You can now pee for free at your local Starbucks – IOTW Report

You can now pee for free at your local Starbucks

Daily Caller: Starbucks’ new bathroom policy states that even people who don’t purchase anything in the store can use their facilities, Business Insider reports.

This update comes in light of a recent “unconscious bias” scandal that took the nation by storm last month when a video of two black men being arrested for loitering at a Philadelphia location went viral.

Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson published a statement soon after the scandal that stated, in part, “The video shot by customers is very hard to watch and the actions in it are not representative of our Starbucks Mission and Values. Creating an environment that is both safe and welcoming for everyone is paramount for every store.”

“Regretfully, our practices and training led to a bad outcome — the basis for the call to the Philadelphia police department was wrong,” Johnson continued. “Our store manager never intended for these men to be arrested and this should never have escalated as it did.” more

29 Comments on You can now pee for free at your local Starbucks

  1. It might be fun to watch how this plays out, might even be worth it to go into Freattle and take in an afternoon’s entertainment when they throw the doors wide open and welcome those who none of the laws apply to into their establishment

  2. A place where all are welcome to shower and shoot up and take a nap on the sink then leave trash, locking others out for hours.
    Can’t wait for this to see this.
    Oh well, plenty of beta males to clean it up.

  3. Homeless people can now camp out all day inside Shytbucks. They will just say they are waiting for the right moment, for a movement, in the free public toilet. Bringing with them fleas, lice, bugs, open wounds with oozing puss, blood, human feces under their fingernails… yep, its all good. Ill stick to my own Bustello. Triple cortadito. Its like candy.

  4. I SWEAR: when I read this this morning, I thought it was a satire.
    They WANT to commit financial suicide, so who am *I* to stop them?!

  5. CEO said,”We don’t want to become a public restroom, but…”
    Butts are all you’re gonna see from now on. LOL.
    Are the free coffee ‘coupons’ still floating around? 😀

  6. This will be especially nice in sanctuary cities. New comers from “south of the border”, for whatever reason, do not like to flush toilet paper, so it goes in the trash can, (or more typically on the floor) after wiping.

  7. Wait until they have to do what Barnes and Noble (at least ours here) had to – install sharps containers for the proper disposal of needles, because you know every junkie who finds out it’s “free to pee” will also be taking advantage of a quiet little place to shoot up.

    BTW, I found out about those disposals because my son pointed out a needle in the parking lot one evening and when talking to the security guard she tried to blanket my surprise by saying, “Well, people with diabetes too, might need to dispose of their materials….” I was thinking, um, no, that’s not a wave of diabetics leaving enough needles in the parking lot that they have to install sharps containers that never get used.

  8. I hated Starbucks already. But this means their restrooms will become a homeless encampment.
    There are restaurants like this in Olympia. You go in the restroom, and the homeless are doing their laundry in there.

  9. WELCOME STARBUCKS BATHROOM PATRONS! No shoes, no shirt, free pee! We reserve the right to deny service to no one. Over-priced, burnt coffee and stenchy bathrooms – what more could you want? AND, we’re politically correct!! Conservatives not welcome.

  10. Rathaus- LMAO. Oh wow, that security guard is not even trying hard. lol. Hey, I’m a diabetic and I’ve never injected insulin in a parking lot, an alley, in a crackhouse, or anywhere near Marion Berry. Also, when I am finished with my syringe, I clip the needle off and disassemble the stopper and plunger so that no one can use it after I do, and it all goes into an old Clorox jug with bleach and water solution.

  11. Yea! I’m gonna’ tank up on gas station Getgo coffee and then go pee at Starbutt’s.

    Wait until their toilets are clogged with God knows what on a regular and the paying customers go elsewhere for over priced dregs.

  12. We can all do our part and help shit on Shytbucks by just stopping in pissing all over the floor and sink and brass. This is something we can really do, with no cost to us, and to stick it to the SJWs that actually use their toilets. Lets help the homeless and the junkies ruin it.

  13. Can just hear it now: “I wasted 5 years and a hundred grand of my parent’s money to get a degree in Woman’s Studies so I could get a job at Starbucks and now they’re making me an effin JANNNNNNITOR? I could have become a janitor without going to college. Why didn’t someone warn me?”

  14. ‘I’ll take one Huge Pee Grande please”.

    Never went there being a tea guy but my senior in command does (rest stops) and I will have to advise…ahem…encourage her NO more!


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