Yikes, It’s Hair-Raising Tax Day! – IOTW Report

Yikes, It’s Hair-Raising Tax Day!

I already did my taxes and my hair looked like these critters when the final amount came back. I usually have to pay a little to State but my Federal refund is enough to cover what I owe to the State.

Not this year – I owe both Federal and State!  .&%!*$&^!

Images from:


14 Comments on Yikes, It’s Hair-Raising Tax Day!

  1. Every spring my kids were always dreading “The Tax Grouch!”
    They never knew when he would invade the house, but they suspected something each year when the dreaded “1040 magazine” showed up in the mail…

  2. That horse picture is awesome.

    As a resident here, I had to worm my way through
    the IRS hallways on the phone to decouple myself
    from the US tax code after I retired out of the military.
    Thank GOD I found a former Nebraskan living in Houston
    working in the IRS and I’m now permanently ignored by
    the IRS. I was his only 2nd Guam phone call in 30 years,
    imagine that. My record has a “don’t bother unless a
    tax return is filed” label on it. That crap was terrible.

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