you be the judge – did a reporter call Kayleigh McEnany a bitch? – IOTW Report

you be the judge – did a reporter call Kayleigh McEnany a bitch?

Did reporter Kimberly Halkett call the white house press secretary a lyin’ bitch?


ht/ fdr in hell

32 Comments on you be the judge – did a reporter call Kayleigh McEnany a bitch?

  1. ok, I heard this today on Sean Hannity and I could not hear the words at all. He played it many times. I do now ‘kind of” hear it. Not good enough but then again, I know Women. She would say it quick and fast. So maybe everyone is correct. I will go with she said it and meant it. You can tell Press Sec is much smaller around the shoulders. Don’t laugh, some women who aren’t, hate that on top of everything else about this beautiful conservative. Wait, she did say it after listning to it 10x. Enough said.

    God Bless us all!

  2. She did call her a bitch, but ‘why’ is the reason, isn’t it?

    Kayleigh is extremely intelligent, pretty, plain (in a great way)spoken and simple to the point, and PREPARED. And I think a Jersey girl?

    Kimberly – hiding behind her mask, cannot help herself why? SHE IS JEALOUS. SHE is NONE of the above.

    Get it? Caaaaat fiiiight.

    @MJA – I heard it the second time I listened to it.

  3. Can Kayleigh sue the reporter for subjecting her to a hostile work environment?

    If a man had said the same thing, on the job, to her, you bet that reporter and the MeToo sisterhood would be contemplating a lawsuit and demanding the offender be fired.

  4. considering a lifetime of working around industrial construction & water & wastewater plant hi-voltage turbines, blowers & motors …. & too much rock & roll @ 11

    … sounded like a couple of Indian counter-workers at a Joe Biden Dunkin Donuts to me … sorry

  5. I do not hear it, but I am old and my hearing isn’t what it used to be. Regardless, this is what the “press” has devolved to. They are no longer afraid to say and do anything. Thanks Helen Thomas and Jim Acosta.

  6. @Conservative Cowgirl, I tried to listen with Hannity but it just did not sound clear. On this thread, I hear it and even “F–king” lying bitch clearly. BUT you have to listen. I actually see the hate in her eyes above her mask. Silly. So silly the jealousy and hate she ooozyes!

    God Bless us all!

  7. @Little Morphin’ Annie – I am assuming you are being sarcastic because those people have no interest in what they claim, they are all about tearing down people they do not agree with.

  8. @Charlie WalksonWater – ‘They can say this because they know they’ll get away with it’.

    Hopefully not too much longer there bro. With a DJT election win, she will be not even a memory. Hopefully she will be a future SHIT stain on the road.


  9. @ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ: Same here, but in my case it is years of motorcycles and firearms. I will defer to the women here since they tend to have better aural acuity .

  10. So pull her Press Credentials. When the other reporters bitch just remind them that press briefings have standards that this reporter simply was incapable of meeting. Then ask if anyone else would like to leave.

  11. Sure… “engaged”…whatever. And Acosta never touched the woman who tried to retrieve the mic.

    You journos are not covering yourselves in glory with the grade school antics. And ironically enough, the masks make you sound like Charlie Brown’s teacher, when you’re the ones getting schooled on a daily basis. Do your homework and raise your hand to speak. Wahwahwahwahwaah….

  12. Kayleigh caught it. Look at her eyes the moment it was said. It was what it was.
    Revenge is best served cold:
    1. Never call on that reporter again.
    2. Have security check her credentials every time she shows up and single her out for “random” body searches by female security. The reporter is hostile and could pose a physical threat to safety. Move her to the back row with a security person standing right behind her.

  13. It took me three times but I heard it. Time to pull her press pass and put the organization that Kimberly Halkett works for on a waiting list for anybody else they try to send to replace her.

  14. “You don’t want to engage” is not there.
    First of all, the “FUCK-” is with a strong EFF sound so no ‘you’ or ‘dont’
    And she definitely ended it with -“lying BitCh” the B and C sounds are strong.

    What I heard was: “Fucking Whore Lying Bitch” but it could also be that ASS was the word she used instead of whore…

    Either way this chick is busted.

  15. The reporterette will be celebrated back in the office and will probably get promoted to senior reporterette. Maybe land an anchor job. Like Katy Curic said about her arch rival Diane Sawyer, “who did she blow to get that interview”?

  16. Well, I put my headset on, concentrated very hard, and I kinda heard “You don’t want to engage”, all kinda rushed and pushed together. Not consistently at each hearing, though.

    Without all the extra effort hunting for that particular phrase, however, I pretty much always hear what Mary heard. Not really sure what the WH rationale for sanitizing the transcript was, though.


  17. Meanwhile, the “bill” continues to grow – and grow to unprecedented levels. Sooner or later that “bill” will have to be paid. I just hope that whoever collects on that bill has NO mercy and NO tolerance for posturing delays and assumed privilege.

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