Yet Another Quiz To Find Out Who I Am Politically – IOTW Report

Yet Another Quiz To Find Out Who I Am Politically

This is the DEFINITIVE “find out what you are politically” quiz.

Sent in by Petrus.

Here were my results-

You’re on the right and collective quadrant of the political compass! You believe in a strong military, an efficient government to intervene when necessary, low taxes and a free market economy. You value tradition, hardwork, and you tend to respect religious authority. You’re patriotic and sceptical of people looking for a hand out. You believe in government institutions and you have a strong sense of belonging to those with the same nationality as you. You believe in individual freedoms, but you also take into account tradition and social order. Anarchy and communism are your worst nightmares! Ronald Reagan is most likely one of your personal heroes! What do you think? Is this accurate?
My take on the analysis-
You’re on the right and collective quadrant of the political compass!
Very well.
You believe in a strong military, an efficient government to intervene when necessary, low taxes and a free market economy.
You value tradition, hardwork, and you tend to respect religious authority.
I don’t believe hard work is one word, and I do not knee-jerkingly respect religious authority.
You’re patriotic and sceptical of people looking for a hand out.
I’m skeptical of an analysis with so many spelling errors. I am patriotic, yes, and I am leery of people claiming hardship. I want to see their lifestyle before I give a handout.
You believe in government institutions and you have a strong sense of belonging to those with the same nationality as you.
No, and no.
You believe in individual freedoms, but you also take into account tradition and social order.
Very well.
Anarchy and communism are your worst nightmares!
I wouldn’t word it like that, but yes.
Ronald Reagan is most likely one of your personal heroes!
He’s the president, in my lifetime, that most closely represented my ideals.
What do you think? Is this accurate?
Not really, but close.

44 Comments on Yet Another Quiz To Find Out Who I Am Politically

  1. same as everyone else I choose to associate with.

    You’re on the right and collective quadrant of the political compass! You believe in a strong military, an efficient government to intervene when necessary, low taxes and a free market economy. You value tradition, hardwork, and you tend to respect religious authority. You’re patriotic and sceptical of people looking for a hand out. You believe in government institutions and you have a strong sense of belonging to those with the same nationality as you. You believe in individual freedoms, but you also take into account tradition and social order. Anarchy and communism are your worst nightmares! Ronald Reagan is most likely one of your personal heroes!

  2. … another exercise in mental tribal masturbation

    although I scored exactly the same as Fur & most others, frankly, the questions were much too general (as in practically every other click-bait questionnaire) to illicit a definitive profile

    (wow, ain’t I a little shithead tonight?!!!)

  3. I admittedly tried to skew the results, and ended up as a weird combination of lefty and libertarian. Libertarian I can see – I have many libertarian tendencies – but a leftist? How can these two philosophies be reconciled? Leftists believe in the ultimate supremacy of government and idealogical conformity, while libertarians don’t.

    I was aiming for communist or left-wing socialist, but I seem to have missed badly.

  4. Sorry, I guess I can’t play with you all anymore since I landed in the Right Libertarian quadrant, between Anarcho-Capitalism and libertarian. Didn’t realize I had a mental illness, so I am off to Seattle to burn some businesses that cater to ‘The Man’ and pepper spray some neo-nazis because I heard we are supposed to or something. Anyways, fight the power and stuff.

  5. They got me quite close. My star is in the bottom right, past Libertarianism and just shy of Anarcho-Capitalism. The text:

    You’re on the right and libertarian quadrant of the political spectrum! You prize individualism and personal liberty above all else. You believe in private property and the free market. You tend to be patriotic but you’re sceptical of the state and you find little to no value in government institutions. You believe that success depends on the individual’s ability to pull themselves up by their own boot straps and take advantage of the opportunities they have. You see taxes as a form of oppression and you believe that the greatest threat to freedom is big government. You believe in a society of independent and hard-working individuals who take care of themselves. You want big brother out of your bedroom, out of your bank account, and off your property!

    Yes. That is I.

  6. @Anonymous:

    I was low right, close to anarcho-capitalist.

    Good for you!

    Need to figure out a business burning stuff that’s not mine I guess.

    We anarcho-capitalists aren’t that kind of anarchist. The capitalist part of us realizes that stuff that’s not ours represents wealth in the hands of others in our society. You get wealthy yourself by providing goods and/or services to people with wealth; you cannot get wealthy living among poor people.

  7. Huh! Who would have guessed? I’m on the right and collective quadrant of the political compass. No pooh pooh!

    However it’s gotta be wrong, or one of the questions is weighted too heavily. I kept wishing they had a 2.5 between the 2 and 3. I sure could be an anarchist if I was younger.

  8. Same as BFH, upper right quadrant, which is a surprise to me, since I think my views tend to be more Libertarian than most of the folks here. I wonder if some answers were more heavily weighted than others.

  9. I tried the quiz a number of times, but answered the following question “I like Donald Trump” with a ‘4 (Strongly agree)’ every time. Every time though, regardless of how I answered the other questions, the final assessment was a simple, “You are literally Hitler.”


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