Yes, I’m going to politicize this shooting – IOTW Report

Yes, I’m going to politicize this shooting

This Muslim savage, Omar Mateen, lived in my backyard.

The two largest terrorist attacks on U.S. soil have now happened within shouting distance of me.

I watched the smoke billow into the sky from 15 miles away, the remains of thousands of souls rising to meet their maker (less the savages who wrested the planes away from our pilots.) They returned to hell, where they were spawned by their prophet Muhammad.

Today I awake to the news that 50 people were murdered in Orlando, and the Muslim, the son of Afghanis, lived in Port St. Lucie.

A street within walking distance to me was shut down by the FBI.

I’m sick of this.

I fully expect Hillary Clinton to use this as an opportunity to start yammering about gun control, so I’m going to use this as an opportunity to start yammering about Hillary control.

I fully expect her to say something about not letting our anger and frustration get the best of us, and to resist the temptation of lashing out against all Muslims.

“The vast majority of Muslims are peaceful.”  – Hillary Clinton

Yes, and the vast majority of person’s body that does not have the flesh eating virus is meaningless to their overall prognosis. How are peaceful Muslims helping us with our virus?

I’m done with the left as well as their apologists. I’m done with their lectures, particularly the ones that chastise me and look at me as if I’m a Neanderthal because I believe Muslims are not to be trusted.

Omar Mateen is a homegrown a-hole, one that was under investigation already, and still we couldn’t contain him. They are bad enough. We do not need to be adding to our problems.

I want a halt to all Muslims seeking to enter this country. We do not have to take them, and I don’t want them. Any politician who feels differently is not someone I want representing me.

There is an election coming this November 8th. One candidate is the candidate that just doesn’t get it. She thinks I’m the idiot and I’m the danger. She wants people like me investigated and will one day make what I am writing a hate crime.

There is another candidate running against her. He sounds like me on this issue. He gets it.

I want that guy.

From this point forward, anyone actively working against Donald Trump for president will be banned from this site. Your arguments are asinine, and I don’t want to hear it. I’m not fiddle-fuckin’ around anymore. Even if this is the only issue Donald Trump will follow through on, that is enough for me.

I don’t even care if you want to make the case that he’s a progressive. That would make two progressives running against each other- one that will import Muslims, and one that won’t.

If you’re trying to stop the one that wants to halt Muslim immigration you are my enemy.

Can I make it any simpler?

Hillary and the rest of the left must be stopped, as well as the people on the right that are aiding and abetting her.




163 Comments on Yes, I’m going to politicize this shooting

  1. We learned of this while in church. We said a prayer and the is the right thing to do. I used to carry maybe 10% of the time, now? Always. I am now leaving to take my little girl to a park to ride her new scooter and I will have my Glock with me.

    I wish Trump was taking the oath of office tomorrow.

  2. I see that NYC Mayor Warren Wilhelm Jr has already blamed the gun and completely left out the muslim and the democrat connection. You can always count on him.

  3. Fur, behind you 100%. I hope that the queers now fully realise that their lifestyle and islam are utterly incompatible. I hope they also realise that they were NEVER Obama’s pet minority group, muslims will always be…..

  4. Every act of Jihad on American soil that is met with pandering to the anti-gun movement emboldens all muslims to act in the interest of islam, in the same way that every tolerant response to BLM, La Raza and Occupy has made our nation less safe for the innocent victims of their crimes.

    Thank you, Fur, for taking this stand. We are at war. This time, however, our enemies have been given a platform, a party, and a microphone to spread their propaganda.

    One man has had the courage to say who they are and to “Throw ’em out and keep ’em out!”

    I am not afraid of rational, dissenting opinions. What I am afraid of and fiercely opposed to is giving air and light to my country’s assassins.

  5. I bet Trump rises in the polls because of this incident. Especially if he plays on the fact that Muslims and gays are totally incompatible! Hopefully this incident will short circuit Hellery and the gay/mental disorder alliance.

  6. Well said BFH, well said. I wonder if the hatred spewed at America during the Muhammad Ali funeral services had anything to do with this? Three hours of pure hatred and democrat politics. With an occasional joke by Billy Crystal. It can be found on C- Span 2. Just sayin.’

  7. I don’t see how driving people that want to keep pushing trump to the right and creating another echo chamber helps your cause, but obviously this is something you have wanted to do for a while, and now you have an excuse.
    When I think of all the people you have accused of working against Trump or for Hillary here, I imagine your ban list will be quite extensive.

  8. “Even if this is the only issue Donald Trump will follow through on, that is enough for me.” I made this exact comment when I was debating someone last month.

    Jihadis and Obama coming
    The threat we’ve always known
    This summer here comes the Trumping
    50 dead in Orlando

  9. I have said many times to anti-Trump friends that if Donald does only ONE thing right — secures our borders/stops Muslims from coming into the US — it might be enough to save our country. Maybe.

    TRUMP 2016

  10. Good going Fur! I totally agree with you. Dump the apologists. I’ve still got friends back in CO that I will convince to not vote for any Dhimmi. Trump 2016!

  11. Omar Mateen may have lived in your backyard, Fur, but if every one of us mapped the nearest mosque to our own homes, each of us can identify how close his brothers (and sisters) in arms against us, live.

