You Can Almost Taste The Racism – IOTW Report

You Can Almost Taste The Racism

Kellogg’s is apologizing profusely ever since receiving a tweet from Saladin Ahmed accusing them of racism in the above artwork on the back of their Corn Pops cereal.


34 Comments on You Can Almost Taste The Racism

  1. I don’t recall anyone accusing Muzzloids of being clean. Certainly not any restaurant or discount tobacco store of theirs that I’ve walked into.

    Not sure why he thinks it was referring to him.

    Anyway, Kellogs can go screw. They boycotted Breitbart for a bunch of virtue signaling. Now they see there is no end but its nothing but capitulation from here on out.

    Tony the Tamil Tiger is unavailable for comment.

  2. People do not have enough to do. There are real problems out there, affecting real human beings, but no, let’s not focus on those. Let’s get our panties in a twist about corn pops. Or whatever the he’ll these little cartoons are supposed to be.

  3. The Kellogs company pours money into progressive, socialist, abortion, and so on. So why should we use their products anyway?

    It was an interesting story, thank goodness they didn’t put a corn pop Muhammad in there. But, what about corn pop women dressed in burkas? Racis!

  4. ▪️ Corn pops
    ▪️ Trans-everything
    ▪️ Confederate statues
    ▪️ Bathroom etiquette
    ▪️ Overhead projectors that look like KKK members

    Meanwhile, we will focus on taking control of all government. That way, each with skills will use them according to their worth.

  5. Sometime during the approval process an editor or art director said that the sugar pops weren’t diverse enough or the sugar pops didn’t pop so a few should be different colors. So, hue/saturation was shifted-and in an effort to be diverse ended up being racist.

  6. All this because ONE guy types ONE tweet?

    Who’d have thought you could cost a Fortune 500 mega corporation millions of bucks so easily.

    The Right needs to overcome our good manners and master Strategic Outrage.

  7. Always focusing on my white privilege, I would never have noticed a brown corn pop working. Actually, I’ve never seen a brown corn pop.
    I should focus less on my white privilege and more on my surroundings.
    Are all black corn pops muslim?

  8. Not as bad as the pop with the letter L on it.

    Clearly, that’s a LOSER pop. All the other pops bully that pop. This is something we need to erase from society. #LosersUnite

  9. Saladin Ahmed lol his “slave name” is probably Melvin Weems. Kellogg’s should have gently explained to Salad in that it was a Mexipop doing the work the Asian pops won’t do.

  10. So this Ahmed guy (writes for NYT and NPR – THAT says it all) actually studied the back of a cereal box? WTF? This clods life must be pretty sweet if that’s all he has to do.

  11. I am cursed with a long memory. I can remember when people used to be involved with real issues – like paying next month’s rent, or putting food on the table, or affording school supplies for their kids. When cartoons were just cartoons, and cereal boxes were something you threw away after the cereal was gone – after giving the kids the box top to send off with a quarter to Battle Creek, Michigan (love that name!) for some kind of secret agent decoder ring or genuine space cadet one-way mirror helmet or something like that.

    What the hell has happened to this country? If I was in charge of a company that was attacked like this, I wouldn’t apologize – I’d just ignore it.

    If the aggrieved party persisted in their assault via social media, I’d take out ads in newspapers and magazines and publish the names of these snowflakes and say, “Look at these goofy sonsabitches – they think that a picture on the back of a cereal box is more important than the economy, Islamic terrorism, poverty, war, or any of the myriad of social ills that they could legitimately be upset about. Aren’t they stupid?”.

    To counter any legal ramifications, I’d hire a team of crack lawyers to defend me and counter-sue for bringing such frivolous matters before the courts in the first place. I’d have the money to outspend their asses and send them home with their tails between their legs and their bank accounts depleted.

    If every company/institution that was similarly attacked would do this, this crap would stop.

    Grow a pair, America.

  12. Everyone is focusing on the damn corn pop that’s a shade darker and no is noticing UNCLE WILLIE’S CORN ON A STICK right behind it??!
    On a kid’s cereal?! UNCLE WILLIE?
    For Godsake… It’s BILL CLINTON!!! And that’s NOT corn on a stick!!! Run, kids! Stranger danger!!! RUN!!!!

  13. on purpose, i looked at one of the cereal boxes in the store today….my findings:

    1 – the janitor is not “BROWN” or “BLACK”…..the janitor is what crayola used to refer to as “flesh” colored….

    2 – the janitor is not by any means the same kind of creature as the all-yellow corn pops…..he is not shaped the same, he does not have the same eyes, he is OBVIOUSLY NOT a corn pop……

    3 – you have to be seriously deranged to find anything racist in this picture, but apparently just the accusation of RACISM is enough to make a billion dollar company run scared and apologize profusely for nothing……

    4 – when will we all stand up and laugh at these idiots? when will we finally tell them “NO?”…..why are we letting them tell us what is “racist?”…..what is “cultural appropriation?”….what is “politically incorrect?”

    5 – just laugh at them, and tell them to stfu…..foad…..whatever……

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