‘Yes We Khan’ – Fundraiser Started to Get Khizr Khan to Run for Virginia Legislature – IOTW Report

‘Yes We Khan’ – Fundraiser Started to Get Khizr Khan to Run for Virginia Legislature


Leading the effort to get Khizr Khan to consider a run for elected office is Vietnam veteran and Democratic activist Tom Keefe, who launched a fundraiser on Wednesday called “Yes We Khan.” The campaign, which aims to get Khan in the Virginia House of Delegates, raised more than $11,000 in just 24 hours.

Keefe, who also attended the DNC and was on stage with other veterans duringGen. John Allen’s speech, told NBC News he met Khan at the convention and was struck by the emotional force of his speech. Speaking with his wife Ghazala by his side, Khan lambasted Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s call to ban Muslims from entering the U.S.

“I just thought, this guy might be somebody who could really turn things around for us,” Keefe, 67, told NBC News.

He posted the fundraiser on Crowdpac.com, a nonpartisan site that helps citizens find and support local candidates, to encourage Khan to run — but also as a way to take a stand against Trump.

“It’s not only about Mr. Khan. It’s really my deep dislike for Mr. Trump and some of the things he has done to veterans over the years,” he said,


19 Comments on ‘Yes We Khan’ – Fundraiser Started to Get Khizr Khan to Run for Virginia Legislature

  1. Let’s fisk this one statement into two parts:
    “I just thought, this guy might be somebody who could really turn things around for us,”

    “I just thought”. . . . REALLY!?!? I THOUGHT DildoCrats ran on emotions, not thought. Thought implies some form of logic and facts.

    “this guy might be somebody who could really turn things around for us,”
    Oh, he’d turn things around for you, alright. From the shitter to the hangman’s noose.

  2. “things he has done to veterans over the years”

    Like sending his private plane to bring them home when their flight was canceled? Like helping the vet stuck in a Mexican prison for months get a new start? He doesn’t know anything about Trump at all.

  3. I would have bet anything that this was from The Onion. This can’t possibly be serious. It’s just an attempt to keep this sharia loving POS’s name in front of the sheeple because the LSM think it is a winning issue. F them and F Khanman.

  4. It’s deep blue Charlottesville. And he’s a muzzie minority who’s also a gold star father. Y’all see what happens when you criticize his political interventions. He’s got the same untouchability that Obama leverages.

    Plus this seat is held by Rob Bell, who actually has his eye on the attorney general job.

    This has the makings of another Virginia republican disaster. We’re famous for that now.

  5. This was the plan all along by Jihad Khan and his high profile dhimmi dimwit supporters. The mission was to find a severely leftist compromised state vulnerable enough to be a Sharia legistlative stronghold.
    Deceased son who “served” in US military, faux victimhood status, Clinton crime family associate and brown skinned “immigrant” – all the bells and whistles needed for a hostile Islamic takeover of Virginia.

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