You can still find toilet paper at Walmart – IOTW Report

You can still find toilet paper at Walmart

12 Comments on You can still find toilet paper at Walmart

  1. Might as well be titled Light Thoughts by Lucifer….

    I love her new buzz word “authentic” as if it’s actually authentic to qualify your statements with the word authentic.

    Nothing from a Demonrat is authentic except their support for Satan…


    ✔️ Are you hoarding, or planning to redistribute those resources to those less fortunate?

    ✔️ Are you running to private Capitalist companies, instead of waiting for the government to supply you?

    ✔️ Are you lining the pockets of rich billionaire companies, instead of demanding free shit?

    ✔️ Did you ridicule survivalist ALEX JONES, and now you are panicking because you are unprepared,
    like he warned you not to be?

    Photo of this meme here:

    Spread this photo faster than the virus please!

  3. And for her “book” deal Hitlary was paid millions by her publisher….

    What did the publisher get in return…..?

    Access and power….graft and corruption…?

    These book deals are scams……pay to play bribery.


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