Yes, the United States Should Break in Two… – IOTW Report

Yes, the United States Should Break in Two…

The Federalist-

The United States was founded on two things: Judeo-Christian values and a limited federal government. The entire platform of modern Democrats stands completely opposite both of those.

This is the party that booed the very mention of the word “God” at their 2016 convention. This is the party whose candidates openly “joke” about killinganyone who won’t turn in his weapons. Their senators joke on national TV about killing the U.S. president, and the host responds by clapping like a seal.

The 1960s counter-culture liberal protestor who just wanted free weed and an end to the war in Vietnam has been replaced by a man who hunts down Steve Scalise and tries to kill him at baseball practice. The Left is not playing games. They are getting bolder, and they are getting more violent. They have no interest in rational compromises. Like all authoritarian ideologies, they want you to bow down before them or be destroyed for daring to resist.

If you believe in God and limited government, here are the entities that now proclaim their hatred of you in full view of the public: The Democratic Party, media, Hollywood, the public education system, and now even corporate America.

People say both sides disagree on everything, but that is not entirely true. A mass shooting happens at a high school in Florida. Both sides do agree something should be done. People on the Right think we should increase school safety. People on the Left think we should restrict the gun rights of every American citizen, and they’ll try to destroy the career of anyone who disagrees.

Illegal immigrants are pouring across the border. The Right calls for increased border security. The Left offers them sanctuary cities and protection from federal enforcement.

Every issue plays out this same way, and people on the Right will only accept this kind of abuse for so long. Sooner or later, the left-wing rage mob will start coming for the careers (and lives) of any normal American who sees things differently.

This idea of breaking up the country may seem a bit outlandish now, but you won’t think so once real domestic unrest comes to your town. Our political disagreements have become a powder keg, one that already would have blown if conservatives had liberals’ emotional instability.


h/t there’s precedent

45 Comments on Yes, the United States Should Break in Two…

  1. Nope. I say we keep praying and expect the Left to be exposed and ALL their strongholds vanquished. That’s what this election was all about.

    (Have you abandoned your FB account yet?)

  2. Here’s the problem with this idea: Once you break up the U.S. it becomes a second or third rate world power. Might as well lay out a red carpet to the Russians or the Chinese to take over everything, maybe even (eventually) including us.

    You can argue all day over whether it was for all the wrong reasons, but Lincoln was right:

    The Union must be preserved.

  3. “mass shooting happens at a high school in Florida. Both sides do agree something should be done. People on the Right think we should increase school safety. People on the Left think we should restrict the gun rights of every American citizen”

    Not sure where that leaves me on the political spetrum. I would eliminate ALL public school violence very easily, simply eliminate public schools. Sell them all take the billions made from the sales and give it to parents in the form of a voucher, BAM, no more public school shootings no more leftist statist indoctrination, and REAL education.

  4. i wouldnt worry, people are dropping liberalism like a hot potatoe (potato)

    besides that the map should have the line drown through the middle of SD. WSD is ultra conservative while esd is like minne soetah

  5. Liberals would be happy for a wall if was built to keep conservatives out. That’s the kind of wall that makes sense to them. Maybe Pres Trump should try that approach.

  6. Screw that!
    I’d rather get started right away killing Leftists.
    We will eventually be fighting them anyway, and they will become the Soviet Union 2.0, and they will use nukes and gas against us if they could.
    No, let’s just get this bloodbath over with, it will kill fewer people that way.
    A lot of them are unsalvageable and will have to be put down.

  7. Fuck that shit. T minus five years max before the new liberal country starts making inroads into the new, smaller America and we’re looking at surrendering half THAT nation.

  8. RE: AbigailsAdams April 11, 2018 at 2:02 am
    (Have you abandoned your FB account yet?)

    I NEVER farcebooked or TWATTED. So what can I do? How do I join the new anti-farcebook movement? I guess I DON’T join your movement, it joins ME. Welcome aboard. Where have ya been?

