Yes, it was true – IOTW Report

Yes, it was true

iOTWreport readers stepped up to fill the void when I wrote about being de-ranked and blacklisted years ago. You guys know who you are. You knew what was happening. If it’s important for us to be here it’s important for you to be there when they are out to get us.

I thank each and every one of you.

22 Comments on Yes, it was true

  1. I’ve got no use for those bastards. They’re corporate totalitarians. It all became REALLY obvious with Google CEO Eric Schmidt’s involvement with the Hillary campaign back in 2016. No one even talks about that now.

  2. If they are offering a service to the public then they can’t discriminate against any one, or organization, on any basis.
    Make them live by their own rules.
    Sue them just like the libs sued the cake makers, bakers, florists, wedding planners, photographers, etc.

  3. They can’t be trusted to police themselves, the dems most certainly can’t be trusted to police them in congress. Hell, I don’t trust the repubs to police them either. The only answer is to break them into harmless subsections immediately.

  4. TO Anon
    Trump’s upcoming E.O. will likely be just the “first shot across the bow,”
    with *serious* break-up action being taken in his second Administration.
    Doing too much now would give the Left “he’s censoring us!’ fodder pre-election.

  5. Somebody should create a “seal of Google disapproval” for those black listed sites to proudly display. This would let the public know they are safe from Google message control and are at least looking at an independent source for information.

  6. True-
    I can’t remember the last time this site or tctreehouse showed up in a proper simple Google search.

    Which is why I have the URLs memorized. Just in case my history deletes at any point.

  7. I remember, yes. The Left only believes in “approved” speech.
    By “approved” speech I mean, anti-American, anti-Conservatism, anti-American sovereignty, anti-life, anti-guns, anti-Capitalism etc. etc. THEY are the TRUE “Fascists”.

  8. At least I now have a long list of new sites to check out. If one of the most evil entities in the world today disapproved of them, they must be good.

    (Don’t worry BFH, I’m sure iotwreport will still be at the top of my list.)

  9. BFH,

    I think Churchill said something along the lines “you have enemies? Good, that means you stood for something” and then someone else something along the lines “you want to know what kind of person someone is? Don’t look at their friends look at their enemies”.

    Or put it this way- the love of God is a freebie- everyone gets that no matter what. Dude, the Evil One knows you by name. What is more- the Evil One had a list drawn up called “this guy is harshing my buzz” and your on that list. What an honor.

    Make up badges and sell them. Or pins you can wear like some people do with the flag while they are on TV.

  10. For sites that depend on ad revenue, this is a class action lawsuit waiting to happen.

    It is no different than a a group of protesters deciding to erect a barrier in front of the entrance of your business in an effort to stop customers from going in your store.

  11. Hell……………… I leave Foxnews pretty quick in the morning and hit to get the news nowadays! Quicker, better, without the “new” little PC slant!! dammit!!


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