You go, girl? – IOTW Report

You go, girl?

Congratulations are in order for Nattaphon Wangyot, who qualified last week for state finals in 100- and 200-meters in Alaska.  Nattaphon is a boy who identifies as a girl and is allowed to compete against actual girls.


Parents of the girls who were edged out of qualifying are objecting “It is not fair, and it is not right for our female athletes, and we have a responsibility to protect our girls…that are working towards college scholarships.”


22 Comments on You go, girl?

  1. Remember the Jim Carrey character on Living Color where he used to be an obvious male pretending to be female to compete in Olympic games?

    When the eastern block Communist countries did this we thought it was worthy of mockery. Of course, that is when we had common sense.

    Now we’re shamed if we don’t gushingly support it.

  2. Sorry girls; your desire to work toward a potential college scholarship will be sacrificed on the altar of mental illness.

    I wonder of Nottafemme Wingnut will change his last name to WangNOT when he lops his junk off.

  3. That’s a man, baby. His name says it all: WANGyot.

    This creature only came to the US a couple of years ago. What a racket. A fully biologically male person [they don’t even have to take testosterone blocking hormones] can come to this country, call itself a girl, clean up in “girls” sports, and prolly win athletic scholarships. I guess it beats blowing tourists on the Bangkok ladyboy circuit.

  4. Brian in BC,

    I always look forward to reading your comments. You’re so damn sensible.

    After seeing Brian display his faulty wiring the other day, I must say, ” in BC” seems to make a huge difference.

  5. Blurring the line between sexes, gender neutrality, all one homogeneous species. Well now they can kiss male privilege and the war on women goodbye. We’re all the same,and you bitches get no special treatment.
    Bye NOW.

  6. Brian in BC

    What I found extra funny in the article about being beat by a 15-under boys team, is that they were beat by a 16-under boys team the year before!

    They must have lowered the bar a year thinking it was enough. Hah!

    May have to go for 12-under. I don’t know though, the 12 year olds I see playing around here look mighty fierce out there.

  7. @ LocoBlancoSaltine

    Besides growth hormones, it’s also been using viagra. It has staying power until you X it out. Starting to make me daft, but I thought it was just my computer until you said something.

  8. There is no stopping this train wreak.
    Both Punch and Judy are on board with this, so we have at least 4 more years of this battle against nature and God to endure.

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