Yesterday Was “Life and Family Day” in Guatemala – IOTW Report

Yesterday Was “Life and Family Day” in Guatemala


On Wednesday, which Guatemala’s Congress declared “Life and Family Day,” President Alejandro Giammattei said in a speech at the National Palace, “This event is an invitation to unite as Guatemalans to protect life from conception until natural death.”

Guatemalan women convicted of terminating their pregnancies can now face sentences up to 10 years that before were a maximum of three. The Congress imposed even heavier penalties for doctors and others who assist women in ending pregnancies…

…The Guatemala legislation also explicitly prohibited same-sex marriage — which was already effectively illegal — and banned schools from teaching anything that could “deviate (a child’s) identity according to their birth gender.”

Lawmaker Armando Castillo, an ally of Giammattei’s administration, defended the legislation, saying that the only thing it does is protect “heterosexual people who have no interest in diversity.” More

4 Comments on Yesterday Was “Life and Family Day” in Guatemala

  1. Wow, Guatemala has a lot going for it in “Life and Family Day” but I’m starting to think the ‘family’ part has all too often been ending up in the United States….illegally.

  2. Some countries have good leaders. Ours, not so lucky.

    I keep asking myself, what is so wrong about opposing the murder of humans who are still in the womb?

    What has happened since 1974 is worse than what Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot have collectively done. God forgive us for the murders of the innocent.

    The Nuremburg Laws do not apply to the unborn. That is sick and twisted.

  3. It is the more religious countries that embrace the concept of universal truth and universal morality, given to us by the inspired and authoritative word of God.

    The USA is NOT one of these. Here there is no universal truth, no moral law because a moral lawgiver is not recognized, it is subordinated to the morality of the self, where right and wrong is relegated to feelings and culture.

  4. It has struck me during the reporting on the war in Ukraine how exorcised several leftist reporters are about the death of children and babies. Yet, they are just fine, thank you very much, for supporting the murder of those same beings in the womb.
    Bravo to Guatemala for celebrating life.


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