You don’t need crib notes when you’re speaking the truth – IOTW Report

You don’t need crib notes when you’re speaking the truth

Sen. Cornyn just asked Amy Coney Barrett to hold up her notes she brought with her. She held up a blank piece of paper. – Caleb Hull

24 Comments on You don’t need crib notes when you’re speaking the truth

  1. LOL! Reminds me of a time I had to testify in court, what I witnessed at the scene of a horrible auto accident, and the defense attorney asked how I could remember something that happened 3 years prior. I pulled a 3×5 card out of my shirt pocket, and told him and the jury, that I went straight home and wrote down what I witnessed. The lawyer turned red, and the jury laughed! 🙂

  2. She’s actually smarter than “not needing notes.” Really smart people know that taking notes, or even referring to notes already written, distract you from your primary focus: paying attention to what’s going on right now and right here.

    edit: @Sarthurk — Exactly right. The time to make notes is after the fact and soon enough that your memory is fresh. And the purpose is to remember better later on.

  3. Deception! So, you’re saying she has something to hide.

    Seargeant At Arms, grab her by the ankles and shake her upside down until her thoughts fall out.

  4. I have a friend that went to a Steve Jobs meeting. My friend broke out a notepad and pen.

    Jobs stopped, looked at my friend and said “If you need to take notes, you needn’t be here.” My friend never took notes again, anywhere.


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