    Many of you may not know about the muslim who attempted to burn down a gay nightclub in Seattle on New Year Eve with 750 people inside:

    “About 15 minutes after midnight, Masmari poured gasoline in a stairway to Neighbours’ balcony and lit the pool of fuel. The fire was quickly doused with a fire extinguisher; there were about 750 people in the club at the time.

    Masmari, a California native also known as Musab Musmari, was arrested days later on his way to Sea-Tac Airport after buying a one-way ticket to Turkey.”

  12. We’re now importing these bastards by the hundreds of thousands per year. The Republicans in Congress under Obama are clearly to blame. They attack Trump but won’t attack Obama for allowing thousands in every month.

    The country is being swamped at its borders and at this rate, will soon cease to exist, let alone be governable.

    Since when is the survival of your country a political issue?

  13. The Left and their gun control and political correctness are directly responsible for these attacks.

    The goathumper lovers need to be called out for their perfidy.

    Every American should buy a gun, learn how to use it, protect themselves, their families and their communities.

    One of the first things we can do is protect ourselves from the political Left, vote against every single Islam apologist running for office.

    Breaking: FNC reporting that man arrested carrying weapons, ammo, and explosives on his way to gay pride parade in Los Angeles!

  14. “The two largest terrorist attacks on U.S. soil have now happened within shouting distance of me.”

    Hmm. Even closer than shooting distance.

    Time to carry, if you’re not already.

  15. Good for you, Fur! Trump won the nomination and he is the only person who can put a stop to the Democrats. The President will either be Hillary or Trump. Period. And I, for one, will do everything in my power to get Trump elected. Our very government has been infiltrated with these goat-humping muslims, and only Trump will stop it. For God’s sake, Hillary’s own assistant is a freaking muslim. Wake up, Trump haters!!

  16. Proud to be a Trumpster! This scum was. Wife beater and yelled allu snakbar as he was mowing people down. I always say, nothing good happens after midnight .

  17. I adamantly agree, BFH. It is time to cut the crap, get Trump elected, and rid this country of the venomous snakes who have been welcomed in by paid off politicians of both parties.

    My prayers for the injured survivors and the families of those who were slaughtered.

  18. izlam is another tool in the totalitarian locker.
    as is “gun” control and propaganda.
    the list grows long as the time grows short.

    izlamo delenda est …

    Oh, and Mr. Hat, you are absolutely correct, as usual (don’t you get bored, always being right?)

  19. COULD NOT AGREE MORE, FUR! The Clinton Cartel information is out there for anyone to read and check out. Why people stick their collective heads in the sand and wait for their asses to be blown away is beyond stupid… why the gays embrace that bitch who is gay, and welcomes gay-bashing, murdering muslim terrorists into the country is also beyond stupid…

  20. Gotcha. Not that I was ever in danger of wavering.

    JohnS, regarding this topic,he doesn’t need any excuse. Doesn’t need one overall, really.. And you are a guest who has enjoyed a fair amount of latitude.

  21. Bravo Big Fur. Trump wasn’t my first choice, as I suspect many commenters here were of the same mindset, but he is most certainly my choice now, and I will do everything in my power to help get him elected. Especially now, as he understands the threat of Islam to every single American.

    NeverTrumpers remind of children, stomping their feet when they don’t get their way. Honestly, if you’re still NT after today, you need to have your head examined.

  22. Trumpet for Trump!
    Go on Amazon, type Vuvuzela
    Git yoreself a Trumpet son!
    They can be heard for miles.
    Then next time a Liberal dickface opines in the fresh air of freedom, give them a blast that tells them: “First Amendment, baby”
    If I ran a horde, I would send out a boatload of folks with these trumpets, to announce my arrival.

  23. I agree, bfh. This is war. We (the country) aren’t fighting it but the Muslims are. I just watched an interview with Newt this morning (he is so great at cutting through the bs). He mentioned that the FBI had been monitoring this guy but couldn’t do anything about him legally. Newt stated, to paraphrase, we can’t wait until these people kill more Americans to do something about them. If the FBI can’t find a law to prosecute these people under, Congress needs to make such a law. We need to cauterize the wound. Stop tying the hands of law enforcement because of political correctness.

  24. Back on topic,
    Those who wish to withhold their vote due to principles (be they right or wrong) appear to hold their vote in high esteem. They don’t want to waste their vote on a villain like Trump, because they ‘value’ their vote.
    WTF do they think their vote will be worth after four years of Hilary?
    After fours years of Hilary, your vote will be more than cancelled out by the twenty million illegal alien voters, armed with a mandate for perpetual special treatment, backed up by a choke hold on all media by liberal corporations, and several freak show residents placed on the Supreme Court.

  25. Please do BFH. This needs to be LOUD and clear. I will not trust a Muslim – period. I will continue to pray for their conversion as I have for a long time.

    I once tried to open a door, while I smiled, for a moosie young mother who was pushing a stroller and had another little one in tow. She gave me a hateful look.

  26. John, you are not here trying to push Trump rightward.
    You are actively dissuading people from voting for Trump as he exists right now today. By my math that puts Hillary in the white house.
    Trump is plenty enough right-wing, right now, on the issue of Muslim immigration. He represents a clear delineation from Hillary.
    I am not asking for Trump worship- never have, never will.
    I am not asking people to worship my positions- never have, never will.
    I am asking people, such as yourself, to stop haranguing people on this site with your incessant pettifogging on EVERY POST THAT MENTIONS TRUMP.

