Yet Another Instance of a Leftist Loving Hate So Much They Create Some Where None Exists – IOTW Report

Yet Another Instance of a Leftist Loving Hate So Much They Create Some Where None Exists

The left loves hate. It’s the fuel that drives their engine.

Normally they are lazy AF, but nothing gets them up off their inert asses quicker than when they are creating the hate with false flag racism, and then reacting to it.

Baltimore Sun-

Police arrested a Goucher College student in connection with two incidents of racist graffiti found in a campus dorm, which rattled the student body in recent weeks.

Fynn Ajani Arthur, a 21-year-old from Brunswick, Maine, was arrested at about 6 p.m. on the Towson campus Thursday and charged with two counts of malicious destruction of property, Baltimore County police said.

In both incidents, specific individuals were targeted and the graffiti included a backward swastika, according to the statement from Goucher president José Bowen, vice president and dean Bryan Coker, interim associate dean Nicole Johnson and director of public safety David Heffer. The graffiti found Thursday included swastikas and “KKK,” and appeared to include the last names of four black students, including Arthur, who is also black, according to police.

And what was the reaction by the left when they heard it was manufactured racism?

Still, some black students on campus Friday continued to harbor concerns following the news of Arthur’s arrest.

Senior Cydnii Jones said the graffiti incidents were symptoms of a larger issue of racism on campus.

Some black students have started a buddy system for walking in pairs around campus at night. Members of Goucher’s black student union group Umoja have designated a common area on campus for students to gather, debrief and vent.


If there are larger incidents of racism on campus, why the need to falsify racism?

Nearby, a list of seven demands, signed by students in black marker, sat on a table. The demands included the hiring of more black staff members on campus, the installation of security cameras in residence halls and the requirement that a class on cultural competency be integrated into the First Year Mentor program.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh. I see. The false flags are used in order to leverage demands. Uhh, that’s not racism.

“My concern is [officials] will be like ‘we got him, we’ve solved all your problems,’” Jones said. “But this is just the tip of the iceberg.”

The tip of the fake iceberg.

I’m sure it’s been like hell on earth on that campus for this good-looking athlete.

Probably can’t catch a break even when he works hard and applies himself

with all the racist hurdles in the way. Hurdles like when he spray paints that he’s a ni$$er on a wall.



11 Comments on Yet Another Instance of a Leftist Loving Hate So Much They Create Some Where None Exists

  1. Considered the source, Baltimore Sun and stopped reading. Daily pushing climate change and a Mars rover that’s been running since 2012,,,sure it has.
    Just like in early 2013 they reported the rover found oxygen, water and miggers. I have to replace rechargeable lithium batteries every 2 years.

  2. “The demands included the hiring of more black staff members on campus, the installation of security cameras in residence halls”

    The first time they get caught on the camera, that will become racist.

  3. These campus hoaxes are getting so tiresome. They are ALWAYS fake and yet, the mainstream media goes wall-to-wall with every one of them. The second the perp is caught and his or her identity doesn’t fit the fake narrative the story is dropped immediately. BUT, they still use the hoax as proof of a “larger climate of hatred and blah, blah, blah…”

  4. It’s always the mulattoes that go all in on racial indignation/activism. Obama, Kaepernick, Don Lemon. They make the love song to their black side. Trying to fill the empty space where their father (who abandoned them) should have been. Very common pattern

  5. Ah, Evergreen University redux. Yeah, that didn’t work out too well. Enrollment sank quicker than this cafe latte mulatto’s story.

    Their demands aren’t sought for equality, nor reparations. They demand the power, pure and simple. All of it.

  6. I know Goucher College. I work a stone’s throw from it. This area outside of Baltimore is NOT a den of anti black racism. Goucher is less than ten miles from Morgan State Univ., which is a predominantly black school.


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