we’re not together any more?’. GF: “Nope.” But my GF already knew of her ways for years prior so she wasn’t surprised.

  23. Gah! Yeah, emotional leeches will eventually suck all the life right out of you if you don’t protect yourself. Though it’s tough to do if you have to live around them. It seems that no matter how hard you try, they can’t be jollied out of their negativity about life in general. I honestly don’t know what it buys them — the reassurance that life sucks, all the while making life suck? I don’t know.

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