“You Don’t Belong In Our Neighborhood” -Blacks Attack White Woman and Her Children – IOTW Report

“You Don’t Belong In Our Neighborhood” -Blacks Attack White Woman and Her Children

And vice versa?

Gateway Pundit
A mob of black youths attacked a woman near the University of Chicago with children in the back seat.

The youths were using racial slurs as the beat the car. Her two children were covered in broken glass.
woman attacked chicago

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26 Comments on “You Don’t Belong In Our Neighborhood” -Blacks Attack White Woman and Her Children

  1. I imagine concentric circles of urban danger. The city center fabulous wealth, the ghetto, skid row, the organized crime ring, rough neighborhoods, the interstate ring road and the run down neighborhoods chopped up by the interstate, finally, middle class suburbs.

    A No Mans Land between center city fabulous wealth and the middle class suburbs.

    OTOH is the University of Chicago in a ghetto or what?

    I know Wayne State University in Detroit exists in the ever expanding ghetto, same for Johns Hopkins in Baltimore.

    Have we changed the world yet? heh

  2. Hmmm…I guess those downtrodden darlings haven’t heard that the evil “flag” has been removed from almost everywhere political correctness rules.

    I was personally assured by a PC Police detective that all of this feral behavior would cease as soon as that “flag” came down.

  3. “You don’t belong in our neighborhood!”

    Coming from them, it’s just swept under the rug. If coming from Ms. Pederson, this statement would bring Al, Jessie, Lynch, BHO, FBI, DOJ, NAACP and her employer down on her.

    Now, however, we can see the REAL reason Chicago fights so hard against Concealed Carry. Imagine trying to indict – much less convict – a mother, with young kids in the car, after dark, who has a verifiable reason to be in the area, for putting some slugs into mob of marauding ‘yoots’ who are actively, physically endangering.

  4. Let’s have a conversation about White Privilege
    It should be called ‘Producer Privilege’
    If it’s raining and you build yourself a place to get out of the rain. You sit there all dry while others are wet: Producer Privilege
    You like clean water, you make clean water
    You quench your thirst when others are dry: Producer Privilege
    You like a civil society, you create one
    You expect and enjoy civility in public interaction: Producer Privilege
    It’s like The Little Red Hen. Those who help bake the bread can expect to help eat it.
    Those who don’t produce deserve only charity. Not freedom from shame, not equality of lifestyle, not entitlement.
    Those who participate in the productive activities of civilization, deserve the benefits.
    Those who don’t, due to willful disregard deserve nothing but basic subsistence.
    And scorn.

  5. Don’t live with them. Period.

    I ran into an old client last year doing an outdoor show in Aspen. Did his front entry and several other windows in his home there. He told me he had sold his home there plus one he owned on Sheridan in Evanston(a beauty, with a block of private beach on Lake Michigan) and had bought a condo-I’m assuming many millions worth-in downtown Chicago.

    I asked him if he was nuts moving into so much racial tension, hell there’s been flash mobs on the Gold Coast-he said they really didn’t worry about that, that they were “well insulated” Yeah he’s an establishment Republican but Zonga’s comment about fabulous city center wealth made me think of him and who belongs where.

  6. Gee, I wonder what the odds are of this being classed as a Hate Crime? Probably zero, I mean after all, blacks can’t be racist all the progs tell us so. The damage this President has caused is enormous and likely to lead to bloodshed on an epic scale.

  7. Seriously, “our” neighborhood? If it’s the usual section 8 community, it’s not “your” neighborhood as it is being forcibly subsidized by taxpayers L-Sha (the dash don’t be silent y’all).

  8. How much do you want to bet this woman voted for Obama and supports gun control because “guns kill people?”

    Well, Madame, apparently feral, out-of-control urbanites do too.

  9. Um, actually, I DON’T have a gun. But, as a New York State Peace officer, I can carry without a permit.

    My badge is my permit. It would take the New York State legislature changing the law to take away my ability to carry without a permit.

  10. They’re driven to steal rather then to learn for themselves independence through self-productivity, for in doing so would undermine their niggardly “values”. Black pride should be more aptly stated “Proud I haven’t produced and won’t be shit”.

  11. Sorry about that GFY, the wife thought she read a comment a while ago that said you had a gun. She reads all your comments. She says “That poor woman”
    And I ask who? That poor woman living in Yonkers. I had no idea she even knew you exsisted. I guess she feels your pain.

  12. I think I may have used the phrase “my gun” in a theoretical construct.

    Please give your spousal unit a big kiss for me. It touches me deeply to know that there are people out there who acknowledge that it sucks to me.

    If I could lose the lofo/mofo bitches at work, and libtards in all levels of government, I’d be one happy, optimistic person.

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