    Showing up on this thread to whine because you know you’re simply an agitator who is trying to defeat Trump is very telling, no?
    There are hundreds of people who comment on this site that dislike Trump. They are in no danger of being banned because they do not spend their days trolling the posts looking to argue with anyone who says they like Trump.
    Big difference there, dontcha think?

    I have nothing against someone who dons a clothespin and votes for Trump.
    I have nothing against someone who thinks Trump is a giant douchebag but still realizes Hillary is a far, far, farrrrrrrr greater douchebag.
    I don’t even have anything against a reader who is quietly not going to vote for Trump.

    But I have no use for anyone who is anti-Trump and “intentionally exasperates” readers with their trolling, trying their best to demoralize people into rethinking their vote for Trump.

    I am sick of hearing about people’s personal jihad, day in and day out about how they personally cannot vote for Trump.
    We get it. You’re fucking special. No one can get through the day unless they hear about your particular struggle…once again. Duly noted.

    Now fucking shut up.
    iOTWreport is endorsing the candidate that is 2 degrees right of Hillary or 180 degrees right of Hillary.
    iOTWreport is endorsing ANYONE but Hillary.

    Hillary is a lying career criminal that should be in prison.
    I don’t want to hear how Donald Trump might be a democrat.
    I. Don’t. Care.

    The primary is over.
    All your yip yap represents an existential threat to Trump, the ONLY PERSON THAT CAN STOP HER.

    Get it?

    SHUTttttttt UPppppppp.

  27. ML – I hear you, but what would be your solution if, as the FBI says, there was no law they could use to arrest this guy, before he goes out and kills 50 people? It’s a fine line, I know. But as for me, if I thought the FBI knew someone was out to kill me, I would want them to be able to act before that happened.

  28. That was the neocon Bush government who, in order to be compassionate, sprayed the misery upon all of us, lest we offend Muslims.

    There is no reason that Nuns and 8 year-old girls should be pulled out of lines to be body searched for the good of the optics.

    We should all go through metal detectors and have our luggage x-rayed. And Muslims, and only Muslims, should be pulled off of lines for “special care.”

    If Muslims object we can have the no-searching-whatsoever planes, with Muslim stewards and pilots. Let’s see how many progressives get on board those planes.

    (Of course, we can’t have those planes, either. They would fly them into our buildings.
    See, you can’t have nice things with Muslims around.)

  29. Actually I think that Trump and Fur don’t go far enough in their proposals. The United States of America needs to STOP ALL IMMIGRATION IMMEDIATELY.

    The suspension of ALL immigration should continue until the country does three essential things:

    1) Secure our borders.

    2) Figure out a better way of vetting incoming nationals of other countries.

    3) Get our economy to a place where immigrants will not be taking jobs away from U.S. citizens.

    Then and only then should we allow immigrants into the country again. It isn’t just the Muslim nations that are sending us the dregs of humanity. We have criminals, leeches, and people who are sick with deadly contagious diseases coming here all day, every day, from every country on Earth.

    This is what Trump, a true patriot and my candidate of choice, means when he talks about “putting America first.”


  30. RC, You need to kill them first. And we are slowly getting there. We’ve got way to much Government now. And the gun laws we currently have are getting people killed.

  31. Why does JohnS keep throwing a wrench into the gears?>>

    Because he doesn’t want to see Trump in the white house.
    Do the math. That puts Hillary in the white house.

    It’s this simple equation that these assholes cannot get away from.

    Trump is not my dream candidate…
    but Hillary is my nightmare.

    I do not want to continue spending hours and hours in comments re-aligning the narrative.
    I do not appreciate that someone would intentionally exasperate me when my time is very limited in the comments.

    By the way, your dog portrait is completed, Moe.

  32. Just sent following tweet in response to @HillaryClinton’s bloviations:

    “Yeah, and WTF are YOU going to do to stop this nonsense in the future? YOU’RE eating Muslim pussy every night for dinner!”

    Follow me on Twitter: greetingsfromyonkers@GfromYonkers

  33. This will inspire other attacks. It will take more of these tragedies to wise up enough people to make certain that the Clintons don’t reoccupy the White House.

  34. My wife has been in the neverTrump camp for some time. We talked about it the other day and I asked her to explain herself. Off flew the typical MSM stuff: he’s a misogynist, hater, inexperienced, racist, and the terms kept coming. So I asked her for some examples starting with being a misogynist and all she could come up with is he calls women pigs. I replied, no only Rosie O’Donnel and in all fairness she is a pig. She says fair enough, but he hates immigrants. No, he hates illegals, there is a difference. So she says fair enough, but he doesn’t have any experience. Oh, he never built a business and made billions of dollars, sort of the same dream all hard working Americans have, unlike every other private sector inexperienced candidate? She says fair enough, but he’s still an asshole. So I called her a man hater. She won’t talk about it anymore.

  35. Many of us were banned from reichskoop and redstate and others for taking stands for Trump or exposing the fallacy of other candidates. That time is past. The primaries are over. You are either for us or agin’ us. You are either pro-America or anti-American. Give them the boot, BFH.

    Thanks BFH

  36. Obama has placed jihadists in key positions in his administration. What makes some people think Hellary won’t continue that policy. If you’re a conservative and you don’t vote or write in Mickey Mouse, you will have blood on your hands. Trump is the only candidate who brought up the topic of illegal immigration AND has solutions that protect American citizens.
    Get over his personality traits and realize Trump is not out to destroy this nation. The writing is on the wall if Hellary is president. I’ve supported Trump from the beginning and will vote for him in November.

