You Can Mention Tommy Robinson on Facebook – If It’s Supportive, However, You’ll Be Shut Down – IOTW Report

You Can Mention Tommy Robinson on Facebook – If It’s Supportive, However, You’ll Be Shut Down

3:04 mark HERE

Nice Stalinist tactics.

ht/ hot salsa

10 Comments on You Can Mention Tommy Robinson on Facebook – If It’s Supportive, However, You’ll Be Shut Down

  1. Facebook has their “Cocoa boys” running the show for them in Europe too.
    Any effort to temper the positions of facebook is blocked by leftist politicians because it’s such a useful tool to smear apposing views.
    Personally I don’t use social media and never will. I think you’re a fool for allowing that kind of intrusion as they collect info on every aspect of your life but my view on this is in the minority.

  2. I like the way that those speaking truth are “hate preachers”…..
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne

  3. I love America. Because I am kproud of America I quit Facebook 12 years ago.

    Nothing in the last 12 years has caused me to question my judgement.

    And I question my judgement frequently – 2 examples: I voted for the President in both ’76 + 88! In retrospect my judgement was bad in both votes.

    Facebook has been American hate mongers fron “the get go”!

    America stands for freedom and equality. Tommy stands for them. Facebook hates tommy; because he wants what Americans (non politicos) have for 240 years. Xenophobic, racist Tommy

  4. Janitor has a point. Perhaps another variation is to cobble together a fake persona on Facebook. Have it be the biggest intersection of Identity Politics Victims ever: a gay tranny Latina woman who is black and illegal alien and obese and a foodserver and a BernieBro and is physically handicapped….

    And once the fake account has been online for about a month and we’ll established as a typical LeftWing Sicialist make a mild pro-Tommy Robinson post…in Spanish.

    At the least it will be entertaining watching the left twist itself into knots. SCREENSHOT EVERYTHING SO THAT THE LEFTS HYPOCRITICAL CENSORSHIP IS RECORDED FOR QUALITY ASSURANCE PURPOSES


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