You are probably immune to the Covid-19 virus if…. – IOTW Report

You are probably immune to the Covid-19 virus if….

33 Comments on You are probably immune to the Covid-19 virus if….

  1. Ohhhh, you were supposed to wipe your hands on them and all this time I thought they were for a different part of the body! I should have realized that when you had to stand on your tippy toes and bend over to use one! Me bad!

  2. I drank from hoses, shared bottles of pop, did spit handshakes, traded lunches, ate cafeteria food, didn’t wear clogs in the showers, sat naked on benches in the locker rooms, wrestled with guys with tons of pimples and had open oozing, scrapes from bike wreaks.

    My immunity must be off the charts.

  3. If that goblin Fauci recommended bringing those things back, every Democrat governor and mayor would be mandating their installation in a week. Speaking of which, you poor saps under their thumb had better go buy your goggles and plastic face shields now. You shouldn’t have laughed at his pitching. And his mask hypocrisy.

  4. You’re also immune if you’ve ever eaten a Sabrett hotdog off the corner stand. Ever see what the water they’re cooked in looks like? My old man used to tell me as a kid that the hotdog guy rinsed his socks out in it.

    I didn’t care, laughed and chowed down.

  5. What is this “Covid-19?”

    Something like the Wuhan Flu?
    Self-censorship is (probably) more demeaning and damaging than fb/twitter censorship – like wearing a stupid mask that you know can’t possibly stop a virus.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. They’re still around if you goto the right places. I’ve used one of those in 70s, 80s, 90s, 10s, and even 2020. Not easy to find, they’re typically in dive bars or in the deep backwoods off the beaten path where a hardware store, ice cream shop, deli, gas station, and salon are all under one roof in the bowels of Kentucky. Interesting conversations with locals that speak some variation of English.

  7. I am sure that I have mentioned this before buuuuuuuuttttttt, I have a very good friend that I lay a fresh hand towel out for in the bathroom when he comes by and he still dries his hands on his jeans. If he asks for a napkin at the deli, you better pass the dispenser because he doesn’t want the one you just touched.

  8. …I washed dishes by hand from my early teens in a Chinese restauraunt, immersing my hands on a semi-nightly basis in a seething caldera of half-chewed bean sprouts, salavated lo mein noodles, and spat-out fat chunks of Szechuan pork stir-fry.

    I also had bathroom swamping duties on the regular, INCLUDING the ladies, and let me tell you that on their own, gals be NASTY.

    …and I did this for YEARS. TRS-8O home computers and Radio Shack power boosters were EXPENSIVE in the ’70s, took awhile to pay them off.

    My immune system has killed viruses at 50 paces ever since, and bacteria dies screaming as they run over each other to get away at my approach, and the restaurant was actually FORMOSAN, so no MAINLAND flu has a CHANCE…

  9. MMinAR
    JULY 30, 2020 AT 9:05 AM
    “I drank from hoses, shared bottles of pop, did spit handshakes, traded lunches, ate cafeteria food, didn’t wear clogs in the showers, sat naked on benches in the locker rooms, wrestled with guys with tons of pimples and had open oozing, scrapes from bike wreaks.”

    …and that was just LAST WEEK…

    (Just kidding…I HOPE…;)

  10. …just remember all this when you get your bag of food from the teenage boi at McDs who just got done masturbating in the bathroom before coming back to ring you up, and here’s your change, have a nice day…

  11. I don’t see drinking fountains, which once were ubiquitous as phone kiosks, around much anymore.
    Both those things probably rated as prime disease spreaders, esp. the pub-lick phone.

  12. geoff the aardvark JULY 30, 2020 AT 10:35 AM
    “The public drinking fountains are all now closed and shut off in most public places now.”

    …y’know, they spiked all the drinking fountains at my heavily Muslim employing food plant when this all was made up, but I’m kind of glad about THAT because none of the managers could ever sack up enough to stop the Muslims from spitting into and blowing their noses into the fountains before they went to bark at their fake moon goddess in the dressing room anyway because Multiculturalism is so great, so no real loss THERE since you couldn’t use them anyway unless you WANTED to touch dried boogers while drinking salaam snot…

  13. I get my masks and rubber gloves from
    the Walmart parking lot.Saves alot of $$$.
    Krono Krud got on me and they had to take
    IT to the hospital…

  14. If you ever had to use one of these old towel dispensers, and then touch the door knob of that bathroom, …& your still alive today, then you are immunized for life.

  15. I deployed to Desert Storm, ate with the locals,used the Haji squatter,spent a year in ROK ate what the locals ate, worked on garbage trucks for 10 years, and my immune system prowls the streets at night looking for innocent infections to kill while I’m sleeping.

  16. I saw them in the 80s. Never touched one. I didn’t even want to share towels with my own sister. 🤣

    I have eaten in teeny tiny noodle stands, drank from a hose, held paper currency, bobby pins in the corner of my mouth, let dogs lick my face, if I drop a tylenol on the ground I’ll still take it, AND I still eat Funyuns. lol


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