“You Gotta Look At This From the Child’s Perspective” – IOTW Report

“You Gotta Look At This From the Child’s Perspective”

Okay, let’s do that, let’s look at this from the child’s perspective.
Now let’s look at it from society’s perspective.

This is an interview with a dead perp’s family that is too ridiculous to be believed.

32 Comments on “You Gotta Look At This From the Child’s Perspective”

  1. There is a reason that home owners don’t shoot old burglers…it’s because they are either already dead or in jail!

    And never forget, the DNC sends buses to these “communities” to take “voters” to vote for them…

  2. The only thing I saw wrong with that story is that the homeowner only took one shot. Can’t count on just one shot.

    The only catch phrase the criminal’s family didn’t use was “he was turning his life around”

    I will have to say I’ve never before heard the excuse that apparently the only way a boy from the hood is gonna get stuff for school is burglary.

  3. There’s a good comment thread at Robert Farago’s The Truth About Guns site. Example from one Mark N.:

    I saw this and sent it to a very conservative friend in Korea. He said: “If you’re poor, it’s chic to go out and get what you want, no matter how you get it, simply because you’re deprived. Another description of Socialism: I eat, you work.” My comment is that this is a demonstration of pure sociopathy, and unfortunately it appears to be an ingrained cultural attitude. If I want it, I take it, and there should be no penalty. “Way beyond the law”? People like this have no respect for the rule of law, only the law of the jungle. It is a very sad state of affairs, with no end in sight. What is the root of “gun violence”? This is it right here.

  4. This has to be The Onion.
    Another Trayvon with hoodie selfies?
    Florida, of course.
    The money quote at 1:50 “how he gonna get clothes fo school?”
    School? Hehehe.

    The shooter must have been black because the CVS is still open for shoplifting…er business.

  5. Oh, I’m SURE he was burglarizing in order to buy a scientific calculator for his calculus class. Yep, he certainly looks like a future neurosurgeon or particle physicist.

  6. Mental illness, criminal behavior, leftist indoctrination and hood rat dwellers – a toxic mix. Ignorance that profound, as illustrated by the idiot who thought he could take what didn’t belong to him, is why consequences work so well as retribution for stupid actions. His equally ignorant cousins would no doubt rely on street justice if someone stole from them.

  7. “How he gonna get what he need?”
    Meaning his needs outweigh the sanctity of my home?
    His needs are nothing to me
    His wants are nothing to me
    His two idiot cow sisters are less than nothing to me
    Stay out of my house
    Out there you will live as long as the fates allow
    You will find only death in my house

  8. Teh stoopid is ever wear in this story.

    Including the teleprompter regurgitator – In consecutive sentences, mind you, a would be burglar and the teenage thief. Make up your mind, stupid.

    Even the news can’t keep the narrative straight.

    This is a result of the dumbing down of America.

    Dey gots no abilitee to figger out wass rite. noameen?

    Home owner should have went to his house and finished off the rest of the problem. For the good of the neighborhood.

  9. I listen to the news people make excuses.

    I listen to the sister and cousin make excuses.

    I listen to the police make excuses.

    At least I don’t have to hear his excuses.

  10. What we didn’t see was the “confrontation” which I’m certain was carried out in a very cordial and congenial in nature by the brazen, little tough guy up against some neighborhood “Bitch”…
    Yeah… we got a pretty good idea about how that went down. A quick look at a few hundred Hoodie You Tubes will tell you exactly what his ‘tude wuz!

  11. And the reporter did not have the common sense to ask the sisters “so, what you are saying is: if someone where to break into your home you would only call 911 and wait the 5-10 minutes for the cops (who, lets face it, are racists) and do nothing else?”. I thought not.

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