You Don’t Have To Be The Smartest Man In America To Know The Election Was Stolen, But It Can’t Hurt – IOTW Report

You Don’t Have To Be The Smartest Man In America To Know The Election Was Stolen, But It Can’t Hurt

National Pulse

Christopher Langan is well renowned as the Smartest Man in America and indeed perhaps the world. Now, he’s railing against the alleged election fraud that “delivered” the race for Joe Biden.

Langan, 68, tweeted this week: “Many citizens, including me, won’t accept cheating scoundrels like Biden or Harris as leaders. Best get ready for trouble.” More

10 Comments on You Don’t Have To Be The Smartest Man In America To Know The Election Was Stolen, But It Can’t Hurt

  1. And now Dominion is going on offense and suing everybody, in order to intimidate investigators and make themselves appear to be the aggrieved victims in this mess they created. Probably already have their bought-and-for judge picked out. Two or three weak sister media outlets will settle, the democrat media will crow and Dominion will drop the suit before the discovery process begins, claiming complete vindication and innocence. And all fifty states will be using Dominion/Smartmatic by the midterms.

    Tell me why I am way off base. Please.

  2. [sigh] I’m sorry but conservatives – myself included – always look for a last minute reason to bail. That how things got to be the way they are. We were giving ourselves pats of the back watching the Trump rallies and thinking the election was a lock.

    Well, we now see what the real game is. Trump is using the courts and that’s about all we have left. If we don’t truly stand up and fight fire with fire we will wind up in permanent slavery to the left.

  3. Unfortunately it appears that most of the courts are on the leftists’ side (as is the media and education systems). In some cased it appears that the local cops (at least the ones enforcing the most restrictive Wuhan flu restrictions) are also in cahoots with them.

  4. “… as leaders …”
    He’s smart?

    Free men don’t need “leaders” or “fuehrers” (German for “leader”) – only Agents, Representatives, and Expediters. Biden couldn’t lead a clown parade – and Harris is unfit for sleazy despicable shat-upon prostitution, much less any position requiring some gravitas, honesty, or dependability.

    “Is there any more obvious cowardice than to deny what we have said?”

    “Since mutual understanding is brought about solely by way of words, he who breaks his word betrays society.”
    (“Of Giving the Lie” Montaigne)

    What was known has been forgotten – we are become malicious imbeciles – stamping out the light and embracing the dark.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. The Electoral College elects the President, not the voters.

    And the Electors in the Electoral College are determined by the State legislatures, they are strictly under the jurisdiction of the State constitutions and laws, not the popular vote outside of the legislatures actions in appointing them.

    This has been the only legitimate and Constitutional process since the Constitution was originally ratified by the original States.

    So what we need to do now, if I understand this whole thing right, is to just throw the Constitution out because we, the Right, don’t get the results from it that we wish we had?

    If not, tell me the Constitutional provisions, the real ones not the wanna be imaginary ones, that would allow otherwise and allow for holding of a “corrective” election to overthrow the result of the last one and force electoral votes to be under some kind of popular vote control instead of State legislative control.

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