“You All” – IOTW Report

“You All”

When low IQ, lack of ethics, and entitlement culture “intersect,” you get this—>


A woman apparently took the All You Can Eat Special at Applebee’s to mean “All You and Your Friends Can Eat” and the tale of alleged sharing ended in chaos and arrest. As Local 12 reports, 28-year-old Shawneesha Cobbs of Chicago was with a group on Aug. 2 at an Applebee’s in Portage, Indiana, when she opted for the aforementioned $15.99 special. Problem being, NBC News reports, she allegedly shared her food with the rest of the table.

When a manager objected and billed Cobbs for two specials, the discussion got heated, with the group saying Applebee’s failed to specify “per person pricing,” though it is indeed specified on the menu. Cobbs then refused to pay the updated bill, and the cops were called. Things degraded from there, with a dispatcher hearing “multiple people screaming, threatening people.” Today reports police twice warned Cobbs she could be hit with a disorderly conduct charge but say she continued yelling, even when a friend tried to put a hand over her mouth. Cobbs was ultimately arrested. A member of her group paid the tab.

30 Comments on “You All”

  1. Do they have all you can eat specials at Waffle House or is Waffle House smart enough not to offer them considering their feral usually big, fat, entitled women clientele would fast put them out of business and totally trash it as well. And do they allow Lizzo (should be Lardo) to eat at Waffle house.

  2. If one reviews the condition of Africa today, and reflects on comments made by european explorers in the 1500s regarding the conditions in Africa at that time, one can understand why a woman named Shawneesha Cobbs might try such a thing in the 21st century.

  3. Two guys I grew up with and I have lunch together every now and then. We usually eat at all-you-can-eat restaurants because our wives don’t want us to. We usually do Chinese buffets and are generally pleased with the food quality. Last Thursday, we decided to challenge each other and go to Golden Corral. I hadn’t eaten there in thirty years and the others for at least twenty. We knew it was a gamble but taking chances is all we have left at this stage in our lives. The Golden Corral we went to had become famous for hordes of hippo-like ghetto dwellers. We were all armed in case trouble broke out. Our mission was to rediscover how awful and dangerous Golden Corral still was and to have interesting stories to tell about our adventures. When all was over, we were all shocked at how things went. The place was as clean as any restaurant I’ve ever been to. The whole place appeared to have been recently remodeled. The clientele was decent looking and well behaved, even polite. There were mostly hard-working men on their lunch breaks and older people like us. The troublemakers knew they were outnumbered so I guess they were on their best behavior that day. There was no rowdiness of any kind, and the staff was very nice and attentive. The food was all fresh and the variety was huge, especially the deserts. Most everything I tried was very good. The soft-serve ice cream machine worked which is a big deal for me. Although we were a little disappointed that we didn’t have stories of mayhem to tell our grandkids about grampa going to jail, we decided that we’d try it again, someday. Maybe next time, we’ll try Waffle House.

  4. And in Nancy Pelousy’s “Temple of Holy Democracy”, this “person” gets a vote the same value as mine.
    And we all know that her vote is multiplied by computers, added to via the dead relative wheelbarrow.
    Fuck that.
    The country is DOA, any “understandings” we functioned under are gone. They’s DOA too.
    Kiss my white ass Kamalalalala.

  5. Dr Hambone
    It appears that you went to GC for lunch?
    Maybe go there again after dark for dinner.
    You may have a different tale to tell.
    Oh, and continue to be strapped. Good idea.


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