  37. I took a stand during the primaries, and it cost me in terms of readership.
    My stand was that I was not going to repeat the mistake I made in 2012.
    My mistake then was attacking Romney during the primaries.
    I admit I shouldn’t have done that.

    I was stuck in an embarrassing situation. I had to go full throttle for a guy I had previously ratf*cked.
    It was a stupid move.

    I played it fair during these primaries. I doled out razzing and praise in what I thought was equal measure.
    Trump people thought I was too hard on him. And Cruz people felt the same about his treatment. So, I pleased no one in a sense. Readers went away.

    But now that this thing is settled, and it’s Trump versus Hillary, I am supporting Trump.

    Here’s what I do not understand about these “I’m a patriot, don’t tell me I want Hillary to win, I hate Hillary” people who are “sitting it out” because of their remarkable principles.
    You do not HATE HILLARY.
    If you did you’d vote for her opposition. You’d walk on molten glass to vote against her, like I would do.
    Not voting means you don’t care if she wins, period.

  38. @BFH -Amen


    “Those who wish to withhold their vote due to principles (be they right or wrong) appear to hold their vote in high esteem.”

    Letting Hillary win isn’t a way to show it. The Democrats always talk about disenfranchising voters with ID laws and such. What’s more disenfranchising, requiring people to prove they are legally eligible to vote or debasing the votes of the legal citizens by allowing ineligible illegal aliens? How is that holding ones vote in high esteem?

    I’m in favor of a national ID card just for this reason, and I don’t want to hear the privacy reasons against it. There isn’t any privacy anymore. The benefits outweigh the dangers.

    I’m with BFH. Fuck them all. When I look at what is at stake, I can’t help feel the #NeverTrump mentality is treasonous.

  39. If this guy had been a white 40 yr old army vetthe fbi sure as hell would have found a way to prosecute him two years ago. At the least he would have been put on a no-fly list and prohibited from weapons purcase

  40. “There is no reason that Nuns and 8 year-old girls should be pulled out of lines to be body searched for the good of the optics.” -BFH

    This reminds me of one of my daughter’s 7th birthday. We were flying to see her grandparents so that grandma could cook up a special birthday dinner just for her. While in line at the airport, a female TSA agent came up to my little birthday girl, took her by the hand, and just started walking away. I shouted, “Hold it right there! Where do you think you are going with my child?” Well, for a full invasive pat-down, of course, because my blonde, blue-eyed child looked like a terrorist. I explained to the TSA be-otch that she would NOT take my child out of my sight. She sighed and told me to follow. Took my little child to the side area of the TSA line, got down an her knees in front of my kid, and literally began to feel around her tiny chest. At the same time, the TSA agent was explaining to me that terrorists would stop at nothing, and would in fact be willing to plant bombs on children in order to achieve their ends. It looked like a pedofilic molestation to me, as I stood by, helplessly. But my little wild child, God love her, began to shout at the top of her lungs, “Mommy, mommy, she’s touching me inappropriately!” Louder and louder, over and over, my child screamed these words. Soon, everyone in the TSA line was watching, and this old be-otch hauled herself up to her feet and just walked away from us, without a word.

    TRUMP 2016

  41. There’s no way to justify #NeverTrump at this point. There’s no one else backstage. It’s Trump or Hillary, and if you stay home, vote for Hillary, or vote third party and smugly pat yourself on the back for it, you are not conservative. That high horse you think you’re riding is a fucking jackass and you might as well ride with the rest of the Democrat herd from here on out. You are their ally. Own it.

  42. Voting is not going to be enough. I’ve repeated this fact ad nauseum. I admit, it’s been easier for some of us to ‘move on’ because we were for Trump from almost the get go. Fur has done an admirable job of helping those who were Cruz supporters see this from a different view though his #NeverHillary campaign. There is, however, a different quality between #NeverHillary and “Go Trump!” I don’t need to explain it.

    How many of us had to force back the bile when the GOP establishment forced Willard “the Rat” Romney on us? And yet, I was out there campaigning for him because I knew the next four years were going to take us that much further from the shore of sanity. Thankfully, obama didn’t win in a landslide, so at least we were able to stave off his vaunted “mandate.” Same for mid-terms. Who gave money they didn’t have to Tea Party primary campaigns?

    We now know we got snookered by both parties. We need to explain that to EVERYONE we know and meet. How many of you have a regular coffee drive though, a dentist appointment between now and November, anyone who comes into your home to service anything?!

    Feeling too shy to bring up politics in polite company? You better get over it because the next jihad could kill you and your loved ones. I never want to get a text message from my kid saying they’ve been shot or are waiting to get murdered. I never want to again to see a fourteen year old running for his life from La Raza agitators or a junior thug round-housing a random, innocent woman because he thinks #BlackLivesMatter.

    It’s a war. There are no civilians.

  43. “My mistake then was attacking Romney during the primaries.”

    What mistake? Mittens has proved himself to be a tool of the Oligarchy.

