Yet another booster needed, according to Pfizer CEO – IOTW Report

Yet another booster needed, according to Pfizer CEO

Citizen Free Press

Pfizer CEO Dr. Albert Bourla says a fourth shot against Covid is “now necessary.”

“Right now, the way that we have seen, yes it is necessary, a fourth booster right now. The protection that you are getting from the third, it is good enough, actually quite good for hospitalizations and deaths. It’s not that good against infections, and doesn’t last very long.” More

30 Comments on Yet another booster needed, according to Pfizer CEO

  1. I think millions have learned their lesson with the first and second jab. Some are dead and those living will think twice about getting another jab. If they do, so be it, can’t fix stupid. BIL & SIL got 2 jabs and now they have covid. I asked how they got covid if they’ve been jabbed. I guess the question was adding insult to injury.

  2. Somehow, I don’t think there will be a stampeded for a fourth shot, especially if the demented garden gnome from Bethesda does a TV tour d’force on the Sunday shows.

  3. …of course he said that. He heard about the almost billion dollar severance package the Moderna guy’s getting, and thinks that Pfizer should be able to give HIM even MORE.

    Another booster should just about do it.

    For HIM.

  4. Get another stab to see if this is the one that takes you out and remember it all helps to enrich the poor drug lords who aren’t liable if you go comatose and end up in a nursing home drooling. Who’s taking bets this time???

  5. That vaccine isn’t going to make much money anymore but this bastard will squeeze every penny out of it just the same.

    In the afterlife I see him surrounded by the tens of thousands of souls his vaccine killed and they are all clawing at his face.

  6. Time to give up the 2022 Genesis Prize for leadership in the development of the Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine….

    Dr Death, Duece

  7. I suspect my brother who had three blood clots go to his brain after the 2nd Pfizer experimental shot won’t get the 3rd, the 4th or any other future attempt to kill him.
    He’s unable to speak, paralyzed on his right side and can’t walk.
    Thanks PFIZER, you have destroyed the life he has know and altered the lives of everyone who loves him.

    Not to worry, you are free from any responsibility, enjoy your multi-billion salary, stock options and severance packages. Bastard !

  8. Oh they’ll make money on it alright. Our government will buy up as many doses as Pfizer can crank out regardless if there is enough demand for it or not.

    After the mid-terms is when we may just find out that you either get it or you don’t eat. Even if the Dems take a shellacking, the more policies and mayhem they can create prior to the changeover of power is just more their enemies the Republicans will have to unwind.

    Politics is a blood sport and we get to fund it.

  9. I work with a small group of liberals that not only got their booster shot a few of them mixed products on purpose for “more” protection. They will no doubt all line up again if the authorities tell them to. Since this started one person has been sick constantly for 8 months, one person’s eye just filled with blood for no reason as did another co-workers wife’s eye, one person has developed extreme kidney issues and none of them would ever even think to contemplate the jabs as a possible origin of their issues.

  10. @Conservative Cowgirl — 750 grains at 2,820 ft/sec turns out to be muzzle energy 13,241 ft-lbs.

    You’re right, Cowgirl! The prescribing doctor should specify “ad libitum” meaning “as needed, no maximum”!

  11. This virus hasn’t gone anywhere, 4th jab, in the works. Like the cold or the flu, soon they/drug companies hope to have a yearly vaccines like the flu shot.

  12. Was watching television last night and there were commercials at every break for the latest prescription medications. There was even one for pets. Of course, all the possible side-effects are mentioned at the end of the commercial.

    Then, a commercial promoting Covid vaccines came on. I was actually surprised to see it at this point. This commercial ended with a reference to a .gov site…and said nothing about possible side-effects.

  13. Every single person on earth who was duped/hypnotized into submitting to an injection assault has his or her life shortened by at least 10 years, if they haven’t krapped out sooner from the thing.

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