You Do You, Scott Dozier – IOTW Report

You Do You, Scott Dozier

Nevada death row inmate, Scott Dozier, had been waiting 11 years for his day with the executioner. But that day of reckoning has been delayed interminably thanks to the state’s courts being tied up in litigation opposing Nevada’s three drug cocktail  lethal injection.

Dozier apparently grew weary of the delays and finished the job himself yesterday afternoon. Here

14 Comments on You Do You, Scott Dozier

  1. Couldn’t read the whole thing but if a mass murdering drug manufacturer and dealer became impatient with government’s inability to faithfully execute their duty to dirt nap him… and he took matters into his own hands?
    Well. Thank you and bye.

  2. Damn the state of things.
    As bad as the bastard was, NO man should sit on death row for 30 years
    Fast track all appeals and do him in. By firing squad if necessary.
    It is inhumane to let him sit that long.
    Don’t send troops off to endless wars that you don’t intend to win, and don’t condemn a man to death and not execute him.

  3. Leave it up to a gov’t institution to over complicate something and then screw it up.

    Give him a cyanide pill with his morning coffee or an overdose of heroin. Boom…done.

    Then over the PA say…. “Housekeeping! we have a clean up in cell 3”

  4. If he felt he was a burden to others and feeling trapped, he was right.
    It’s good to see dishonorable criminals sentenced to death do the honorable thing that the limp wristed liberals failed to do which was to carry out the sentence.
    It was the right decision.

  5. Why don’t they just give these bastards that Fentanyl stuff. How painful can it be, as if anyone cares?

    Better yet, just put it in one of their meals, randomly. Then you eliminate all the drama crap. When they come for his tray, they’re face-down in their mashed potatoes.

  6. For the life of me I don’t understand why you can’t just knock someone out with anesthesia, like for an operation, and then just kill them “humanely”.

    Or use a firing squad, yes.

    This ritualistic and rather sickwit nonsense with the drug cocktails is ridiculous already.

  7. Just use some of the heroin that gets seized. They’ll go out without any suffering, a high in fact. No drug companies will be upset, as their products won’t be used.


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