    Fuck Mittens! Fuck McCain! Fuck Obola! Fuck HRC! Fuck Sanders! Fuck Warren! Fuck Rove! Fuck … aw shit … the list is getting too long …

    izlamo delenda est …

  44. Mr. Trump cannot “kill” the cancer.
    Mr. Trump has latched onto … or tapped into … a vein of enormous discontent in America and is playing it well.
    If he can mobilize, us … We, the People … to attempt to rectify this descent into imbecility – if only for a moment – We could do great things.
    But if We rely only upon him to save our nation, We will be massively disappointed. One man can, indeed, point and scream “There! There is the enemy!” but it is still incumbent upon us to eradicate the blight. Our situation has been a century in the making, and one, or even two, terms of a President won’t cure it. The rot and corruption is systemic. And the system, itself, must be cleansed.

    izlamo delenda est …

  45. Yes we need to stop all Muslims from entering this country! We also need to ban people that think otherwise from commenting on this site! No ill words about Trump, whether true or false should be allowed here as it helps Hiliary in her bid to defeat Trump! Even if this is the only issue Donald Trump will follow through on, that is enough for me too! Nothing but pro Trump speech should be allowed, it doesn’t matter anymore! Even if we have to suspend the constitution temporally like Bush did with the Patriot Act, it will be worth it if we just rid this country of muslims! Peace in our Time! Trump 2016!!!!!!

  46. Andrew Cuomo, the Worlds Stupidest Governor attacked guns and gun owners in his statement and completely ran cover for savage islam.
    I almost threw up when the Orlando authorities were done talking and then some savage islamic leader stepped up to the mic to lecture us Americans.
    Can you imagine FDR giving his “Live In Infamy” speech and then saying, “…and now, a few words from a Japanese general.”?
    As far as I’m concerned, if a candidate stepped to the podium and yelled, “FUCK ISLAM! NOW, LET’S MARCH INTO THESE MOSQUES AND SEE WHAT THESE SAVAGES ARE UP TO BEFORE THEY KILL US ALL!” he’d have my vote.

  47. The transformation is complete.

    I’ll truly, truly miss stopping by here every day (save for the last couple months.)

    Congratulations on your tremendous efforts to sway CONSERVATIVES to your pet mouthbreathing democrat “republican” nominee. Helluva job.

    AA, and BB – you are two of the dumbest, most loathsome individuals I’ve come across on the internet. Perhaps a TRUMP! cabinet position awaits.

    This has been an LGF-scale meltdown. Pathetic.

    (This is the part where all of you act like neanderthals, toss around some profanity, accusations, ban me, and turn shit Chinese.)

    You’re going places!

  48. Brian — As BB would say, “Here, let me fix that for you, ‘In my opinion [you are the two dumbest, most loathsome…]…”

    Looks like we won this battle against you, Charlie, so it’s a good day for me.

    Don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.

  49. Menderman — I truly do not understand what you want. What do you want to have happen at this point? What is it that would make you happy in these circumstances?

  50. Brian, I have seen this coming.
    I left the Nuthouse because they had become a place dedicated to giving Team Hillary quotes they could post showing what morons Trump supporters are.
    Well, the anti-trump crowd has moved here also.
    Crowing about how this will bring voters to Trump is a sure fired way to convince the average person that Trump supporters are unhinged.
    I will say it. Trump is treading water against Hillary more because of how his ‘followers’ treat normal political discourse than anything Trump has done or said.
    Trump has (naturally) moved away from the scorched earth tactics that he used to get free press and onto a more rational campaign.
    However, some of his worshipers are resisting the change and by doing so are resisting his election.

  51. JohnS
    Your problem is your just not that smart. So you discredit yourself every time you post. You should probably just read. Or there’s always the Right Poop. You will have many freinds there.
    You guys fucking kill me. News Flash, your choices are, Hillary or Trump. Choose. But there’s no other choice. That’s it . Done. Over.

  52. BB, I should learn from you.
    Rather than reinvent my business as I have had to do several times due to changing markets, I should sit on my ass and complain (getting drunk and threatening people at night is optional, I hope)and hope some politician rides in on a unicorn and saves me like a damsel in distress rather than trying to force the horn up my ass like most of them do.
    On second thought.

  53. John S – “scorched earth tactics that he used to get free press”???
    Trump simply vocalized what Americans have been dying to hear for eight years! The Truth!
    Sounds to me like the only thing that got scorched wuz yer ass!

  54. JohnS: OK, I finally get it. You were sent to IOTWR by a Higher Power to be the lightning rod for our anger and frustrations, to draw out all our bile and venom and take it unto yourself, in order to cleanse our Conservative souls and bring us forgiveness. By sacrificing your image and causing yourself to be thrown into the fiery pit of ignominy and banishment, you will have truly become our Redeemer. Please forgive me for ever doubting your wisdom. Little did I know that the “S” in your screen name stood for Savior. May I refer to you by that title in your future, Master?

    Your devoted servant, VV.

  55. I know you all know this. JohnS comments (trolls) here because he gets rewarded — he gets TU’s and outraged responses. I’ve been guilty of ‘feeding’ his perverse need, too. He will only go away when he no longer gets acknowledgement in any form — even references (like this one) in a comment. So, unless you like him dogging every comment or leaving droppings all over a thread, then any recognition of him has to stop.

    Most of his comments read like they’ve come out of troll comment generator, anyway. He sticks in a few keywords and out belches a string of nonsense that fills up a thread.

