You Give 6 Billion To Savages and They Chant Death To Israel in Their Parliament – IOTW Report

You Give 6 Billion To Savages and They Chant Death To Israel in Their Parliament

Get every Jew out of Gaza and level it. Then level Iran. That’s a good start.

21 Comments on You Give 6 Billion To Savages and They Chant Death To Israel in Their Parliament

  1. A Trump admin will probably cut off aid to Ukraine and I’m hoping it will give it to Israel instead. And not one penny more to murderous Iran.

    But according to Rob Meathead Reiner and other Ho-wood liberals, Trump is a very bad man and Biden is a savior of some sort, even though America weakens daily with Biden in office.

  2. I’m praying for the Israelis to kick Hamas and Hezbollah’s ass big time. Israel rules, the Palis drool and deserve a major league ass kicking as well as the friggin Iranians. It’s past time to eradicate every one of these murderous bastards in Gaza and elsewhere who hate Israel.

  3. To be sure, were Trump in office today, none, absolutely none of this CHIT would be happening. Brain dead Biden hates Beebe (Netanyahu) now Biden has participated Hundreds of deaths in TWO COUNTRIES.Will USA the next?

  4. God said that the Philistines would never be an independent country …so the actions of Hamas and Persia are in vain. These actions will increase in frequency until some guy “miraculously” saves the day for Israel resulting in a temporary peace, and Israel ultimately being stabbed in the back.

  5. These god damn Muslims should be eradicated. Why any one of them is in the United States is baffling. Now we have a senile densely dumb POTUS who doesn’t know if he was born or hatched, making decisions about the great country of Israel and its defense against Palestinian Muslims…………… what a mess this country is in because of worthless Democrats

  6. The lack of a (usually) high level of intelligence on Israel’s part is disturbing to say the least. It would not suprise me one iota if Biden has cut off US intelligence sharing with Israel. Bastard.

  7. It does not bode well seeing this happen, “coincidentally” at the same time we’re being infiltrated here by illegals from God knows where, for God knows what purpose.
    Just like Hamas infiltrated Israel.


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