You Cannot Make Viral Respiratory Syndromes Go Away – IOTW Report

You Cannot Make Viral Respiratory Syndromes Go Away

Board Meeting of the Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation in Fortville, Indiana. From last August.

Dr. Dan Stock, Indiana, speaking of the CDC, State Board of Health and NIH Covid guidelines.

21 Comments on You Cannot Make Viral Respiratory Syndromes Go Away

  1. So,

    As I mentioned, I think I had COOF 3 days ago.
    Ontario is not testing unless you are “Hi Risk” and results take well over 6 days.
    I shared My remedy, which I believe was German Beer, Sausages, Bourbon, Crown Royal & Barbells. (Something like that)

    I am NOT DEAD. (unknown if that is good or bad news to y’all)

    I had a very raspy voice for about 16 hours. No aches, head aches, barfing, breathing issues what-so-ever. I didn’t even cough and took nothing at all. (No aspirin etc)

    I was vaxed in April, & July(?) but did not go for #3 which was supposed to be Thursday since I assumed I was COOFED. (They were saying that getting shot while sick or recently recovered was pointless)

    I Felt 100% while possibly COOFED, ate, sleep, worked out like normal.

    I had no reactions to the VAX and had some of my hardest/fasted/craziest mountain bike rides AFTER getting SHOT. Hit a few trees & broke a toe (August?)

    Take this as you will.

    I had to get SHOT for work/business and, as mentioned, I would take a Bullet for MY FAMILY & Our Finances. IDGAF! I’m expendable.
    I change Filthy HVAC filters for a Living and have easily replaced several Thousand since March of 2 years ago.

    Make your Own decisions friends!
    I have had NO ISSUES (51 yrs old), you may be different. I respect your choices.

    God bless all of you.

    PS, If I drop dead, I WILL NOT let you know. ‘


  2. @Kcir from Toronto — I am quite glad to know that you’re NOT DEAD. Likewise, I am quite sure I am not alone in that sentiment.

    Question: when you change filters, to you charge a HAZMAT disposal fee for tossing the filthy used ones in the customers’ own dumpsters or trash bins? j/k

  3. I got sick as fuck changing my own filter a few months ago. One of those washable shits. Like Cream’s Amplified Heat…and Pressed Rat’s collection of dog legs and feet. It was like the B2 ceilings at ABC. Open a tile and get Sudden Upper-Respiratory Crud. Sick as fuck.

  4. I was sick as fuck for years doing all that B2 ceiling shit. Plenum return. The building should be demolished. I spent more time sick than well. And they had multiple instances of water ingress. Fungus, Fauci, Biden, Clinton, asbestos, black fucking fungus…

  5. My personal opinion only Re: Furnace/ac Filters.

    What actually works best from a cost/air flow/dirt removal perspective in my opinion:

    Cheap shitty $2 filters do not filter jack shit and allow so much dust through that you WILL plug up the Furnace, Fan Blades, The secondary Heat exchanger, & the Air Conditioning Coil.

    The MERV 12-13 and above that everyone wants because of Covid REDUCE AIR VOLUME/FLOW though the Furnace to the point that, even when clean, the furnace runs Hotter (Bad for the heat exchanger). The Air conditioner possibly will also not absorb enough heat in the summer due to filters that are too dense.

    I personally use MERV-8 Pleated types almost everywhere. They prevent shit building up in your furnace, they DO NOT restrict airflow too much, they are cheap ($10-$15) and you should replace them every 3 months.

    Restricting the HEAT – HEAT EXCHANGER CRACKS
    COOLING- Compressor Slugs Liquid (BAD) & not enough velocity.

    Hope this helps.

    Since I do commercial I honestly do not know what box stores sell that fit my description.

  6. That nomenclature was normal in DC. B’s were underground. Simply meant Basement Levels. They also perverted them to P’s. Parking levels.

    But 1717 had no “parking” levels. Just B1 through B4.

  7. Since the building was built in 1978 you can imagine there was tons and tons and tons of shit that didn’t work. I am pretty sure there’s still tons upon tons of shit that doesn’t work.

  8. Sean,
    Hey sorry, I hate to post this here but I tried to call you and I can’t get a hold of you, and you didn’t respond to my text. I found the information that you asked me about…. It’s called pruritus anusitis, in other words itching anal – it’s quite common and is not dangerous. It can happen if you don’t wipe your butt properly. It can also be a sign of hemorrhoids in or near your butt hole, I still recommend you keep that doctor appointment. Wash it and keep it really clean and also wash your hands before you scratch, that way you don’t get pink eye like you did last time. If kept clean, the anal odor should be bearable although you may want to keep spray in your car. I hope my answer helped you.

  9. Thanks for the quick, understandable in “layman’s’ terms that video. Sent an email to our state Congressman explaining the Worldometer (with Link) along with the Mt. Vernon video. Said that the USA (via the daily Worldometer) has led the World for months in daily deaths in the three and four digit numbers (see for yourself: Requested a response.

    Quercetin. NAC, Zinc, Vit. A, D3 plus daily Centrum multi. Exercise, stay lean. You should be fine. Haven’t had a cold, virus, or anything since my last flu shot in 1999. Life is nothing but a very, very beautiful dream! Just think what you would be without it…Especially living around Americans!


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