  56. AA, PLEASE!
    Stop commenting on my posts.
    Your comments rarely, if ever, add anything so they won’t be missed.
    I have to congratulate you on finally coming up with a worthwhile idea. I truly hope that this becomes a trend rather than a one-off deal.

  57. Thank you Vietvet.
    I identify as an Alpha Male, so Lord or Master are my preferred titles.
    I never ask to be addressed that way by my equals though, only my inferiors (liberals).

  58. AA, I knew it!
    You love me!
    In a world of wimps, a man who will stand up for himself is desired. I am accustomed to it.
    If you are ever in the area I will let you hang on my arm for a few moments.

  59. To what end, do the anti Trumpers post here today? Your commenting makes no sense.You will sway no opinion. You will change no minds. All you will accomplish is ill will and a lot of negative votes. So the only conclusion I can arrive at,is that you are here to troll. Tell me again just how principled you are.
    Gun control, open borders, and the complete annihilation of morality and freedom, is what a Clinton administration would bring. So is it principled or petulant?

  60. Yesterday the eloquent Viet vet had a comment about a post and it made me song stuck…he asked ____S if he wanted to or thought he might want to be a pariah…One of my favorite movies with a song by a favorite actor…Clint Eastwood in Paint Your Wagon……”PARIAAAH, PARIAAH….they called ____S PARIAAH…..”….

  61. JohnS, the ATTENTION WHORE until the very end!

    HERE YA GO, A§$H*LE!

    A Letter of Recommendation for your future endeavors:


    The nuicancy – if not outright – a§$h*lly JohnS
    Has served your purposes with gusto!

    He (not to trigger, just a written convenience,
    you understand, as JohnS has NO BALLS)
    while may claim to consider himself an Alpha Male
    while trolling like LOST MAIL in the Post Office,
    we really HAVE enjoyed and appreciated his presence
    as much as a syphilitic boil on the genital wart of
    a genital wart.

    But he is SO VALUABLE to you!
    He is – if nothing else – and I DO emphasize NOTHING –
    a Tokyo Rose in the service of America’s Left,
    Communists and other totalitarians Worldwide
    (without compare, mostly because NO ONE else
    is interested in the work,
    except for muzzies, homos, and other residual Leftists).

    But we REALLY HAD A GREAT TIME with him/her/it/whatever!
    Good luck on your next recycled use to this troll.

    P.S. JohnS…I hope this helps you on your way through “life”…if that isn’t too judgmental a term for our “reality.”

  62. Thank you for being a beacon of rationality throughout this campaign, Fur. You’ve consistently been the most honest voice that I’ve seen on the internet, bar none.

  63. Menderman wrote.

    Yes we need to stop all Muslims from entering this country! We also need to ban people that think otherwise from commenting on this site! >>>>

    When was this stated? Who said people can’t discuss the issue of banning, or not banning all Muslims from entering the country on the site?
    The answer is, of course, never.
    So, you’re wrong again.
    This is exhausting.

    No ill words about Trump, whether true or false should be allowed here …>>>

    Wrong again. Adults can discuss Trump’s weaknesses, strengths, truths, offer advice, insights, etc.

    >>as it helps Hiliary in her bid to defeat Trump! >>>

    There will be no continual narrative made by a serial commenter whose sole intent is incessantly dissuade people from voting for Trump, which will help Hillary. That won’t be happening here.

    Even if this is the only issue Donald Trump will follow through on, that is enough for me too! >>>

    Yes, because Hillary is simply not an acceptable alternative to Trump.
    Many were, but they are not in the race anymore. Let it go. It’s Hillary or Trump now, and there will be no discussion about who is a better candidate. That science is settled.
    Trump is better than Hillary. You are not going to harangue readers about that anymore.

    >>>Nothing but pro Trump speech should be allowed, it doesn’t matter anymore!

    Discussions of Trump’s weaknesses are fine. I make posts all the time about them. But they are not set to the backdrop of NEVERTRUMP!!!
    Have I given a hard time to anyone who’s said “Trump is a giant douchebag, but there really is no alternative now, I really don’t like Trump but the alternative is allowing the left to continue their executive powers which seem to be getting more and more powerful under this current regime.”?
    No, I haven’t.

    >>Even if we have to suspend the constitution temporally like Bush did with the Patriot Act, it will be worth it if we just rid this country of muslims! Peace in our Time! Trump 2016!!!!!!>>

    Who said this?

    This is what was written-

    “I want a halt to all Muslims seeking to enter this country. We do not have to take them, and I don’t want them. Any politician who feels differently is not someone I want representing me.”

    I said earlier in the rant that we have homegrown Muslims here already and that is bad enough.
    Where did anyone say anything about ridding the country of all Muslims??

    I think you need help.
    I mean that seriously, not glibly.

  64. “there will be no discussion about who is a better candidate”

    Got it. Pro Trump or ye be banned!

    “I want a halt to all Muslims seeking to enter this country.”

    I doubt you mean that all muslims, including tourists, should be banned…right? It sounds like you are saying that…Please tell me I am wrong.

  65. “there will be no discussion about who is a better candidate”

    Got it. Pro Trump or ye be banned!>>>>>>

    So, let me get this straight. You WANT discussion over who is a better candidate, Trump or Hillary?