  9. If any state in the Union will declare that it prefers separation… to a continuance in union… I have no hesitation in saying, ‘let us separate.'” — Thomas Jefferson

  10. Give up HALF of MY country to some metally unstable Anti-American scumbags??? NOT A FRIGGIN CHANCE IN HELL!!

    How about instead every red blooded american patriot takes to the streets and KILLS every single stinking anti-American traitor that crawls out of mommy’s basement?

    They may have fantasies of that kind of war while playing their video games in the dark but in the real world they would wet themselves and cry for mommy the first time they came under fire.

  11. Well La-Dee-FRICKIN’-Da!

    Lookie who is FINALLY coming the way of Mithrandir’s thinking! I’ve only been pounding this issue since Obama’s election in 2007.

    Europe is your template. They will take your guns, bring in hordes of brown people, the lock you up for complaining about it. Better split away like England, Poland, and Czech Republic.

    I TOLD YOU SO! –Secede!

  12. Anonymous & cslamer

    So Timothy McVeigh was right in 1995?

    What type of litmus test would you use to decide who you “put down”?
    Who would you target first?

    Democrat leaders in your community, Judges, Representatives, media, school boards, your neighbors who voted for Obama or like McVeigh a Government building with federal workers? How about the guy that bullied you when you were 10 years old that still thinks you are a dick?

    Where would it start, where would it end and what would be the result?
    There are no leaders, there is no cohesion or consensus. Who decides who, what, when & where?

    I do agree with this statement:
    “They may have fantasies of that kind of war while playing their video games in the dark but in the real world they would wet themselves and cry for mommy the first time they came under fire.”

    It’s all fantasy born out of increasing frustration with the way things are in the US today.

    I’ll keep praying, just the same.

  13. Try THREE nations: New England, Pacifica, and the United States.

    While we’re at it, Colorado gets annexed by Wyoming. No more trying to figure out which square state is which.

  14. a few thoughts:

    what makes anyone think the central banks will allow you to separate ?
    they didn’t allow it in 1865.

    the central banks would love another civil war.
    they make the most money when people are killing each other over ideology.
    it reduces the population numbers of those who oppose their control.
    it gives them another chance to rewrite history to their advantage.

    “platform of modern democrats stands completely opposite both of those.”
    I don’t see any other party supporting judeo Christian values ?
    republicans are the other side of the same coin and have proved it multiple times.

    only direct citizen action at this point will avert such destruction at the hands of the central banks.

    to win any battle first know who your enemy is.

  15. Wait! Take me with you! Why is all of Virginia left to the leftists? They can have Tidewater and NoVa and Charlottesville, but we right-thinking, God-fearing, hard-working sensible folk west of the Blue Ridge Mountains are not blue state.
    Oh, and this time: Harper’s Ferry stays with us. West Virginia can come too, as long as it kicks NPR out of the Mountain Stage theater.

  16. TN Tuxedo, who told you WY wants CO? no thanks!

    AbigailsAdams, bless you and you’re right. WHY give half the country to CRIMINALS??

    Draw a hard line at every LAW, and HOLD THE LINE. (theft, elections, property, gun rights…)

  17. So why is New Mexico in the Federalist States of America instead of the People’s Republic of Soyland?
    And fuck Lincoln. Amicable divorce is preferable to Civil War.
    There was absolutely no reason to murder your countrymen on account of Romanticism.

    Slavery and Liberty are incompatible in a “unified” nation (this was proved in the 1800s). Nihilistic Socialism IS Slavery. We cannot continue half Slave and half Free – we (those who do) now work nearly half the year to pay for the parasites, maggots, illegally-invading rat-people, all the levels of gov’t oppression and regulation, and to have our (not mine, really) money stolen by corrupt judges, lawyers, legislators, and bureaucrats.
    As they expropriate more, more will be hidden, and animosities mount – until violence becomes the only response.
    Both sides understand this – which explains the resultant expedient of resorting to lies to explain anything and everything concerning Gov’t.
    They lie about everything. They lie about their lies. They not only lie to us (the Americans) but they lie to themselves – in a vain attempt to maintain their humanity.
    Civilization works through cycles (apparently) though there are never any precise repetitions, or analogs, but similarities. The more we ignore them, the more apt we are to repeat them. US – 1861, Spain – 1936, Germany – 1932, Russia – 1917, Europe – 1914 and 1939, China – 1932, blah, blah, blah, &c., &c., &c.

