Refugees, You CAN Go Home Again – IOTW Report

Refugees, You CAN Go Home Again


BERLIN (Reuters) – Syrians in Germany, angered by a far-right politician’s statement that their coffee was paid for by German taxpayers, responded on social media with the hashtag “I pay for my coffee”, tagging the politician, who recently visited Syria.

Last week, seven members of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party visited Syria to gather information on the security situation, in the hope of showing Syria was a safe country to which it should be possible to deport failed asylum seekers.

Christian Blex, an AfD regional lawmaker, posted a photo of himself drinking coffee in the war-ravaged Syrian city of Homs.

“While so-called ‘Syrian’ ‘refugees’ from Homs drink coffee at the expense of the German taxpayer in Berlin, we drink coffee at our own expense in Homs,” he wrote on Facebook.  more here

h/t The Big Owe

8 Comments on Refugees, You CAN Go Home Again

  1. We can help ten times as many refugees for the same money by keeping them in their general region, which also makes it easier for them to return home when it is reasonable to do so. And that is what most refugees want – for the most part they don’t want to be displaced into a foreign culture.
    Instead the libs want to force them into our culture, but then force their culture on us, all at a ridiculous cost, and with no expectation of their ever returning home.

  2. “I pay for my own coffee”… from the money someone else earned to give to you!
    I see they have the same attitude as our welfare recipients.

  3. One of the real tragedies of Obama and Clinton’s Middle Eastern stupidity, is the destruction of Syria. It was one of the most prosperous and developed countries in the Middle East. Yes, it was a dictatorship, and people were well advised not to oppose the Assad regime. Most of the major cities have been totally destroyed. They look like Stalingrad or Dresden did after WWII. It will take billions of dollars and decades of work to rebuild this stricken country. Obama and Clinton should be held accountable for this disaster.


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