    Let’s just get this straight right now –

  66. Doesn’t really matter to me. I am more concerned about my Congressman, Senators, state representatives, state senators, county commisioners…

    The obsession of who lives at 1600 Penn Ave is silly if you totally ignore the down ballot. From what I saw of what you posted recently, you don’t care about the down ballot…right?

  67. Menderman — Many here are way ahead of you. “The down ballot” is just the latest meme and dog whistle coming out of the #NeverTrump camp (and Willard “The Rat” Romney’s machinations to come up with a contested convention replacement).

    There is, apparently, no concern for the “Down Ballot” with President Hillary Clinton.

    The “Down Ballot” officially ended last night in Orlando. And continuing this bizarre circular argument reveals your #NeverTrump allegiance.

  68. Menderman,

    “Got it. Pro Trump or ye be banned!>>>>>>”

    You seem confused. There’s two people running right now, Hillary and Trump. So are you for Hillary?

  69. AA, I have been saying since last October that I was more concerned about Congress than I was about POTUS. Your ignorance to that position I hold is not my fault. It is simply your choice to be ignorant.

  70. From what I saw of what you posted recently, you don’t care about the down ballot…right?

    Well, I’ve demonstrated in my fisking that you’re really not a reliable source who should be tasked with the responsibility of reporting what has been said in the past and what it means.
    No, I have never said that “I don’t care about the down ballot.”

    For someone that “doesn’t care” who wins the presidency, you certainly do a lot of caring about a site policy that will not tolerate any #NEVERTRUMP rhetoric.

    Can you see why people either think you’re lying, stupid or an attention whore?

  71. Menderman, but that’s not what’s happening is it. You got jack ass Brian calling AA and I names, you’ve got Brain Damaged JohnS beating his drum all anti Trump. Judging by the TD’s there’s a few others that want the apple cart up set. I’m guessing they want Trump replaced at the convention. And because suddenly your odd man out here you tend to side with them. How’s that for deep? And you can STFU.

  72. Menderman — Yeah, I don’t think so. You’ve only mentioned “Down Ballot” recently. Your anti-Trump rants have gone on for months — which points to the great interest you have had until recently in who occupies “1600 Penn.” But no one here wants to revisit everything that has brought us to this moment and your caginess and clever word crafting, I think (in my willful ignorance), is strictly in your own mind and point directly to your die hard belief that #NeverTrump will somehow prevail. Such an outcome, given the overwhelming vote that Trump will generate, will #NeverMaterialize. That is not based on wishful thinking or fantasy. Trump will win not just in spite of #NeverTrump, but more so because of it.

  73. So, I created JohnS and Brian, or am I jealous of all the attention they get? I’m confused…

    Your the one in the email group with AA, CoD and a few others and plan your attacks here. I don’t do that. I don’t need to.

  74. Menderman, you and your girl freinds think it’s perfectly acceptable to disenfranchise record number of voters because you don’t agree. Fuck you, the people have spoken, vote for Hillary. Your bull shit is wearing thin.

  75. You can’t even say that you’re not for Hillary.

    You’ve had a good run.
    Cut your losses and go.

    You might fit in better at another site.
    Why continue doing this here?

    Why do you want to play the role of agitator?
    What are you trying to accomplish?

    I loathe the Clintons. I hate Hillary. I think she belongs in jail. I think she is a serial liar and I hold nothing but contempt for her.
    I’ve asked many times that you knock off the Trump is shit routine now that we’re down to two candidates.
    And now your latest position is that “you really don’t care who wins”?

    One can only shake their head and wonder what your agenda is.

    But, and this is a bad sign, I really don’t care what your agenda is anymore.

  76. I loathe Hiliary as well. I have said for months and months that my biggest fear with a Trump presidency is losing both houses of congress and setting up a Warren like candidate in 2020 with a super majority. I will never vote for Hiliary. It is unlikely I will vote for Trump. But when you post untruths like that Laura Bush stuff last night, I am going to call you out on it. I wouldn’t care if I wasn’t a guy that has been here since the beginning of this site. Seeing you consumed with rage rather than being guided by principle is disturbing to watch. You have one goal: “Stop Hiliary!”…nothing else matters to you. That’s sad to watch.

  77. bfh – sorry, I was off the grid this weekend and didn’t hear of the Moslem Orlando Terrorist Attack until just now.

    *the Filthy Moslem Savage was from PSL. I used to be from that town, happily moving away from there 8 yrs ago.
    *My bet is that this Filthy Moslem Savage’s regular go-to mosque is that one up in south Ft Pierce. I used to drive by it every day on the way to work.

    I know exactly how this makes you feel. You have every right to be furious that this piece of shit lived nearby to you and that the Fedl Gummint had looked into this Filthy Moslem Savage no less than THREE times and never did anything about it.

    Hey Feds, here’s a fuckin’ tip for ya: if he’ or she is a Moslem, they are either a Filthy Moslem Savage terrorist or morally / financially support Filthy Moslem Savage terrorists. It’s that simple. So your job is to throw them the fuck out of our country and send them back to the Third World Shithole they came from.

    I hope Trump wins. I hope Trump changes the Republican nickname from GOP to GTFO

  78. Trump won the R nomination.
    Hillary won the D nomination.

    You will choose 1 from the 2 from the above list.
    That is all.

    IT’S OVER!!!! The people have voted. Not one former candidate, not Cruz, not Paul, not Carson, not anyone will come in to disrupt the process because if they did their names would be mud for eternity.

    It’s DONE. Accept it.

