You can pay to have a cardboard cutout image of yourself at a ballgame… lolol – IOTW Report

You can pay to have a cardboard cutout image of yourself at a ballgame… lolol


 Actual fans won’t be allowed to attend Seattle Mariners games this season during the ongoing pandemic, but that doesn’t mean your face can’t be at T-Mobile Park.

The Mariners are joining dozens of other sporting franchises across the globe in offering fans a chance to have a cardboard version of themselves placed in random seats around the park at their home games.

For $30, the Mariners will make a recycle-friendly cardboard version of you to give the players some semblance of a crowd and as an added bonus, if a foul ball happens to hit your photo, the team will mail you the ball.

The team says it will donate a portion of every purchase to local non-profit organizations supporting COVID-related relief efforts.


ht/ illustr8r

25 Comments on You can pay to have a cardboard cutout image of yourself at a ballgame… lolol

  1. i commend the outside-the- box thinking to try to increase revenue. If they can sucker people into doing it more power to them. Truly American in spirit.

    That said i would rather put my cash in a shredding machine than to spend it on something like this.

  2. I only go to baseball games to hang out with friends and I am not a fan of pictures of me, so why would I pay $30 (or really even $0.01) to have my face on a piece of cardboard so that the few who are watching might sell me? And they would only see me if the cameras spent the majority of the game panning around the stadium to show every picture.
    What a scam. Though let’s be realistic, they will get some takers and thus make at least a little money. I hope that few enough people fall for this that the teams actually lose money.
    Having said that, I support @Jethro in his quest 🙂

  3. Now, I won’t actually do this, but an amusing idea is to get a photo of me looking quite furious and with my teeth on my lower lip making it obvious that I’m saying some word that starts with the letter F.

  4. Will they also charge the ticket price of the seat that your cardboard cutout is sitting in? And for an extra price will they also charge you to record your voice for crowd noise. I love baseball but this is ridiculous, listening to baseball on the radio is the only way to go this year. And will the broadcasters like Rick Rizz, Dave Simms etc. of the Seattle Mariners even give a damn this year about baseball with no fans. The ultimate irony is that the Mariners may even have a chance to go the playoffs this year.

  5. This is the anti Summer of faux baseball, no apple pie and no Chevrolet. It’s also the Summer of our discontent with our so called political leaders and media types who are so afraid of their own shadows that they want to ban everything of any kind that might be fun in order to save one life. Stop the bullshit, end it now and let us get back to our lives of life, liberty (freedom to choose how we live our lives) and the pursuit of happiness. And hey all you shitheads it’s not Trumps fault it’s the friggin chinks fault for unleashing the wu flu.

  6. What if I drop trou and take a pic of my moon? Would you put that in a seat?

    I could see a couple dozen of us filling a section in the outfield thus, to let MLB know what we think.

  7. I have little doubt that there’ll be sellout cardboard crowds.

    Seattle? Hello? Another chance to do something absolutely imbecilic!

    Will they have em kneel during the Anthem? Or is that $10 extra?

    izlamo delenda est …


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