    War isn’t (contrary to popular belief) a “Triumph of the Will” but a triumph of men, matériel, abundant artillery, armor, fire, and maneuver.

    America was beaten in Vietnam by “our” press – not by the Communist Vietnamese – and that was the result of fecklessness on the part of our “ruling class” and the ignorance inculcated in our “institutes of higher learning” as well as by the fifth columnists throughout gov’t, academia, and the media.

    There is no reason to believe that America faces fewer challenges and traitors than it did then – probably more, and more ignorance (if that’s possible).

    izlamo delenda est …

  18. There is nothing to like about splitting the greatest country ever in two. Does anyone think that will give us two great countries? We only have one choice, and that is to defeat the left. Granted it looks more difficult all the time, but that is the only thing that saves our country.

  19. An additional problem with the left is destroying the US as a super power, greatest nation ever is a plus in their book. They can hardly tolerate hearing about American exceptionalism without losing their minds. Zuckerberg could barely handle having to admit he would have never had his company anyplace else in the world and his inclination was to start talking about China. They have to be beaten and until recently that meant at the ballot box. They are the ones that won’t accept the results of elections when they aren’t in their favor.

  20. The solution is built into the Constitution. Decentralized power in the form of states rights. People can then decide if they want to live in a state that is socialist or free.

  21. Anonymous

    A battle for state’s rights (decentralized power) was attempted in the 1860s.

    620,000 to 750,000 Military deaths, 75,500 to 200,000 civilian deaths.

    The effects of the War between the States is still felt today. The unchecked centralized federal government has grown more powerful and heavy handed as each rule, regulation and law passed since 1865.

    The populace of each state are slaves to the state, the states are slaves to the federal government and the so-called “representative” federal government are slaves to the establishment deep state.

    Freedom is defined similarly to “shall not be infringed”. It means what they want it to mean or it will be ignored totally.

  22. Hell no! 150 years ago we went to war with a large section of the country who wanted to secede from the union. We forcibly put down the rebellion in order to preserve the country as one nation. It was right then, and it’s right now.

  23. Slight tweak, Tim

    America was defeated in Vietnam by the overwhelming Democratic majorities of the 94th Congress who voted to defund military assistance (ie, B-52s)to South Vietnam as required by the Peace Accords of 1973 …. period.

    The fact that THIS is the reason we lost South Vietnam can be easily proven. In 1972, the North tried to take the South via conventional invasion tactics. One problem with that is that you have to mass your forces into staging areas and whatnot which get obliterated by American air power. Which is why the Easter Offensive was stopped .. with enormous losses to North Vietnam

    Fast forward three years — the Communist world sensing what is afoot with the new Congress re-equips the North. Once the defund is done, the offensive starts in short order, and the South is quickly routed. Which is exactly what you would have expected, which is what the Shitlibs MUST HAVE KNOWN would happen!!

    You cant say we were defeated at the time of the 1973 Peace Accords. The North tried to pull a fast one at the last moment to get better terms and Nixon gave them the Christmas bombings with no restraints. American POWs at the time noted the shock on the faces of their captors at the intensity of the attacks. Then the North delegation came crawling back to the negotiating table and acceded to our terms, suffering great loss of face in the process.

    That’s not the act of a victorious enemy

  24. Callmelennie,
    Can’t argue with you – but don’t you think our nihilistic socialistic Press had some influence on those elections?

    Just a thought; I can’t offer any facts.

    izlamo delenda est …

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