    Do not directly or indirectly aid Hillary. She is your enemy.
    Do not comfort Hillary. She is your enemy.
    Do not give Hillary a pass. She is your enemy.
    Do not make excuses for Hillary. She is your enemy.
    Do not try to make or change Hillary into anything but what she is: Your enemy.

    I repeat. IT’S OVER.

    Trump is now our candidate.
    Deal with it.

  79. Menderman — I don’t feel compelled to respond to your latest delusion about email groups, but I do so to try to shake some reality back into you. There is no such group. And even if there was, it’s a nutty to think any of us would plan to attack you. I don’t know what else you’re going through, personally, in your life, but whatever it is, you may want to take a vacation from all this blogging business and find a change of pace. If you really believe it takes a cabal to plot against you in order to disagree with your views, you are being paranoid and not just a little arrogant.

  80. Never said is was a plot against me. You feeling guilty? When I read a post from BB that says “AA check your email”, shouldn’t I assume y’all email each other?

    Well….do y’all email each other?

  81. Mendermen what is the point of pissing everyone off here have you not read Furs comments here over the last few weeks, to sum it up he will not take anymore of the never Trump crap or just stirring up crap. I made some stupid comments about not supporting Trump here and rightfully got my head ripped off. Its not idolatry just support of him he’s our hammer and killary is the nail.
    Yes we email BB we have been invited to lunch, after we spend some time with G Vanderleun.

  82. Menderman — Holy Smoke! You just said we all get together on email and plan our attacks on you! What the heck?!

    Who I email is really none of your business.

  83. Catching up. I had a few, pool beers, good times.

    Then I see this SHIT.

    I have no time for butt hurt drama queens.

    So I took full advantage of the TU/TD feature.

    Buncha fags! I hit more TD’s just because I’ve always hated Trumpo-the-Clown, however as stoooooopid as I am know the difference!

    Love it because the goofy hair freak is killing it, without being a Muslim cocksucker.

    All the fucktwatjohnscocksucker had to say to get me on board.

    “You’ll have so much winning, yule be sick of winning.”

  84. Oh, it’s my posts like the one about Laura Bush that compels you to say things like “I don’t care who wins the presidency”?

    Do you think no one can see all the comments that you make?
    Do you not see that, taken in their totality, they are ridiculous, contradictory and sort of progtardy?

    When I corner you and force you to admit a truth based on your own words you change lanes, make a u-turn or come up with weirdo explanations that imply you were forced to say these things because you were angered, or you were disrespected, etc.
    Do you think the down thumbs are a vast right-wing conspiracy?

    Take for instance these statements-

    “I don’t care who wins the presidency.”
    “Your goal, stopping Hillary, and nothing else mattering to you, is sad to watch.”

    What does this sound like to you when you read them back?

    You don’t care if Hillary wins the presidency?

    Why not say, “I don’t care if Trump wins the presidency”?

  85. Fur, I’ve lurked here for a good long while before I started posting, and as far as I can remember, he has never directly answered a question in an honest and straightforward manner.

  86. That’s it!

    JohnS and Menderman TOTALLY convinced me.

    I quit IOTWr, you all are not as smart as these two prophets! Heed their advice, John Kasich, Jeb Boosch and Mitt could do better than YOU ALL!

    Totally serious here.

    I’m pretty sure both are from the distant planet Rommnyla. I just can’t compete with their superiority.

  87. Stop this. Tell my why Trump is worse than Hillary. Or tell me the name of another third party or fringe candidate who can beat both Trump and Hillary. Four years ago virtually everyone on this site was telling me to vote for Romney because he was better than Obama, and eight years ago I was supposed to vote for McCain for the same reason.

    Obama is a leftist who is over his head as President. Hillary is a leftist who is power hungry and corrupt. But a lot of people are advocating that I stay home or vote for Hillary because Trump does not act like a stereotypical politician.

    I don’t idolize Trump, and frankly I find him frequently offensive although there are a lot of things I do like about him. If you don’t want me to vote for him, tell me why and who is better and why. (Hint: the only other choice is Hillary, so make your case about why her).

  88. You all realize, of course, that NONE of us exist; other than in the fevered imagination of BigFurHat?

    It’s true. Ask some one of us … say, JohnS … to define ‘objective reality.’
    The result will be a smattering of bullshit followed by some weird statement that he’s glad you agree with him, and then some juvenile nonsensical toilet humor. That’s emblematic of the lower-functioning reptilian cortex of BFH’s brain taking over, momentarily, to summarize the fictitious manifestation of JohnS – who he has ‘created’ as a counterbalance to the higher-functioning portion of his brain, which allows a certain measure of comic relief.

    izlamo delenda est …

  89. BFH – I’m not asking for your address but what street in PSL did this Filthy Moslem Savage terrorist live on? I have a lot of friends in PSL and I hope their lives aren’t being disrupted due to this Satan-sorshipping savage.

    Meanwhile, the mosque I was referring to in my earlier post is on Midway in south Ft Pierce, just east of Oleander. Unless they moved to a new bigger location since 2009, fully funded by Saudi Arabia’s Wahabbist madrassa scheme.

  90. Loved reading this thread. Best are John and Mender’s responses in a link that’s a foreign language. Anyone who posts their argument via a language most people (don’t care to learn to and can’t ) understand, has a point that most people (won’t care to and can’t) understand.

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